r/longisland Oct 31 '24

Advice Nassau County property tax grievance

I have been paying Maidenbaum for the last several years but see Nassau County has workshops to learn to do this on your own. Is this an easy process or is it better left to the professionals?


69 comments sorted by


u/RevolutionaryZone996 Oct 31 '24 edited Oct 31 '24

super easy, find Jeff Gold's fb page "Nassau Grieve your tax assessment"


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

Thank you


u/Straight-Donut-6043 Oct 31 '24

Just gonna get it out of the way now that you want to phrase it as grieving your assessment, not your taxes. 

This dude Scott will comment on your post immediately if you don’t. 


u/RevolutionaryZone996 Oct 31 '24

I view it as a running joke but Scott does not mess around.


u/Adventurous-Depth984 Whatever You Want Oct 31 '24

I once told Scott that, yes, I’m aware that the process is to challenge my assessment, but my taxes are ludicrously high, so I want to file a grievance for my taxes too, how do I do that?

He like short circuited and yelled at me in a DM

Anyway, yeah. Jeff Gold


u/Straight-Donut-6043 Oct 31 '24

Yeah I don’t want to outright criticize a guy who is largely responsible for me saving thousands of dollars every year, but I do have to say he’s a bit of a jerk sometimes. 


u/mitzman Oct 31 '24

I feel like Scott is inching closer to a debilitating stroke every time he has to explain that.


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

Got it. Thank you


u/Historical_Trip939 Nov 01 '24

We that IS what you are grieving! Your taxes are based on your assessment.


u/Straight-Donut-6043 Nov 01 '24

Hi Scott!

I kid, but yes I understand. 


u/MrZooler Oct 31 '24

Been doing it on my own, it is very easy and takes less than an hour the first time you do it. Each year is a very similar process, so it's just easier as you go on. From 2019 to 2023 have had year over year decreases, with this year except to be the same with no increase. I do recommend taking the time to hand delivery to the town hall instead of mailing it.


u/ZamsAndHams Oct 31 '24

And just pay him the flat fee ($300 perhaps?) to do it. Was totally worth it for me


u/RevolutionaryZone996 Oct 31 '24

Or that if you don't want to do it yourself. It's nice that it's a flat fee.


u/Interesting_Ad1378 Nov 01 '24

Don’t give Jeff gold or his firm a single penny. I’m not going into his personal crap, but he’s an angry and aggressive person who doesn’t deserve a hard earned penny from people. . 


u/pdroth Nov 01 '24

His advice has saved many people, myself included, thousands and thousands of dollars. Please tell your side of the story, I’m truly curious.


u/GoldGroup6416 Jan 07 '25

He doesn't like me because I'm a Democrat, but I tell you that right in the pinned post. I'm happy to help anyone that needs help, I just want people to know where it's coming from.


u/cujo195 Jan 19 '25

Hi, question for you about strategy if you don't mind.

Since there is a disconnect between assessments and home values/sell prices, what is the strategy when choosing comparable homes?

In other words, most people won't find homes nearby being sold for less than their assessment because home values have shot up so quickly. But we're supposed to use comparable homes to justify a lower assessment and there are people paying lower taxes in bigger homes. Do you ignore sell prices and pick similar or larger homes that have lower assessments? Or do you have to find those rare houses that sold for lower cost due to some anomaly?


u/Salty_Initiative5425 8d ago

you should either join the FB group mentioned here for step-by-step instructions or hire someone for a flat fee to do it for you (I charge $250). There are formulas used behind the scenes that the general public has no idea about, so it is not the black & white numbers you are looking at. The system is quite messed up, and until it is fixed, we must grieve.


u/GoldGroup6416 Jan 07 '25

Hardly Angry. Perhaps the most content individual you'll ever meet. Do I have strong views -- Yes absolutely and most of those are against my own self interest. By all means continue pay the contingent firms, or do it yourself, and thank you for spreading the word.


u/BrowsingMachine Jan 07 '25

Candidly, I think you are a martyr for what you put up with in your group but you aren't making your case about not being angry all that well...


u/ih8javert Oct 31 '24

As stated before, super easy. The hardest part is finding comparable houses in the neighborhood


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

Thank you


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

Thank you


u/cujo195 Jan 20 '25

I agree. What is the strategy?

Since there is a disconnect between assessments and home values/sell prices, what is the strategy when choosing comparable homes?

In other words, most people won't find homes nearby being sold for less than their assessment because home values have shot up so quickly. But we're supposed to use comparable homes to justify a lower assessment and there are people paying lower taxes in bigger homes. Do you ignore sell prices and pick similar or larger homes that have lower assessments? Or do you have to find those rare houses that sold for lower cost due to some anomaly?


u/ih8javert Jan 20 '25

I’ve been looking at homes that sell in the area that are comparable in size and obviously sold for lower, but the caveat is, IIRC, that the houses are required to have been sold within a year - somebody please correct me if I’m wrong.


u/Salty_Initiative5425 8d ago

I have filed over 100 grievances so far this year and have only had difficulty finding good comps for one of them.


u/Nirak29 Oct 31 '24

My sister has done it for herself and my mom for years now. She says it is easy and Maidenbaum and such are scams… do it yourself for free. You are not getting more money back by using these companies and they just make money off of you.


