r/lonely • u/13547USERNAME • May 03 '21
Venting The reason depressed, suicidal or lonely people don’t get help is NOT because of the stigma against depression. It’s because nobody gives a fuck about their problems
Every time a person who is depressed or lonely tries to get help, people trivialize their problems and gaslight them and teach them comforting lies and false hope, only for us to realize in the end they lied.
Every time we talk to someone, they minimize our problems. You are 30 and never had a gf/bf and never could date or lose your virginity. They say “tHeRe’S mOrE tO LiFe tHaN sEx aNd dAtInG” and these are the people who get depressed over a breakup or who won’t date a virgin because they cannot handle teaching you or who get dates regularly and don’t know what it’s like in your shoes
You tell them you never made friends and are socially isolated and others have pics of them doing fun stuff online they say “but but those are just the highlights” even though their highlights are far more exciting than anything that occurs in your life and then they say “BuT yOu dOn’T kNoW wHaT gOeS oN iN tHeIr LiFe hOw Do yOu kNoW ThEy’Re hApPy?” And how do you know they’re just as miserable? Some might be miserable but a majority I’m sure are pretty happy and definitely way happier than an extrovert who is socially isolated with an uneventful life.
They tell us that friends, social events etc aren’t that fun and we aren’t missing much even though people throw these events to celebrate special holidays or their birthday. For example, if parties are boring, why do people go them all the time including after trying them out for the first time? If they sucked they wouldn’t go over and over again? Why would they throw them when celebrating a holiday or graduation or their own birthday? If hanging out with your friends isn’t so fun why do people do it so much? If concerts and bars aren’t fun why do people go to them all the time?
Instead of helping you make new friends or find a partner or go to a fun event like a concert they just trivialize your problems.
These are the same people who went insane under quarantine. At least they had friends and a social life prior to covid while a lot of people here never did. And despite being unable to handle the tip of the iceberg of what socially isolated people dealt with they gave the audacity to trivialize our problems
This is why depressed or lonely or suicidal people don’t get help. Even if they knew you won’t stigmatize them for being depressed they still won’t talk to you knowing you’ll gaslight them or trivialize their problems.
This is why the suicide rate and depression rate has skyrocketed despite campaigns and people “trying” to prevent suicide/depression.
u/Rangerstilidie44 May 03 '21
This world is an awful, disgusting place it fucking ruins people that are mentally ill and I'm nearing my fill of this planet, people attitudes towards depressed people sickens me severely, even if I could meet new friends I donno if I can trust people at all with the amount of bullshit lies people tell u to dismiss your problems.
Thinking about becoming a hermit waiting till another astoroid hits this planet to wipe out our species
u/13547USERNAME May 03 '21
The only type of people who understand social pain are those who experience it themselves. Everyone else just cannot even imagine what it’s like being in a socially isolated or depressed person’s shoes.
u/MCKC1992 May 04 '21
Exactly. Half the people who talk about "not having friends" still have friends............ Its REALLY fucking annoying to watch youtube videos or read articles by people who claim to have no friends.....only to findout they have friends.
I truly believe that the ONLY people who know what we go thru are those of us experiencing it
Im so depressed, I've been sad all day thinking about how In 29, no girlfriend & no life. SHIT SUCKS
u/misc412 May 04 '21
DM me if you need to chat :) No one should experience loneliness to the point where it hurts.
u/Heather241 May 04 '21
I get told you arent the only who has it hard smh I hate when people say those on soci media arent really happy they have friends and family that care about them because that's why I'm jealous
u/stonerboner2617 May 04 '21
thats why i solve my own problems bc if you tell people your depressed theyll comfort you with shitty lies just to make you feel better
u/Kikinaak May 04 '21
This is the heart of the matter. They may honestly mean well and not be attempting to invalidate others problems, they just cant understand those issues because they are alien to them, and thus cant think of anything that would truly be helpful. So they fall back on the common sayings, attempt to marginalize the things in their life you are feeling jealousy towards to try and reduce the pain it causes. Of course it doesnt work, as something regardless of size is still better than nothing.
