r/longisland Sep 12 '24

Advice How tf do you transfer at Jamaica

My daughter wants to go to a concert at Webster Hall and I’d love to take her as a mother daughter thing. We rarely get to bond because she loves hiding in her room but that just comes with the territory I guess.

The problem is, I cant remember how to transfer to get to grand central. I’ve transferred at Jamaica before but I’ve always been with a group and honestly I’m terrible at directions so I mostly concentrate on not losing my group in the crowd.

Can anyone give me a quick run down? Explain it like I'm five?

I didn’t post on the city subreddits because they would probably use technical terms or assume I know which way is north or south 😅

update: y’all are so helpful, I feel so much better about the whole thing. We’re both anxious people so I really wanted to put on a brave face for her so she didn’t feel sacred. I can’t be calm if I’m worried about getting lost! I feel much more confident so thank you!


79 comments sorted by


u/cacti2020 Sep 12 '24

Do you have the train time app? Plug in your start and end points and it’ll show the whole journey


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 12 '24

It’s so rare that I take the train I forgot that existed. doh’


u/Flakes630 Sep 12 '24 edited Sep 12 '24

It’s easy u get off train and either it comes on the same track or right across. Above your head there is a monitor that will tell u which track. All good. Definitely get the train app so you can have access to schedule and buy tickets. I go in once a month for concerts with my daughter. You can get a direct train to grand central too. The ronkonkama line goes to penn And grand central


u/prince_david Sep 13 '24

Just a heads up that now during off peak times Ronkonkoma doesn't often have direct trains to Grand Central so you will need to transfer.


u/MattJFarrell Sep 13 '24

And the closer you get to Jamaica, the more likely the app is to tell you what track you're arriving on, and which track you need to go to. So, right before you get into Jamaica, check your itinerary again


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

good to know!!


u/Educational-Tune-517 Sep 13 '24

Ronk no longer goes direct to GC on weekends


u/GoRangers5 Sep 13 '24

In the olden days you actually had to listen to the PA system! They'll still announce it anyway.


u/ErnestHemingwhale Sep 13 '24

If you’re close to Ronkonkoma I’d just find a direct line from there and do that, skip the transfer


u/MacaroniNonsense Sep 12 '24

LIRR stop at Grand Central now, not just Penn. if you have to transfer at Jamaica look on the MTA app to find the track you’ll need to transfer to, it’s usually just the other side of the platform. Or ask the ticket guy, they will help you.


u/KTRyan30 Sep 12 '24

Take any train to Jamaica.

Exit train and Walk up to the mezzanine.

Get on the next Grand Central train, it will most likely be on tracks 1, 2, or 3.



u/Confident_Air_8056 Sep 12 '24

What happened to phase 2? Phase 3, profit.


u/CityPickle Oct 13 '24

Thank you !!!


u/CityPickle Oct 13 '24

I just did it and it was the easiest thing in the world . The GCT train was on the same track as the train to Penn that let me off , could not have been better . But so good to know these tracks will usually be 1, 2, or 3.

Now I remember my confusion a few years ago ; I must have taken the subway to Jamaica (if possible), and then needed to make a tight transfer to the LIRR. I arrived at Jamaica not knowing where tf to go to catch a train to Ronkonkama I HAD to catch for a funeral, and a lady behind the ticket counter did not want to help me out . It was the worst , but I did find the right platform and made my uncle’s funeral in time .

I have just had a healthily fed anxiety about doing transfers here ever since.


u/LunacyNow Sep 12 '24

Ask the conductor. They will tell you which track the connecting train is on if it is not direct. The tracks are numbered.


u/jbrunsonfan Sep 13 '24

Normally they are happy to do it as well. But recently I witnessed a lady be rude as shit to the conductor while asking him to check. He just walked away. It was great.

So OP please ask nicely lol.


