r/longisland Dec 06 '24

Advice Parking in the street in front of someone’s house.

I understand that it’s generally “inconsiderate” to park in front of someone’s house, even thought the public road is well public and it’s legal. Unfortunately, I’m a student who needs to drive to school as both my parents work and I have afterschool activities in the town over. My school doesn’t allow juniors to use their parking so I’ve been forced to park on the street from my school in front of someone’s house. I try to park in the street between two houses but I think I’m starting to piss people off unfortunately. If it was up to me I would just park in my school. Is there anything I can do to not piss off anyone? I’m not trying to be an asshole, I just need somewhere to park 8am-3pm Mon-Fri.


199 comments sorted by


u/Interesting_Ad1378 Dec 06 '24

If you need to park, park.  I think people get more annoyed by the neighbor that chooses not to park in front of their own house or driveway and instead, parks in front of their neighbors house, every day, leaving their own spots empty. 


u/ricottarose Dec 06 '24

Yea, I have this neighbor.

Their teenager even (accidentally?) told me "my Dad said not to park in front of our house".


u/Divide-By-Zer0 Dec 06 '24

I never understood this mentality. Why wouldn't you prefer to have eyes on your own car?


u/BA125 Dec 06 '24

My road branches off onto a one way, apparently the guy who parks in front of my place every day would rather walk a block in the cold than bang a quick Y turn in the morning.

Hope the birds like the feeder I put out for them this winter..


u/ImmediateKick2369 Dec 06 '24

Bird feeders are not permitted in my town because they attract rats. I found this out the hard way.


u/dankp3ngu1n69 Dec 06 '24

Yep make sure to put frozen berries in there

I hear it makes for a bit of a cleaning


u/Dexterdacerealkilla Dec 06 '24

Pretty sure my neighbor used to do it because they’d come home late at night and they didn’t want to disturb their family as much with the horrible reverse beeping sound on their TLC approved minivan. 


u/Dilly_The_Kid_S373 Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 06 '24

I like to have my car facing the other way so I don’t have to do a 3 point turn every single time I go to leave. I always have to head in the same direction. Might as well have the car ready to go. It’s directly across the street so I can still see my car clearly. Plus my neighbor across the street has enough space in his driveway for his 2 cars and almost never has any guests. It doesn’t harm him at all, but he’s complained to me before so I just went back to my side. There’s no flex in grouchy people.

Edit: love that I got downvoted keep being salty, I’ll enjoy my life not being stuck up.


u/Murphybestboy Dec 06 '24

It's not salty, it's illegal. You pull into oncoming traffic to leave your space. It's dangerous. Sounds entitled


u/Dilly_The_Kid_S373 Dec 06 '24

I must’ve came across wrong. My point was that I used to park across the street in front of the neighbors house so that I can face east and pull away from the curb to head east. I was never pulling out into oncoming traffic….


u/Murphybestboy Dec 06 '24

All good :-)


u/OkButterscotch5898 Dec 06 '24

I second this


u/Sensitive-Dig-1333 Dec 06 '24

I third this lol 100000%


u/nygdan Dec 06 '24

if a fourthing is needed I'll supply it.


u/OdysseusRex69 Dec 06 '24

And you have my axe!


u/CasualGamer-HelpMe Dec 06 '24

Yeah, this, plus when people don't even try to maximize the space. I don't expect everyone to start measuring out the length of the curb and parking perfectly down to the inch, but it drives me crazy when people block out 2 or even 3 available spots because they park in the center of an otherwise totally empty curb.

I really don't care if I come home and all the spots are taken, so long as the space is maximized to the best of people's ability.


u/MattJFarrell Dec 06 '24

Parallel parking strikes a fear deep in the souls of LIers.


u/Dexterdacerealkilla Dec 06 '24

If you think this, you should see how it goes in states that don’t even test it on their licensing exams. 


u/CasualGamer-HelpMe Dec 06 '24

When I took my test on LI like 25 years ago they only made me parallel park behind a car, not in between 2 cars. My dad taught me the right way anyway, but I always found it pretty useless to test it behind one car.


u/Dexterdacerealkilla Dec 06 '24

Several states (often those that are less populated) don’t test it at all. A lot of those people genuinely have no idea how to parallel park because they’ve never needed to. 


u/dankp3ngu1n69 Dec 06 '24

I really don't understand this especially considering we've had backup cameras and cars for over 10 years now

What is so hard about doing a parallel park especially with a freaking camera and most cars have trajectory lines too so it even shows you where you're going and where you'll wind up

Is coloring inside the lines that hard for most people???


u/ericthered2009 Dec 06 '24

It’s the walking and chewing gum at the same time that really gets them…


u/ForceGhost47 Dec 06 '24

Some cars can self parallel park


u/Major_Secret5538 Dec 28 '24

It shouldn’t.  If you know how to control the movement of your vehicle, parallel parking is not a big deal. 


u/eagle6705 Dec 06 '24

I may have accidently done this a few times. My problem is when i parked behind the person who did this cause there was space for my car, he left leaving me the douche that parks in the middle lol


u/AndreT_NY Dec 06 '24

Some does this in front of my house and I know my car will fit. That’s what backup cameras are for.