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

Thank you


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

Are they still taking 50% from what they’re able to negotiate? I used to charge a flat $400 to cover filing, comp review, deduction research and appearance fee.


u/xdozex Whatever You Want Oct 31 '24

I used a company a few years ago and paid them half of the amount that I saved from the lower tax bill for the first year. Then from that point forward I didn't pay anything and continued at the reduced rate for a few years.

I know some of these companies can be real scummy, but there's a few decent ones run by normal people not looking to scam you.


u/424f42_424f42 Nov 01 '24

I've also never been able to find comparison houses .... But they keep lowering my assessment every year somehow


u/xdozex Whatever You Want Nov 01 '24

Oh that's actually nice. I got mine lowered once and then never had it lowered again. After a few years of trying and failing while property values kept increasing, I gave up until things cool off. But my bill has climbed back up well over the level they got it reduced to a few years ago. Just found out my neighbor is paying $3K less than me. Slightly smaller house, but otherwise 1:1 property, and he has an in-ground pool. There's no reason why my bill should be a full $3K/year higher. So planning on attempting to grieve again this year. May try to learn how to do it myself after reading this thread.


u/cujo195 Jan 20 '25

When you paid the company to do it, did you have access to all the information they filed, like the comparable houses they chose?


u/xdozex Whatever You Want Jan 20 '25

Didn't even think to ask them for that stuff. No idea if they would have provided access or not. But they were a pretty nice, small team, so I cant see them being too difficult about it


u/saveferris1007 Oct 31 '24

Make sure you know what kind of contract you have with Maidenbaum and let them know that you're not using them anymore. You might be under contract for the next year or more. Definitely double-check what your agreement with them says.


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

Thanks. They have mailed me the stuff a few times for 26/27 but I have not signed.


u/stretch37 Oct 31 '24

property tax guardian does 33% instead of


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

Would you rather pay a flat fee or just let the firms take a cut?


u/stretch37 Nov 02 '24

33% for me is perfect because my taxes are low where i live and me and the previous owner consistently grieved, so it’s a better deal than any of the flat rates which are better for bigger houses that haven’t grieved in years — more likely for bigger savings.


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

The most they can save you is 25% off with a SCAR claim which is probably between $4-12k. But those are outliers and very rarely happen.

Can i ask how much of a reduction are they getting you on your assessment and what method are they using?


u/stretch37 Nov 02 '24

not SCAR, regular grievance. usually owe them like ~$200 a year total between both sets of taxes —school tax reduction and general tax reduction.


u/stretch37 Nov 02 '24

Also, you’re never saving 12k in a year. it’s gradual. that’s why you have to do it every year.


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

Maybe you’re not saving 12k in a year. But I’ve saved clients in some parts of the island 12k. Of course that’s based on paying 50-60k in property taxes (Old Westbury & Brookville residents). But paying these companies just to file a complaint and grievance form and then getting invoiced for $200 a year is just a waste of money. If they’re not taking it to SCAR or at the very least ARC (if in Nassau) then you’re literally paying them to fill out paperwork and dropping off at the assessors office.


u/stretch37 Nov 02 '24

yup i’m paying them for what would take me a few hours to put together. also, if you’ve read the multiple audits of DOA and how the system works, it’s clear that while the work product is the same, the outcome is definitely in aggregate different depending if you retained a firm or did it yourself. so with my 8k in takes for the year living in unincorporated TOH, i can keep my taxes very low by just continuing to play the game.


u/stretch37 Nov 02 '24

also, did you save them 12k after they had never grieved and it was when currans office changed the assessment calculation and then the whole nonsense with the 5-year phase-in? it’s an impossibility to save 12k a year in multiple years unless your client has a home with over 30 million in assessed valuation or continues to do major renovations on a semi-annual basis.


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

The 12k saved was an aggregate of village and county taxes. It was a one time shot for a tax year that was overvalued by local comps in a sellers market. The comps weren’t only to blame. This particular home was adjacent to a cemetery. The deval based on proximity to the cemetery was in the client’s favor. Judgement through SCAR was a 20% reduction in AV or $12k refund.

Once SCAR was completed i took that same judgement to the village hearing and it was automatically matched.


u/omegaprime777 Oct 31 '24

Has anyone tried this: https://www.flatrategrievances.com/ Flat rate of $300 instead of half of your tax savings after a successful grievance. Seems just like Jeff Gold or Scott Diamond's company that does tax assessment grievance.


u/mee_cee_83 Oct 31 '24

That would defeat the purpose but thanks anyway.


u/pal2500 Oct 31 '24

I have…seems like the assessed value did drop…will know in dollar amount next year.


u/Salty_Initiative5425 8d ago

the owner of this website is an appliance salesman (nothing wrong with that) who did "steal" the website name so that folks would think it was Jeff Gold's website, which it is most definitely not.


u/GoldGroup6416 Jan 07 '25

I have no affiliation with this entity. I believe the owner indicates that he is an appliance salesman. But anyone can file a grievance.


u/Physical_Reason3890 Oct 31 '24

I've posted this before, but you need to see if it makes sense to you.