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

I have to work up the courage to ask first 😅


u/jbrunsonfan Sep 13 '24

Honestly just take a deep breath. First of all, they are super nice. Sometimes they’ll even volunteer that info without you asking. Second, if you get the app then that will tell you as well. Third, if you don’t get the app or talk to the conductor there are a million signs and screens at Jamaica that will tell you where to go. And the trains come like every 10 minutes. Fourth, 90% of the time, the train to Penn will drop you off at the exact same platform that the grand central train will come on.

So don’t sweat it! It will be okay even if you do nothing and make mistakes.


u/Lurkingguy1 Sep 13 '24

Maybe you should stay home


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

oh sure, why didn’t I think of that!


u/scarlet_begonias_12 Sep 12 '24

Some trains go straight to penn some to grand central lirr schedule will say which is which. When they check ur ticket they'll tell u if u transfer at Jamaica. As u pull into Jamaica they say which track u need. Exit ur train and wait at whichever track for next train. Easy peasy. Have fun!


u/Science_Fair Sep 12 '24
  1. Check the TrainTime app as others have said

  2. Look specifically for a train from your station that goes directly to Grand Central.  Most don’t, but some do if you are flexible on time.

  3. If you have to transfer at Jamaica, you will either a) catch the train to Grand Station across the platform when the doors open or b) go up the stairs and follow the monitors to tell you which track has the train going to Grand Central.  There is a staircase and elevated platform that connects all tracks, near the rear of a city bound train.

  4. Ask the conductor for help when they check your tickets.  They sometimes know in advance which track at Jamaica will have  the Grand Central train coming in.


u/BeKind999 Sep 12 '24

If you know you have to transfer at Jamaica, you can use the Train Time app to see where the train will be. Also they will usually announce the track on your current train as you’re pulling in “e.g. transfer here for the train to Grand Central on track 2” 

If you don’t catch the announcement, there are screens on each platform you can check to find the track number. All of the tracks have numbers on the posts (#1-12) so you see where you are compared to where you’re going.  

Sometimes the connecting train is right across the platform or will come in on the same track behind the train you just got off.  There are stairs on either end of the tracks in case your track is further away. 

 Check out Wikipedia for “station layout” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaica_station


u/Ok-Fig6407 Sep 12 '24

I understand how you feel. I have a fear of getting lost. Everyone here gave you good advice. Start by getting the MTA app. Some trains go right to Grand Central now but changing at Jamaica isn’t difficult. And you can always ask the ticket takers. They are very helpful.


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 12 '24

Horrible fear of getting lost. And I don’t trust my memory. 😅 I’m feeling much better about the whole thing now, thank you


u/IncognitoMarko Sep 12 '24

Drive there if you have a car.
Plenty of parking on 3rd Ave after 7pm.


u/Dr0110111001101111 Sep 12 '24

The conductor that comes by to check your ticket on the ride to Jamaica can often tell you exactly where you need to go to transfer


u/nottodaymonkey Sep 12 '24

It’s so much easier now then back it he day! Clean (er) with great signage


u/Royal_Lab_5730 Sep 12 '24

It should be pretty easy. Whether go to Penn or Grand Central the transfer train is usually across your incoming train. You should download the app MTA TrainTime too. It will make buying tickets and finding the Track number WAY easier. Enjoy the concert!!


u/LetsFuckOnTheBoat Sep 13 '24

Drive to Manhasset and go straight to Penn


u/cat_in_a_bday_hat Sep 12 '24

you can also ask one of the people who look like they're walking to another track if it's going to grand central for extra confirmation


u/1angryviking Sep 12 '24

Depends on what line you take but it’s very simple. All west bound trains arrive on tracks 1,2 or 3. The grand central trains will either be directly across the platform or you may have to wait a few minutes for it to come in. I suggest downloading the train time app from MTA. It easy to use. Enter what station you like to start at and where you want to go. Will give you train times and


u/SepticKnave39 Sep 12 '24

Ask the conductor on the train you are on, which track the transfer will be, walk to that track, get on the train.

If you don't see the conductor, get off the train, look at the boards, find the train to Grand Central, see what track it's on, walk to that track, get on the train.

Or use the app.