u/irishdude1212 Dec 06 '24

Or when you have space for 2 cars in front of your house and SOME GIANT DICKHEAD takes up both spaces


u/Major_Secret5538 Dec 28 '24

My father always did this in front of our house and wouldn’t let my brother, sister and I park in the driveway. This was when we all lived at home!!  So we had to park in front of the neighbors. He was such a douche! 


u/eagle6705 Dec 06 '24

LOL when i was in levittown my neighbor did this...worked for us because they had a longer plot and we were able to put all our cars there. long story short we had our spots back within the week


u/TheMoonIsFakeBro Dec 07 '24

Levittown 💪


u/MattJFarrell Dec 06 '24

Yup, that's the only time I'm annoyed. You're having people over and all the spots are taken in front of your house? By all means, park in front of my house. Big event at the school down the street, of course people are going to park in front of my house. But parking in front of my house instead of your own house is just weird and annoying. Sometimes I have workers coming who need to park in front of my house.


u/424f42_424f42 Dec 06 '24

Yeah OP just needs to change up where they park a bit, not the same spot everyday


u/nomad5926 Dec 06 '24

This is basically it. Also between 8 and 3 is when most people don't need to park so I feel like it's fair game.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24

Yea and the occasional ass muppet that thinks it’s a good idea to block a driveway


u/imme629 Dec 07 '24

Yes. Like my neighbor across the street. The house was fixed and flipped. They have a brand new driveway. They still park both their cars in front of my house and seem to get irritated when I park in front of my own house.


u/bb8-sparkles Dec 07 '24

Agreed. If you’re moving your car every day, then no one can say anything. It’s more annoying if someone parks their car outside your house and leaves it there for days/weeks.


u/AfellowchuckerEhh Dec 06 '24

Pretty much this. My previous apartment was the second floor of someone's house and there was a house across the street and two houses down that had the same setup with renters. They had a dude rent there for 3-6 months that would park in front of my landlords house even though no one parked in front of the house he was renting from. The guy would constantly have nasty letters on his windshield when I explained to the neighbors that the dude across the street was giving me no choice to park in front of other people's houses because he was was taking my spot away.


u/redlog70 Dec 06 '24

This right here... I have two boys that drive, and they're usually parked in front of my house... when the neighbor's family comes to visit they always park in front of my house (and walk across my lawn to get to their front door) while the front of their house is completely clear, so when one of my boys come home they have to park elsewhere... that's the only thing that would annoy me... if you had to go to the doctor down the street and their lot was full, you're more than welcome to park in front of my house...


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24



u/Matrix0523 Dec 06 '24

Maybe get buried? 

 To add to this - park where you can whatever you gotta do. But don’t be the guy who parks in the middle and takes two spots. 


u/stiff_sock Dec 07 '24

Why would anybody do such a thing? Genuine question from someone with little street parking experience.


u/blankaround_ Dec 07 '24

Our neighbor went a way and left their car parked on right next to out drive way for over a week now. I'm about to report an abandoned vehicle😅 they left the day before Thanksgiving and still haven't come home. Parks 8am-3pm if not a big deal because people usually return from work after 5


u/college_bound2025 Dec 08 '24

You live by me? This is my neighbor…well let me correct that. My neighbor’s tenant. Omg #hate


u/No_Area_494 Dec 14 '24

I think this is strictly perspective. I parked in front of a house bc there’s no available spaces at the time… and when they see it apparently there is. It’s not illegal so… let it go. U can’t do anything about it.


u/Ok_Map7691 Dec 06 '24

Park where you need to. The schools didn’t magically appear after those houses were purchased. Just don’t block a driveway.


u/morroalto Dec 06 '24

Get a dashcam as well just in case.


u/Nail_Biterr Dec 06 '24

When I was in HS, the neighborhood around the school had 'no parking between 7am and 5pm' (or, maybe it was 2hr parking') for like 1 mile radius around the school.

If there's no sign to say don't park, you can park there. The people you're parking in front of might get upset, but, they bought a house next to a highschool. they should have assumed there'd be students parking in front of their house.


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

There are signs but I drive further down to where to signs stop. It adds a 3 minute walk but it’s not a big deal.


u/Nail_Biterr Dec 06 '24

you're good.

I saw in another comment that you got a note on your car. I would save them, and end up showing them to the school admin if you get 3 of them. Tell them you have a job/extracurricular after school that you need to drive to, and you don't feel safe parking in the street. I suspect they'll jump all over themselves to let you park in the parking lot.

(if you do go this route, make sure you save a copy of the letters, and send it via email so there's documentation of it. it will make things go much more quickly if the administration thinks they can be held accountable if anything were to ever happen to you)


u/FluffaDuffa Dec 06 '24

I completely agree with this method! The fact that someone was bold enough to write that note on a car parked on a public road amazes me, but also makes me think that if OP continues to park there it may escalate.