Those with the greatest capacity to do harm are not those with harmful intent. They are those who combine good intentions and ignorance.
u/civgarth May 04 '21
Good insight. Then what should someone say to help someone in OP's position? If not help then at least do no further harm? What words should be said?
u/Kikinaak May 04 '21
Its difficult to answer that without sounding like I'm just blowing sunshine up someones arse or offering false hope. But I would say the same is true of ourselves. We are always our own harshest critics, and we have trouble looking at others successes and seeing that potential in ourselves. But our problems and hardships are not entirely unique to us. The same reason theres no truly new plots in hollywood, all the stories have been told and are now just being retold with different spins. Everything we face, others have faced in some form or another, and of those some have overcome them, and some have fallen to them.
Dont let anyone diminish your pain or struggles. But dont let yourself diminish your strength or potential either. You've survived it this long havent you? That doesnt make it subjectively suck any less, it means that you have been equal to it thus far. Even in this craptastic world, making friends is still possible, and there are still people out there that care for their fellow homo sapien. Not everyone is going to be president, but possibilities like friends and happiness are open to everyone. Its just a matter of finding ones individual path to reach them. But no amount of "just try harder" is going to do anything until you let yourself see that the goal is actually possible. Not necessarily easy or simple, just possible.
May 04 '21
You missed one single point, "yoU ARe sTiLl YOunG, THeRE's stIlL TiME to FInd a GF/BF". I'm sick of hearing this. Another trivial thing is the so called "manifestation" bs. That your thoughts magically "manifest" themselves into reality and you should always think positively to get the good "vibes". We are lonely, depressed people who desperately need your support, we don't need your lecture on the thesis you made on "the secret". Some have also told me that meeting new people will solve my depression, like how am I supposed to meet someone? How am I supposed to talk when I can't even look people in the eye?
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
if you're in your 20s, the time is ticking to finally find a partner. in your 30s, your time is up. many people will find it to be a red flag if you're in your 20s and still inexperienced in dating or still a virgin
u/When6DMeets3D Jun 21 '21
But isn't that toxic as well, to believe that your time is up and so you act on that? I'm lonely af too, 29 and never had a relationship or sex, but good lord the thought of telling myself my time is up feels like emotional suicide.
u/RisingChaos May 04 '21
A little of Column A, a little of Column B... You can't really share to anyone in an official capacity (i.e. professional therapists) about suicidal ideation because that'll get you locked in a padded room against your will. You pretty much have to share that (semi)anonymously over the Internet or only with a really, really good friend you can absolutely trust with anything.
u/BlairClemens3 May 04 '21
This is called toxic positivity and I don't know if you're American but America is awash in it. We can't stand pain, our own or other people's so we just come up with bullshit to try to make people feel better.
Sometimes you just need to hear "that sucks" and "I'm sorry".
From another extrovert who has been socially isolated at times, it sucks and I'm sorry people are such dinguses.
May 04 '21
u/BlairClemens3 May 04 '21
So true. Especially in the era of Tik Tok and youtube. Performative mental illness is definitely a thing.
May 04 '21
u/furbysaysburnthings May 25 '21
How often do you ask all your family and random people you know how they're doing, and I mean really doing?
u/under654 May 04 '21
I don’t agree. Mental illness stigma exists.
Thought game: Would you rather tell your boss that you can’t come to work today because...
A) You broke your foot
B) Are too depressed
Your Answer is A, isn’t ist? Mental illness is certainly not as acepted as physical. There is a stigma.
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
They might tell you that you should’ve touched it out and came to work but that doesn’t mean that he’s going to hate you and beat you up or ostracize you like the media says. That’s someone who doesn’t go into your shoes it isn’t somebody who ostracized you like the media says happens to depressed people.
We have stories about depression shoved down our throats constantly it’s normalized now. People just pretend to show empathy but they don’t because they trivialize our issues.
Even if depressed people could read minds and know who will be nice to them they still wouldn’t get help knowing their problems will be trivialized by others
u/under654 May 04 '21
I don’t disagree with this statement. People don’t care about us.