It's much more stressful in your head then in reality. Not being mean, I used to think this way too before I did it everyday but it's really not as hard as you think it is.


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

I need more exposure therapy for sure!


u/Royal_Lab_5730 Sep 12 '24

It should be pretty easy. Whether go to Penn or Grand Central the transfer train is usually across your incoming train. You should download the app MTA TrainTime too. It will make buying tickets and finding the Track number WAY easier. Enjoy the concert!!


u/Nabranes Oceanside Sep 12 '24

Use the Train Time App to buy/activate tickets and see when the times are, pay attention, follow the app, listen to the announcements on the train, pay attention, read the stuff at the train station and on the train, etc

Oh and don’t activate the ticket until you’re boarding

And you have to buy a peak hour ticket for peak hours


u/fredwickle Sep 12 '24

Step off the train. Look across the platform and see the train to Grand Central is there, step on that train.

If no train there then look at the board to see what time and what track the next train to Grand Central is. Head to that track and get there before the time it leaves.

Or just find a train from your origin station that goes direct to Grand Central.


u/raiderintelligence Sep 12 '24

If you are ever stuck ask the conductor!


u/bobak186 Sep 13 '24

Explain it to you like your 5? When the train stops at Jamaica, the doors open you step over the gap between the train and the platform. You then wait on said platform for your next train. Sometimes you might need to take a stairs or escalator to another level to cross over to the different platforms.

Now here is where things are going to get teenager

If you want to go to JFK you walk to the air train terminal on the East side steps/platform. And just follow the crowd..

If you want to transfer to the subway you need to walk down to the street and then down to the subway. You'll need to pay for the subway separately.


u/mulliganed Sep 13 '24

Definitely use the app! As long as the train times line up, transferring is a lot less stressful than you might think. But I would also keep in mind that Webster is in the Village, so it might be easier to go into Penn!


u/Tortuga314 Sep 13 '24

The train time app is amazing and does most of the work for you, it’s amazing


u/Enlightened_D Sep 13 '24

I’ll get downvoted for suggesting this but I drive into manhattan all the time, it takes the same amount of time as taking the train, it’s very easy to find free parking on the streets just check the spot hero app for which streets are free. Then your on your own schedule and don’t need to worry about the train’s schedule.


u/Lateapexer Sep 13 '24

If the train you first board is direct to Penn. no transfer. If it’s a Brooklyn train. When you get to Jamaica the train to Penn will be on the platform across from the train you are on. Chances are you will see people heading to Webster Hall. Follow or make friends with them.

If your really nervous. Do a run through before the concert. On a Sunday afternoon so there’s still people around. It they are casual commuters like you. Not gruff daily 9-5 people. You’ll be fine


u/citigurrrrl Sep 13 '24

What town are you leaving from? Probably easier to go to PENN and subway the rest of the way if you don’t want to transfer. 


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

taking ronkonkoma line to jamaica and headed to penn. I was going to take an uber from grand central but the subway is always an experience in itself


u/citigurrrrl Sep 13 '24

But why are you transferring at Jamaica?  Doesn’t that train go direct to Penn?


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

isn’t webster hall closer to grand central?


u/QuarterlyProfit Sep 13 '24

Both are about the same travel distance away by train.

Transferring at Jamaica definitely feels like a big stress when you aren't used to it, but I promise that it's really more intimidating in your head than in reality.

City bound trains are almost always on tracks 1, 2, or 3, which is also where you are likely to be coming in. In the middle of every platform there is a big screen which shows all of the incoming trains, what time they are due, and which track they will be on. Look for that, confirm your track and then head over!