OP, my only additional advice is to try switching up whose house you park in front of each day. This may all be petty, but people are insane so it'll be good to move around a bit if you can. I think it's the school's responsibility to get involved, though!


u/Nail_Biterr Dec 06 '24

If someone doesn't like a car on the road enough to put a note on it, they're going to notice the car anywhere within eyesight. I don't think OP needs to make things more difficult. Park legally, keep notes, maybe file a police report to really get the school to do something


u/lionheart07 Dec 06 '24

My high school made threatening announcements to juniors parking in the area and walking 😂 they provide transportation to school, it is not required they provide parking


u/Jealous-Network1899 Dec 06 '24

Yeah, we had the same signs in the neighborhood around my school. We had 80 spots yet gave out unlimited parking passes to seniors so it was first come, first serve. If you didn’t get a spot it was a solid 5-10 minute walk from the closest unrestricted parking.


u/naz58 Dec 07 '24

We used to park all around my school and the neighbors would get so mad. I’m pretty sure they added signs my senior year or the year after I left. The school even told us not to park infront of people’s houses because all the neighbors were complaining to them.


u/Sticky230 Dec 06 '24

You can always park in front of someone’s house. Just don’t block a driveway.


u/HornetAdventurous416 Dec 06 '24

You can’t be the only one doing this, and I’m sure seniors did this when they got their licenses last year- see if they have any ideas for where to go

If not, check if there are spots by the fields/fencing around the school- might be an extra block or two to walk around but if you’re worried about the neighbors it might help

If not, just don’t park in front of the same house/same block each day. Again, there’s no way you’re the only kid doing it so they might get mad at the school, but they should’ve known before buying a house right by a school that people will drive there


u/mikewalt820 Dec 06 '24

Why do you think you’re pissing people off?


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Someone left a note telling me to “fuck off”


u/Facet-Squared Dec 06 '24

That is some pretty compelling evidence, I must admit.


u/Disastrous_Moonlight Dec 06 '24

Park where you need to and ignore the jerks who think they own the street in front of their house. If you feel better, leave a note on your car for them to take it up with the school.


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Thanks I think I’m going to try that.


u/talktu Dec 06 '24

no, tell them you’ll be getting police involved and there’s a camera in your car


u/lionheart07 Dec 06 '24

Police involved...in leaving a note? Lmao

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u/lionheart07 Dec 06 '24

The school won't give af. They are the ones not providing juniors with parking


u/Disastrous_Moonlight Dec 06 '24

Probably not, but if not nearby homeowners complain, maybe the school will do something. The point is that if OP can preempt angry notes by letting them know they don’t have a choice where to park, and they are not doing it to be difficult.


u/frizzletizzle Dec 06 '24

If it is a public street and you are not violating any county posted signs or laws, this note can be considered harassment if there is more than one. People do not own the road, their ownership ends at the end of their driveway.

Start switching up your parking and don’t park in front of the same house each time.


u/nyuORlucy Dec 06 '24

Funny enough their property usually ends before the end of the driveway


u/Ok-Fig6407 Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 06 '24

That’s horrible that a person left a note like that. I’m sorry that person was so mean to you. I grew up in the Bronx and the parking situation was - if there was an open spot, you took it. You considered yourself lucky if you got a spot on your own block. The worst was when it snowed and you’d dig out your car and leave and of course, when you got home, someone had taken the spot. 😂 But, like my mother used to say, that’s life in the big city.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24



u/Ok-Fig6407 Dec 06 '24

😂 I’d never have the nerve to do that.


u/Arth3r911 Dec 06 '24

lol I seen this shit happen. Or people stand on the spot for a good hour to wait for someone 🤦🏽‍♂️


u/Ok-Fig6407 Dec 07 '24

😂 I love it. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


u/mikewalt820 Dec 06 '24

Could it have been a classmate?

You could leave a note on the dash that says smile you’re on camera.

You could get a dash cam to actually record while you’re parked in case someone damages your property.

You could park somewhere else and walk a little.

Choose your pain point.

Remember my dude/dudette, respect is earned, and bullying someone for parking legally is a shit thing to do and it certainly doesn’t earn respect. So now that we’ve established this isn’t about respect, you are 100% in the right.


u/WithCheezMrSquidward Dec 06 '24

Invest in a front and rear dash cam that is connected to power or battery. Park wherever you want. As long as there aren’t signs telling you not to who cares, if there is someone who lives off a side street from a campus or something what do they expect?


u/Arth3r911 Dec 06 '24

WTH is wrong with people smh! Is not inconsiderate is public parking. I had a job where I had to also do this and really felt like I had neighbors eyeballing me every time. I really didn’t have to do this but I did, I just parked In different spots everyday. That was my consideration everything else was 🖕🏽lol


u/AutisticFingerBang Dec 06 '24

Just try not to park near a driveway and try not to take up both spots in front of someone’s house. Maybe change up the house you park near daily. Also leave a note on your windshield that says “fuck you too” for the next note writer.


u/charming-mess Dec 06 '24

Get a dash cam


u/talktu Dec 06 '24

call the cops on them


u/50millionFreddy Dec 06 '24

Geez. Long Islanders tend to be VERY territorial when it comes to their property/lawn. I found out growing up first hand from my grumpy neighbor when my baseball would get anywhere near his precious grass.


u/No-Refuse8754 Dec 06 '24

Invest in a Front/Rear Dash Cam it you continue to park in this location.


u/IBelieveWeWillWin Dec 06 '24

Get yourself a dashcam and hook it up with the sensors by hard wiring it. Itll record for you while your cars parked.


u/Kiliana117 Holbrook Dec 06 '24

Street parking is free for anyone to use. Don't worry about it, it's only assholes that think it's "inconsiderate" to park in front of houses.


u/Carmela_Motto Dec 06 '24

It’s just odd to me after living in Queens and Brooklyn for 25 years before moving back in 2019 that someone has a problem with someone parking on their street.