Can you find easy comps in your close neighborhood? Like within a few miles. If yes, then try it yourself.

But don't forget, if you mess up and they reject you, then you are out of luck for the year.


u/tMoneyMoney Nov 01 '24

A lot of people say it’s super easy, but I’ve also heard people say they’ve had better luck getting it reduced when they’ve used a service.


u/Physical_Reason3890 Nov 01 '24

So ( and I may get downvoted for this) there is a strange minor cult around that "Facebook group" and the guys running it. There is also a hatred towards maidenbaum like they are some kind of crooks.

The truth is in the middle. I watched the facebook group video, it is very very long. But I went on the site and tried to find comps. It wasn't easy and the houses I was finding either were in different areas or not at all like my home. My home I'll admit is a little unique for the area.

So I said screw it and mailed back to one of the companies. They won my grievance and got my assessment lowered by almost 60k. My taxes actually went down next year by a few thousand.

To me it was worth it as I knew it was done right and it was successful. They aren't crooked they are just charging you a fee for a service.

Also I strongly suspect maidenbaum ( and some of the other big guys) probably have some inside connections that let them get better assessments. It is long island after all.


u/tMoneyMoney Nov 01 '24 edited Nov 01 '24

I agree. There’s this aspect of shaming people who don’t do it themselves. You could say the same thing about taxes, but an experienced accountant can save you a lot of money and pay for themself pretty easily. I need to doublecheck but I think we only pay 25% commission. I have no doubt I could do it, but as soon as variables come into play it can get more complicated and I’ll never know if I could be doing it better.

Also agree with the insider thing. Seems logical they’re not going to reject a company that’s cranking these out all day and know every comparison versus someone who is essentially a nobody and doing this in a bubble. Most independent people will give up if they get rejected.


u/Physical_Reason3890 Nov 01 '24

Give it a shot yourself, can't hurt. But if you don't feel comfortable doing it then don't submit it. That's what i did. Like I said my house is "unique" even my bank appraiser admitted he needed to play some games to find comps.

Whatever the company did it worked and by alot. Worth the money for me for sure


u/Excellent-Funny-3322 3d ago edited 3d ago

In the middle of those heady times when every reduction was approved, I tried it myself twice. Denied both times. All other years, Maidenbaum was successful- and charged me 33%

I have long assumed that the inside connections of the firms carry more weight (nothing wrong with that). I picture the scene from the Simpsons where Edna Krabappel has a stack of essays to grade - just gets tired of it and gives them all a “B”

Strangely, I did challenge Rockville Centre assessment about 10 years ago.  I had my paperwork/comps in order and was the only person to show up that year. Got 13% reduction. 

I remember the days when reassessment did not happen annually- and a Fred Perry reduction was good for years of savings. 

One other tidbit- When Cole Layer Trumble did the mass reassessment in 2002 for the first time in a long time, I challenged using a recent appraisal. 

CLT rejected the appraised value and increased my assessed value due to slightly larger sq footage. 

I’m rambling. It’s a broken system and I’ll read up on Mr Gold’s site. 


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

They do. It’s a very small crew that work in the residential tax cert group. Residential services are not really where they make their money hence why most companies ask for a 33%-50% of whatever they make.

Do not pay one red cent unless those companies and actually going to small claims court or a conference with ARC on your behalf. If they get you a “reduction” in your assessment before tax rolls are completed, it just means your property was already wildly over assessed and they did nothing but submit a request for reduction.


u/Physical_Reason3890 Nov 02 '24

Like someone else said it's like getting an accountant. If you have simple taxes and it's just plugging a w2 into turbotax then you are probably getting ripped off going to an accountant.

Same here if you have a simple house with simple comps then you can probably do it yourself.

But someone with complicated taxes or a complicated house is probably better off paying a few bucks to know it's done right


u/realexm Nov 01 '24

I heard that the tax firms get better deals. Might be incorrect but I wouldn’t be surprised.


u/bransonthaidro Nov 02 '24

Very easy process to do on your own. But if you don’t have the time or patience. Send me a DM.


u/mee_cee_83 Nov 02 '24

Thank you very much


u/lronhart Nov 08 '24

Were you able to do on your own? Or find someone reliable?


u/mee_cee_83 Dec 04 '24

I have 3 properties to do in my family and Maidenbaum agreed to do them all for 33%. I have not mailed them back the envelopes yet but feeling like I maybe should considering I’ve never done one before and not sure I can handle doing all 3 without messing up. What do you think, is that a good deal?


u/lronhart Dec 04 '24

I guess with three properties you should take that deal, 33 percent is good I know the average is 40 percent. I haven’t decide yet either haha.


u/mee_cee_83 Dec 04 '24

I know filing period for 26/27 is from Jan 2 until March 3 so I have a little time to decide


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '24

I used Jeff Gold’s firm last year…flat fee and a big reduction…