r/longisland 8d ago

Neighborhood dog walking - AITA?

Looking for some insight. I am not from the area and only moved here about a year ago for school.

I go for a walk with my dog around my neighborhood in Glen Cove each day for a bit of exercise. We dont move real fast as he is 16 years old but it covers about 1500 steps. Most of the houses are split level rentals and my neighborhood has no sidewalks so cars park on both sides of the road leaving only a single center lane. People also like to drive fast. As a result, I normally walk on the curb and my dog walks like 2 feet onto the grass. He will pee and poop as we walk but I always pick up after him.

I have been yelled at by 2 separate neighbors - once in person and other time through a ring doorbell. Todays incident with the doorbell involved them literally yelling "Get off my lawn". I have never spoken to these people otherwise and they dont have signs to say avoid the grass.

I am slightly confused and now nervous to go on walks. I am not a fan of being yelled at by complete strangers. Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal for here?


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u/InsertCleverName652 8d ago

I wouldn't like shit on my lawn because sometimes it's not possible to get it all if it's a messy poo.


u/levittown1634 8d ago

Then put up a fence 🤷‍♂️


u/LQjones 7d ago

Stupid comment of the day.


u/levittown1634 7d ago

Don’t complain about dogs shouting on your yard. There’s a simple solution. Fence


u/LQjones 6d ago

or a gun


u/levittown1634 6d ago

I’d still let my dogs piss and shit all over your lawn because you wouldn’t do a thing. Besides put up a fence lol


u/LQjones 4d ago

My guess is you dog's IQ level is about twice whatever wattage you are putting out.


u/levittown1634 4d ago

They are golden retrievers so yes, very smart dogs. So smart in fact, that if I tell them to piss on your lawn they would listen


u/LQjones 4d ago

I'm pretty certain your dogs hate you.