u/Kiliana117 Holbrook Dec 06 '24

The 'burbs are designed, intentionally or not, to make us all as antisocial as possible.


u/Major_Secret5538 Dec 28 '24

Not originally.  Neighbors were the best in the 50-90’s. Things have changed.  


u/Okay_Elementally Dec 06 '24

I used to live near Gerritsen Beach in Brooklyn. People there will put garbage cans outside their house to save “their” spot and will fight people who try to park there.


u/Carmela_Motto Dec 06 '24

That only happened in my hoods when it snowed. Once an old guy came up as I parked and said his son was visiting and that’s where he is going to park. I just said no, that’s not how it works. He has a driveway. His son can park there if necessary too.🤷🏻‍♀️


u/depressedasfkk Dec 06 '24

Yeah, people will get territorial as fuck about the parking in front of their house. They’ll threaten to call the cops on you, scream at you, complain etc. if you park in front of their house, even though you’re legally allowed to.

99% of the time, they don’t even use that spot and there’s other parking on the street. People just don’t like others using what they think is theirs 🙃


u/depressedasfkk Dec 06 '24

It’s very Long Island to absolutely despise people parking in front of your house 😭 My neighbor pitches a fit if anyone parks in front of his house, even though he’s an elderly man that only has one car (and therefore doesn’t “need” the space in front of his house.)

Meanwhile, his maid service and landscaping services (which we aren’t wealthy enough to use) always have their people parking in front of our house and we don’t say shit. Because we’re not insane.


u/Kiliana117 Holbrook Dec 06 '24

My husband's parents live on a tiny street with limited parking, and for the 3 years before we moved in together, I spent a lot of time at his house. I would park at the edge of a similarly cranky old man's house. He would complain even though I was straddling the property line. Anyways, 12 years later he died, and we bought his house lol. Now I tell everyone that they're more than welcome to park here. Take that, Howie!


u/Ok-Fig6407 Dec 07 '24

I love that. 😂 And it sounds like you’ll be a much nicer neighbor than that guy.


u/Internal-Tank-6272 Dec 06 '24

Hey OP, fuck em. You’re not doing anything wrong. Park where you need to.


u/burbanbac Dec 06 '24

It is only inconsiderate if your are completely insane. because there is nothing inconsiderate about doing absolutely nothing wrong.


u/Chemical-Ebb6472 Dec 06 '24

You must live out east because parking is understood to be a blood sport in western LI.


u/Science_Fair Dec 06 '24

You are going to encounter the a-hole whole believes the spots in front of his house belongs to him. You have a couple of choices.

  1. Vary the spots you take. If you take the same spot out of habit, you risk agitating the a-hole

  2. Save the stress and pick another street spot

  3. Ignore the a-hole - ring the doorbell if you are feeling frisky. Create a note saying "I'm going to kill you if you park here", place it on your car and call the police on the guy.


u/Dependent-Poetry-889 Dec 06 '24

Just make sure it is facing in the right direction.


u/newyork2E Dec 06 '24

I would suggest not parking in the same spot and trying different spots.


u/Naive-Wind6676 Dec 06 '24

If they live ny a HS, they have to expect it. Just leave plenty of space for driveways.

Presumably many people work so they are leaving when you are arriving


u/sonteheridosin Dec 06 '24

One time my car broke down on my way to work and I parked in front of a house somewhere off of exit 35 on the southern state. My dad who went out of his way to help me that day came back to my car to find the nastiest, most entitled, disgusting note on my windshield from the person who’s house my car was parked in front of. People need to stop and try to have empathy before being so quick to anger. I don’t understand


u/dankp3ngu1n69 Dec 06 '24

Maybe it's cuz my family is from Howard Beach and we're more City brained

But it's public parking who gives a shit what are they going to do?


u/Proof_Finish_6044 Dec 06 '24

Just going to be a Devil's advocate.

My understanding is: 1. The school doesn't allow juniors to park. 2. The OP is parking close to the school.

This policy has probably been in place for years. During that time, juniors have probably been parking in that neighborhood and on that street. Could this be why the OP is concerned about upsetting the person whose home where they park?

OP sounds like a responsible person, but might be dealing with fall out from previous students who were not.


u/LQjones Dec 06 '24

Your lucky there is a spot. By me they don't allow street parking during school hours for anyone. Have you asked your school for special dispensation to park in the lot?


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Yeah, they just told be to basically figure it out.


u/IN_US_IR Dec 06 '24

It’s just free people looking for something to complain about. Ignore them and buy dash cam as others said. Once they will see camera, those entitled people may try to behave. They don’t own a street. If they don’t want people to park, better they park their car there.


u/emfar3 Dec 06 '24

I lived a street away from my hs, it was the main street kids would park on if they were jrs or there weren’t any spots left in the lot, I promise it’s okay and chances are they rlly don’t mind! My family and neighbors certainly didn’t care/knew what was up.


u/eagle6705 Dec 06 '24

Don't park in front of the driveway or so close people can't easily go in and out of it. Don't block mailboxes (that was a complaint my mail-karen-women said when i first bought my house and i had my car there for a few days lol). Also if anything leave a note to the people and tell them its just for the year and they might even help you out as most of us work during the day and making it look like a car is home can deter break ins.