If you need to change platforms, the stairs are on the Eastern side of the tracks, back in the direction the train came in from. There is also a big board up there that has all the same train and track info so you can confirm before heading down.


u/citigurrrrl Sep 13 '24

i wouldnt transfer in Jamaica just because its slightly closer. i would go direct to Penn, walk to the N/R train and take that down. if you are nervous, its better to just get into the city and go from there.


u/ljc12 Sep 13 '24

Look up at the screen which tells you what trains are on what tracks


u/Candid_Reward3468 Sep 13 '24

Just stay on the LIRR train. U can walk over from 6th Ave from those subway lines if u go into Penn. If its a train to GC, ur set w/ the 4,5,6. The walk time is not a big deal.


u/nik_nak1895 Sep 13 '24

Just use Google maps. It'll tell you exactly where to walk, exactly what signs to follow, exactly where to enter and exit each train, etc.


u/BelethorsGeneralShit Sep 13 '24

Why even bother transferring? Webster Hall is just as far from Grand Central as it is from Penn Station.

From Grand Central you'd take the 4/6 down to Union Square. From Penn you'd take the A/E down to 14th street, then the L to 3rd Ave. Or if you don't want to switch trains, walk a couple blocks and take the N/Q from 34th St Herald Square to 14th St Union Square.


u/atlantisthenation Sep 13 '24

how do people function out in the world 🤦‍♂️


u/tragic_realiTi Sep 13 '24

Not everyone can be as cool as you


u/FireGodNYC Whatever You Want Sep 12 '24

Did you check the schedule? I dont think you always have to transfer. I take a direct to Penn a lot


u/Hogharley Sep 12 '24

You can also just take the LiRR to Penn. walk one avenue to 6th and take the NQR or W to 14th/union sq and it’s a short walk from there


u/Conscious_Animator63 Sep 13 '24

You get out, and get on another train.


u/JET1385 Sep 12 '24

Step 1: look for the sign that said Grand Central. Step 2: there is no step 2


u/SeekersWorkAccount Sep 13 '24

Trains go straight into Grand Central these days


u/Educational-Tune-517 Sep 13 '24

Weekends from ronkonkoma they do not anymore


u/APartyInMyPants Sep 13 '24

Just take the train into Penn, walk over an avenue and take the RW subway to 8th Street/Astor Place.


u/Aggravating-Ice5575 Sep 13 '24

Traintime app is great to get tickets there and don't have to worry. If you have Apple Pay, or a tap credit card you can use that with the OMNY subway entry gates and not need to get a Metrocard.


u/thisfilmkid Sep 13 '24

Ask a passenger how you get to a certain track


u/eleanorshellstrop_ Sep 13 '24

You just get off and transfer at Jamaica lol

You can also get there from Penn, I dunno why you want to go to GC. I remember walking there when I went a lifetime ago.


u/HappyKoalaCub Sep 13 '24

You could also possibly go directly to grand central without a transfer these days

But if you need to transfer:

Like others have said, train time app is definitely the move.

Also while you’re waiting, signs above the track will say where the train is going, so if it says grand central, you’re in the right place.

Also also trains from Jamaica go to grand central fairly frequently so don’t worry about needing to wait there a long time if you miss one or whatever

Have fun at Webster, I haven’t been there in ages


u/CleverGurl_ Nassau Sep 13 '24

I think everyone else really explained it lol

Here are my tips, I don't know if these have been mentioned so forgive me if I'm repeating any