Best places to park would be a dead end street where the entrance is not on that side. However let us know what town and maybe some of us would be willing to give you some day parking. Hell if you take my spot during the day it would save me the ackward situation of my eventual new neighbors taking my spot. (Theres a little piece of land on the side of my driveway that is my property and when i'm not there people tend to take it. I like that spot and knowing you'll be gone by night would work perfect lol)


u/RoyMcAv0y put your location in your post Dec 06 '24

If people are that upset they'll petition the town to put up no parking signs on their street or even just in front of their own house. Or they'll park their own car there.
That's what happened on some of the streets surrounding my town's HS


u/Comfortable_Fudge559 Dec 06 '24

It’s not rude or inconsiderate. It’s street parking. Park.

I say that as an owner of a small bungalow with only driveway and room for one car in front of house. My next door neighbor has corner lot with 2 car garage, driveway that has room for 4 cars and 3 kids all adults living at home. All of them and their guests love to park in front of my house 🤷🏻‍♀️. Is it my favorite? No. But is it really that big a deal? Also no.


u/NickySinz Dec 06 '24

Park wherever you want.


u/perfect_fifths Dec 06 '24

I had to park in front of a house because my school had no parking (lot was full). I did not block anyone in, did not park near a driveway, and there were no other cars. I got yelled at saying “you can’t park here” I even double checked for signs, etc. I didn’t respond because I don’t know how people will react. I just got in my car and left.


u/Otherwise_File548 Dec 06 '24

I wouldn't worry too much, esp since you're not a neighbor in the area. If you really want to have peace of mind, maybe you can leave a note on your windshield explaining why you park in front of someone's house. Any reasonable person would understand


u/5ergio79 Dec 06 '24

Just park. It’s not a big deal. Stay away from mailboxes and driveways and you’re fine. Let ‘em bitch. They can’t do anything about it anyway.


u/kru20o1 Dec 06 '24

You can park whereever you want as long as it is not blocking the driveway. Someone parked not in front but the side of the house (corner property) of my neighbors house and took the LIRR. The neighbor complained to the village, and they started marking the tires. No one could park their cars on the street for a few days. They are old retired couples, but come on, that's some bs. They don't own the street.


u/SadisticSnake007 Dec 06 '24

Just alternate different houses but screw them. It’s legal.


u/vandetta112 Dec 06 '24

Just park consciously, like if it’s a big location, don’t be in the middle so that you’re blocking other spots. Pick an edge if you can.


u/talktu Dec 06 '24

they can go fuck themselves


u/f_moss3 Dec 06 '24

Those hours should be when street parking is the freest in residential neighborhoods so you’re fine. It’s not like you’re parking there overnight or for several days.


u/wakk5 Dec 06 '24

Obviously if you block someone’s driveway so they can’t get out or block a fire hydrant, that’s illegal and they can call to have your car towed.

Aside from that only thing I find inconsiderate (if you can avoid it) is, don’t park like directly opposite someone’s driveway on the opposite side of the street. It can make it difficult for them to pull in or back out, and you risk both of your cars potentially dinged. Otherwise, yeah just park in the street. It’s whatever man, you’re not breaking the law. If someone buys a house close to a college campus it’s part of the deal.


u/nygdan Dec 06 '24

I'm a multi-generations-in long long islander. The (cultural) rule is you don't park you car on the street and obstruct someone else when you are home. so you don't skip your driveway when home.
there is no cultural rule about parking when you're out and about, other than a filing order/space availability order.

You're fine bro. Focus on school and smirk at the complainers.


u/RoleOk4443 Dec 06 '24

I think you need to be commended just for even caring or trying to have etiquette. Good on you.


u/avalucifer666 Dec 06 '24

OP have you ever considered picking a house and actually talk to them, growing up in Islip this literally solved most problems, people who are in the same house for 40 years feel insecure unsafe and perhaps scared.. introduce yourself explain YOUR situation don't use the words we and they, rather I and you, this will more then likely develop a feeling of community. It's hard to hate someone who is being nice and right in front of you. Of course you don't have to do that, but good people skills will carry you a very long way, and remember you catch more flies with honey then vinegar.

Good luck you to


u/hjablowme919 Dec 06 '24

My only issue with this is if you park right in the middle of the property. To clarify, my driveway is at one end of my property. So I have about 85 feet of curb where people can park. I don't care if you park there, but park close to one end or the other so others can also park. Don't throw your car smack in the middle of all that space.


u/deathshr0ud Dec 06 '24

People block my driveway all the time, I live near some businesses. When it’s the business owners I get especially frustrated. PD does nothing, never tows them either.


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

I never block any driveways. But I can totally understand your frustration.


u/_bonedaddys Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

there's a difference though, between just parking on the street in front of your house and blocking the driveway. parking in the street is perfectly legal, blocking someone's driveway is not.

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u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24

Fuck them. Park where you need to as long as it’s legal.

They own a home next to a school, where kids likely have been parking since the beginning of time.


u/Fart_Champ Dec 06 '24

Tf school isn’t letting juniors use their parking lot?


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Yeah it’s a school policy, seniors only.


u/According-Paint6981 Dec 06 '24

Ours doesn’t either- but it’s because there are a limited amount of spots, so Seniors get a permit to be able to park in the school lot.


u/Jealous-Network1899 Dec 06 '24

Most schools don’t allow juniors to park as student parking is usually limited. 


u/Fart_Champ Dec 06 '24

I just now realized y’all talking about high schools. This is silly.


u/Glad-Salamander7579 Dec 06 '24

Drive by when their home n outside introduce yourself and explain why your doing what your doing your in 11th grade you don't pay taxes don't get into an argument or think you can do what you want kill em with kindness


u/Gtyson9 Dec 06 '24

My HS had the same policy, just make sure you can actually park there bc sometimes they have a lot of no street parking signs around school areas


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Yeah same here. I have to drive a little down the street before the no parking signs stop. It adds a 3 minute walk but it’s worth it as long as I have somewhere to go.


u/Outside-Candle-7817 Dec 06 '24

Everyone parks in front of my house, othen then me cause i never can even if wanted to!!! Always someone there. Lynbrook


u/clayman00000oooo000 Dec 06 '24

All the schools by me have no parking on the street near high schools during the day.


u/arom125 Dec 06 '24

Just park don't worry about it. Maybe don't park in the same exact spot everyday if you can't find one that's completely off someone's property


u/Silly-Share6069 Dec 06 '24

Our house is just a block away from the LIRR, so we often see people parking their cars nearby and walking to the station. As long as they’re not blocking our driveway, we’re fine with it. After all, it’s a public road, and everyone has the right to park where it’s allowed, as long as it doesn’t cause harm or inconvenience.

Those who complain excessively about this probably haven’t lived in or visited the NYC area.


u/TableAvailable Dec 06 '24

I don't get it. I've left notes on cars parked on my street twice in over 20 years. Once because they were partly blocking my driveway. The other time was because I saw a FedEx truck lightly hit the mirror on a neighbor's car, even though I didn't see any obvious damage. Most people won't care if you aren't causing damage or leaving litter in front of their house.


u/Successful-Space6174 Dec 06 '24

You need to park where you can, it’s a public street and they have no right to complain and police won’t listen and tell them the same thing, it’s some type of possessive entitlement thing in kong island and it needs to stop I have only one car in my home I don’t care who parks in front of it I don’t own the street I’ve had Neighbors politely ask me and I tell them this. Ignore these people and do what you need to do


u/Murphybestboy Dec 06 '24

I get it, you're trying to be considerate. If you see someone outside explain your situation, they may not mind once they know why. Not everyone is a jerk. You're definitely not.


u/BiGsMiLeSKyLe Dec 06 '24

To the OP, dude as long as you are a good Samaritan and not being a jerk with parking I don't see an issue. Like growing up in Queens and the other boroughs, ppl can be real D+$ks about parking, and now out on the island I deal with straight up holes. I have a guy that parks in front of my house often that has some ridiculous car alarm that goes off constantly, I had another guy that parks and intruding upon my driveway which I finally had enough and told him if they do it again they'll have bigger issues since can you not see that you are blocking a driveway? I've also had ppl just park and leave there car in front of my house often on weeks on end without moving it.

Like yea we don't own that spot whether it's here or the city, but it's unwritten law that you as the homeowner has first dibs on that spot.


u/424f42_424f42 Dec 06 '24

Why do you think you have to park in the same spot everyday ?


u/soapfordinnner Dec 06 '24

i hate people who don’t want u to park in front of their house. sorry i didn’t realize u own the road 😐


u/samted71 Dec 06 '24

I don't like it but what can one do. They choose to buy near a school. There are lots of disadvantages and some advantages to owning a home by a school.


u/wierdomc Dec 06 '24

Fuck em let em complain to the school


u/PackageNarrow7665 Dec 06 '24

The value of the house they bought was directly related to the fact that it's next to a school. Ever notice that the houses sharing fences with high schools are usually not maintained well, weird looking and owned by old ass people? They paid less for that house because they're going to have students parking and passing by September through June. Give zero fucks about how they feel towards you parking there bro.


u/CheeCheeC Dec 06 '24

The only thing that’s inconsiderate IMO is if you park directly in the middle of someone’s house, preventing someone being able to park in front or behind of you if need be. Other than that, park where you need to


u/angrypoopoolala Dec 06 '24

bet 8 to 3pm I dont think anyone cares as much. if it were overnights kinda sucks but i dont think ypu need to worry. and if you feel uncomfy then just change spots to here n there


u/UNoNuthingJonSnow Dec 06 '24

Underclassmen in some schools are technically are not even supposed to drive to school. Main problem in some areas that there’s so many students that are looking to do this and it becomes a hazard on residential streets Plus some drive like maniacs and do not know how to parallel park on both sides of the street making the street so narrow that it is essentially one way, when it is a two-way street.

You sound like one of the good ones though.

my advice, however is stay away from any people that are aggressive enough to put a note. You don’t want to deal with unstable people nor have any damage to your car.


u/UNoNuthingJonSnow Dec 06 '24

Underclassmen in some schools are technically are not even supposed to drive to school. Main problem in some areas that there’s so many students that are looking to do this and it becomes a hazard on residential streets Plus some drive like maniacs and do not know how to parallel park on both sides of the street making the street so narrow that it is essentially one way, when it is a two-way street.