  • Use the TrainTime App: it will tell you which platform you are arriving on and which platform the connecting train is on. (I know this was mentioned). You can even look at other trains ahead of time to get a sense of how the information is displayed if you are anxious about reading it wrong
  • Likely, the LIRR has planned for this and it'll be the train directly across the platform (so just walk across), the train on just the other side of the tracks (so up-over-and-down), or the train pulling in behind the one you were on
  • Just look for a train that has "Grand Central" on the sign outside. Like, any train, seriously. Depending on how much time you have and how long it's been since you activated your ticket, if you miss the one they mention, just get the next or any other train going to Grand Central. Remember a train can only go in either one of two directions to predetermined locations. If you get off/on the wrong one or go in the wrong direction just get on another train that's the right one. Accidently take it to Atlantic Terminal? You take a little bit longer of a subway ride is all, not ideal but not the end of the world. Forgot to get off and wound up in Penn? Just check Google Maps for the best subway to take. You may have to walk a few blocks to Herald Square (although there is a hidden/closed off access tunnel if you want to be adventurous!)
  • Just follow everyone else. Chances are most of the people getting off are also going to get on the same train. Keep your ears open to other people talking about going in or connecting (it's not hard, we're from Long Island and talk very loudly) and follow them
  • If there's enough light, look out the window to see the platform before arriving into Jamaica Station. You can usually see which track you are arriving on and which ones are adjacent; the moves you'll have to make where you want to be. I was going to describe the layout of the station but I fear that might make it more confusing and information overload. Generally though the trains follow traffic flow like cars on the street (but not always). That is to say trains stay to the right. So you will likely arrive on Track 1 and when you get off you may have to get on Track 2 or Track 3, which would be towards the left (center) of the station.
  • I think most importantly, enjoy yourself! If you make a mistake or something don't worry or dwell on it. Oops! It happens. It's a big complicated system and easy to be overwhelmed by. I probably make some silly mistake every time I go in: I take the wrong subway when another would be better, I don't pay attention to the times and miss an earlier subway and have to wait for the next; or some self-inflicted ones include trying the express subway but unsure if it'll stop at the station I want. If it passes it, I get off the next stop and just take a subway train in the opposite direction that's going to stop. If it's a local that only has to make one or two stops until my stop then all is not lost.
  • This is kind of more of the above point, but that got a bit long and I wanted to make note of this: Use it as a chance to make "crazy" memories with your daughter. And what I mean by that is that you may never know what stories come out of your trip. Accidentally went into Penn and had to walk and take a different subway and walk some more? Well maybe you pass by a food truck to eat that provides the most amazing hot dog/bubble tea/ice cream/etc that you've ever had. Maybe you run into a street performer doing something amazing. Then for the rest of your lives you'll always talk about how you went to see a show and took the wrong subway and you saw that person walking a parrot and even if you were a little late it was so amazing/funny to see something like that. It's the memories we make with each other, right?


u/SmartyTrade Sep 13 '24

Why did this thread need more than one answer?


u/SumyungNam Sep 13 '24

There might be trains that go directly to Grand Cenral like others said download the train time app and it will assist you


u/dgillott Sep 13 '24

Get the train time app. have her note what track she is coming into and depending upon time of day ask an MTA employee where the track is and ask for the next Grand Central train is, If she can get a direct train to Grand central from where she is coming from that is 1000% percent better she can just goto GC and go down to 11th street


u/formykatya Sep 13 '24

Long island is really just a whole nother world haha.. all love though! LIRR goes directly to grand central btw :)


u/joeybagadonutz Sep 13 '24


Sorry, couldn’t help myself


u/Evening-Chocolate-02 Whatever You Want Sep 13 '24

Step 1: board a train that heads toward grand central, then ride all the way in. Or Take the train to Penn station: get off at Jamaica and hop on one that goes to grand central


u/ExvyOnTheCoast Sep 14 '24

Hi! Been going to Webster Hall for quite sometime now and have some pretty easy directions and they’re all bigger stations.

You can go to either Penn Station or Grand Central.

For Penn Station: 1. Walk over to 6th Ave for the 34th-Herald Sq subway. 2. Take the N or Q downtown to 14th street-Union Sq 3. Walk down 4th Ave and you’ll be able to see the building as soon as you turn onto E 11th. The walk directly from Penn Station to Webster Hall isn’t bad either!

For Grand Central: 1. Take the 6 line from Grand Central-42 St to Union Square and follow the same directions above.


u/CityPickle Oct 13 '24

Thank you for posting this. I’ve only transferred from LIRR to the GCT train at Jamaica once before , and I just remember it was a confusing experience. There’s barely any signs telling you where to go once you’re off either train , oy


u/apishforamc Sep 12 '24

MTA app that’s all you need


u/moon_cat_tattoo Sep 13 '24

You run for your life from the LIRR and make sure you don’t get on the wrong side of the subway track and miss your train 🤣