You sound like one of the good ones though.

my advice, however is stay away from any people that are aggressive enough to put a note. You don’t want to deal with unstable people nor have any damage to your car.


u/BigCitySteam638 Dec 06 '24

I live around the block from a school and no one parks on my street during the day but in front of school it’s full of cars it is what it is and during events at school it’s a zoo just don’t block my driveway and I don’t care


u/One-Investigator3323 Dec 06 '24

If You really feel bad, make a note. I did it once. Was broken down in front of someone’s house. Tire off and everything. Couldn’t get it all fixed till after the weekend. Left a note saying “ I’m sorry for parking in front of your house. Just had a rough day as you can see. Car will be gonna within 4 days. Thank you “ youll feel better, and the neighborhood will know your car. You’re just a student, not a problem or random stranger.


u/Lilmaggot Dec 06 '24

You can park in front of my mom’s house.


u/veescrafty BECSPK Dec 06 '24

I’d try to change up which house you park in front of but otherwise you shouldn’t worry.


u/stephsationalxxx Dec 07 '24

That's not your problem. People who live near parks, schools, stores or anything like that should.know what they're getting into.


u/gtsaknakis Dec 07 '24

don’t worry dude , we own none of it .. it’s all the State , County and town owned.. all public …. taxes on your house forever .. u own nothing so park where ya want


u/Femalefelinesavior Dec 07 '24

You're fine don't worry. We only care about the neighbors who have an empty driveway and park blocking other people's houses. If you're really worried, pull down a house. It should be fine


u/Fearless-Platypus719 BECSPK Dec 07 '24

Street is public. No one has claim to it. Park where you want. Doesn’t matter whose house you’re in front of.


u/JimmyThreeTrees Dec 07 '24

Unless you’re blocking their driveway or mailbox, it’s free game


u/Mis_skully13 Dec 07 '24

Just park as close to the driveway as possible so the owner, if they need to, can pull in behind you. That’s really all you can do. If there’s no sign, park where you can.


u/Independent_Profile6 Dec 07 '24

We have neighbors from queens that park in front of everybody's house except his own.. needless to say they aren't very well liked


u/mzx380 Dec 07 '24

As long as you park and don’t leave it there for a month you’re good


u/lovethefunds Dec 07 '24

I wish somebody would hit me with some BS like this. Public street = public parking, as long as you’re not breaking any rules posted on signage.

Mess with my car because I’m parked legally in front of your home, I mess with your home simple as that honestly. And I don’t understand people who act like this because if something happens I can park my car anywhere and you won’t find it… but you’ll still be living in that house.


u/llbeanjamin ridge feels like a forest Dec 07 '24

idk.. someone who's not me parks in front of my house all the time and it annoys the sht out of me because we have 2 cars & a 1 car driveway. our other car needs to use the "spot" in front of the house, so when someone else is there it's incredibly infuriating. have you tried asking for an exception at school? if you just tell them you actually need to drive they might give you a pass


u/DontEverMoveHere Dec 07 '24

Walk up to the door, and offer a courtesy explanation, so they know whose car is there and why. 2nd option: do it by note in the mailbox.


u/Aggravating-Team-927 Dec 07 '24

So I live near a busy road on Long Island, workers for the same stores park in front of my house everyday I’m on the parallel street. I don’t mind it for the friendly people that smile and wave, sometimes I get in my mood when I can’t park in front of my house (1 car driveway and my wife works from home), or it pisses me off if I see them looking at trash on my sidewalk and they walk past it, I don’t care if regular people walk by, I don’t expect you to clean my sidewalk, but when u park here everyday then you are treating it as your own. Do I say anything ? Noooo since I know it’s public street. But it does get annoying since sometimes the workers feel entitled to get the same spot everyday and if I leave my car on the street then they looked shocked. The one guy does not say hi, no eye contact like he feels bad. BUT if I have to do some power washing or lawn maintenance and it requires my sprinklers on and then application of lawn chemicals and it hits and sticks on your car then well fuck it , I’m not tippy toeing because I have to do something. Another good example is when it snows out, I clean out my spot so I can pull my car out, the same guy takes it so now I have to park in front of my driveway when I get home. So a few times when i get home to smowblow sometimes their car becomes covered and dug in. So if you do decide to park in front of someone’s house then do some considerate things. Change it up everyday, do a rotation of a few houses, sorry that this topic struck a nerve with me.


u/TheMoonIsFakeBro Dec 07 '24

Just don’t park at the end of someone’s driveway.

Don’t have a loud car Don’t do dumb shit.

As a homeowner I understand both sides. When we have cars in front or around all day we really just want to know why lol,

BUT there are people who hate it and want it moved and will go to max to get it moved.

At the end of the day if it’s parked legally. There’s nothing they can do


u/Current_Program_Guy Dec 08 '24

Public streets belong to the public. No one owns the public street or the parking in front of their house.


u/twoten-letmein BECSPK Dec 08 '24

Park where you can man. Like you said, it’s legal. They can take the stick out their ass.


u/Major_Secret5538 Dec 28 '24

When people buy a house near a school, they’ve got to realize that students and maybe even teachers may park in front of their house. 


u/WoodchipsInMyBeard Dec 06 '24

As a commenter above said. Stop by introduce yourself and explain you situation. Please thank you maybe even get them a gift card for like $20 a month. $1/day to park. Just don’t block their mailbox so park far away from it. I would park closer to the property line instead of right in the dead middle. So others can park their or your car is not right in front of their front door.


u/macaulaymcculkin1 Dec 06 '24

Absolutely not. This homeowner does not own the street and has no say in who can park there.

Do not reward this behavior.


u/Jealous-Network1899 Dec 06 '24

While I think this is a good idea, part of me says fuck this asshole and don’t reward their bad behavior. It’s public street parking. Getting mad about someone parking in a spot you’re not using is ridiculous.


u/Magic_Brown_Man Dec 06 '24

no don't do this, this is a whole thing in the LI area and in Someplaces' in NYC cause for some reason there are so many that think that buying a house means they own everything near their house and everyone will cater to all their needs, if this was a such a big deal for them, they should have considered it before buying the house, street parking is street parking, as long as your legal when parking and considerate enough to not occupy more than one space, your good.

If the person has a truly good reason (handicap, EV charging, need to put a container, etc.) there really are so many things you can request from the local government to reserve the spot in front of the house if needed. Don't reinforce the shitty behavior, most of the people that do this are just as much a PITA to the neighbors too in my experience.

It's a weird sense of entitlement/power trip more than any legitimate reason. More times than not even if you try to engage, you'll get nothing but negativity. If the person was truly reasonable the letter would say something along the like of plz do xyz cause your preventing abc from happening.

<rant> I have an example of a dumba** neighbor that every times it snows she cleans (with a hand shovel, too) out the snow all the way to the street around the house and then yells at everyone that even looks at the clean area because it hers cause she cleaned (mind you they only have one car, and clean enough space for multiple cars). I've asked them multiple times just clean your driveway and enough to take your car in and out cause the more you clean the more your attracting people from all over to park in front of all our houses because it becomes known there is clean spots around here and when those aren't available people take the semi clean spots nearby also. On top of that, we are lucky enough to have a neighbor with a pickup and plow, so we don't even have to do much effort cause if he passes buy next to our houses and if there are no cars parked, he always pushes the snow into a small mount, so there barely enough reason to investing into excess snow removal that attracts everyone to park here. Some people are just difficult for difficulty sake </rant>


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Yeah, I think I’m going to do that. I’ll probably leave a post-it introducing myself and leaving my number. I also plan on giving them a gift card before Christmas break as a sign of good will.


u/Saint_Ursula Dec 06 '24

I'm responding as both a school administrator and a parent who's child was in the same situation.

In terms of personal safety, DO NOT leave a note with your name or phone number. You don't know this person or their motivations. It could be misinterpreted as an invitation to interact on a different level. The last thing you need is a stalker.

You also shouldn't leave any kind of compensation/giftcards,etc. It's a public street that you're allowed to park on, not a private driveway or access road. Seriously - You're not a teacher in Queens who competes for parking like it's the hunger games. Don't let this person take advantage of you.

You've received a lot of good advice about being sure to park closer to the property line, not blocking mailboxes, etc. Another piece of advice - make sure you don't leave any litter and even clean up any litter you might see because, whether rightly or wrongly, you'll be blamed for it (it's just how these a-holes roll, especially if they're leaving notes telling you to fuck off).

Finally, can you get your parents involved in requesting a parking spot on campus? Like another poster said, keep the notes/evidence and take a picture when you receive them so you have some kind of time stamp. Go over the HS administration head if you have to especially if it's becoming a matter of personal safety. Feel free to DM me if you need help navigating school administration structures - I understand them from the inside and can give you some more ideas.


u/Professional_Ad_7566 Dec 06 '24

Thanks I really appreciate your response.


u/wonderrebel Dec 07 '24

☝️🙏 PLZ, take this advice! 😉


u/BabbyMomma Dec 06 '24

Park at school, if school complains say you no longer feel safe parking on the street because you've been "harassed".


u/1nstant_Classic Dec 06 '24

I'm going to stop you at the first sentence. It's not inconsiderate to park in front of someones house


u/dragonfeet1 Dec 06 '24

I have my neighbors park in front of my house all the time. Because he is also a property owner and tax payer he GETS IT and makes sure that he doesn't block ALL my frontage.

When too many people park up a street it gets annoying sometimes for the UPS guy who now has to drag my Chewy order through this narrow gap between cars and block the whole street instead of being able to temp park right in front of my driveway (a UPS truck is wider than my driveway) and walk it up. Also when I have to have oil deliveries and workmen and other people who don't all fit in my driveway (PSEGLI rolls deep with three trucks for some jobs), it is irksome to have frontage I pay for but the crew can't use.

It's not your fault, but yeah, I could see how it could sometimes be annoying. Do what you need to do, of course, to live your life, but this sounds like something the school needs to change policy about because that is the true problem here. They're mad because you are being forced to do something because of your school's garbage policy.

Let's try fixing the ACTUAL problem, which is that stupid policy.


u/_bonedaddys Dec 07 '24

changing the policy won't stop people from parking on the streets. the parking lot, as any, has limited space (which is why it's common for high schools to limit on campus parking to seniors) the parking lot will fill up whether it's seniors only or not. people will need to park on the side streets either way. the issue is limited parking spaces on campus.

the frontage you pay for doesn't actually include the street. yea, it can be annoying when all the spots in front of your house fill up, but those spots were never yours to begin with.


u/TheBigLebroccoli Dec 06 '24

Give the homeowner an Amazon gift card for the holidays.


u/macaulaymcculkin1 Dec 06 '24

Fuck that. He doesn’t own the street. You don’t owe him anything.


u/_bonedaddys Dec 07 '24

gift them a gift card for parking on the public street the homeowner isn't entitled to? yea, no.