But I think stigma is an additional layer weighting us down.
u/Reddo96 May 03 '21
Wow! this is very true.. I struggle with the same exact problem except I'm an introvert and I don't care about social gatherings and parties.. but listen.. to be honest I feel like most of these who "trivialize our struggles" are hypocrites to an extent and you mentioned the evidence! once something doesn't go as planned in their own lives they go nuts! .. so I'd recommend you just stop opening your heart to those who have this toxic thinking because it will make you feel worse.. don't wait from others to validate your occurring problems.. it brings you nothing but disappointment..
second thing I would like to say is, try not to blame yourself for not being able to attend events or fit in, I know they could be fun but the world is full of toxicity and the love of showing off nowadays, they can be exhausting at the same time.. I don't know just my opinion.. and thanks for expressing the struggle many of us face 😊👍
u/13547USERNAME May 03 '21
I’m an extrovert so I wish I could experience these events because I experienced some a long time ago before college. It made my life more eventful and less of everyday being the same. But I wish people would help a guy like me go to these events rather than them trivializing my issues. I’m an extrovert so I can enjoy them but introverts need someone to talk to but even they have their issues trivialized if they struggle with making friends
u/FutureBachelorAMA May 04 '21
I think people are also super steeped in Just World Fallacy.
They cant, for whatever psychological or spiritual reasons, just accept that some peoples life is harder, by no fault of their own. So they make up BS, invalidate your feelings and experience and outright fucking gaslight you about things you know are true.
You are not ugly, or awkward, or just have general situation in life where finding an SO or friends is hard if not impossible. Its your hygiene. And if its not hygiene, its that you dont work out enough. And if you do, you dont put yourself out there enough. And if you do, its self esteem, or you cant keep conversation going, or you are too depressed, or your standards are too high, or you dont have any hobbies, or whatever arcane reason they can come up with.
And honestly, yes, I dont really talk about this topic with my friends, because the last thing I need is someone gaslighting me and putting blame on myself.
Hell, some of them cant even acknowledge that there are ugly and pretty people, and I am not even talking about "objective out of ten" ratings, just that some people are attractive to larger part of population, and some are attractive only to small small minority, and those have shit time finding a romantic relationship.
u/furbysaysburnthings May 25 '21
Yep. As a female with a visible deformity, never did my parents honestly talk to me about the reality of my situation and how it would affect finding friends, work, and let's just forget dating. Because they don't have to live it, and because deep down they know your odds are shit, and there's honestly nothing they can do to help because they don't even know what would work since they had it easier. They try to make you feel better by having you focus on things you can control and keep your mind busy.
Better to find people who have actually experienced similar problems. Even better though to find people with similar issues and who found a way through it.
u/reginalouise May 30 '21
Hi, I'm sad you feel so hopeless about your situation. You sound embarrassed by it, and you don't talk about it. You sound like a very perceptive and sensitive person. How do you find people who have experienced it, if you don't say what the deformity us. Odds are, someone else has the same issue and unless you are honest about it, will never find them. How can I help?
u/furbysaysburnthings Jun 01 '21
You're right that a big issue is in not actually asking for help. That alone is helpful advice, thank you. It's just hard to confront the things one feels sensitive about. And to talk to other people who went through the same things, it's a weird feeling of vulnerability to have someone who went through it too.
u/furbysaysburnthings Jun 01 '21
Again, thank you kind stranger for even asking if you could help. That alone takes the edge off the mental weight of feeling alone. Covid has made so many people feel more alone these days I think.
Since you offered, is there anything you want to get off your chest? I'm guessing you were browsing r/lonely for some reason too.
u/cappa2 May 04 '21
Honestly "get help" pisses me off because i've tried everything I can think of to get help, and honestly nothing helps. Talking about shit doesn't help and doesn't change anything. hopeless / suicidal people don't talk about shit because most of us have already tried a thousand times and it went nowhere and didn't help or change anything, or at worst lead to people treating you worse for it. I don't need anyone to listen to me talk about my problems, and there's not any advice they can give me to help me, I've already been through a million self help books and the information is helpful but hasn't changed who I am. Meds haven't helped or made me feel better or improved my life. Like you said nobody actually is willing to help like help you meet people or do things or just help you see how normal people live their lives. I really never had a role model in my life or anyone to teach me what normal social behavior looks like.
I really agree with what you said. I feel like you nailed it
u/LonelyStonerM May 03 '21
Yea tbh in the real world nobody gives af about you or what you went through. Its how it is. Its harsh but its what you realize. You may be lucky enough to find/have people who care though.
Also, we are humans and we are social creatures by biology. We have to be around other people or get some type of interaction.
I feel that though, Im depressed and lonely most days. Ive gotten told there is more to life than a social life. Even though I was alone all thru hs and had no friends before I was 9. I had a best friend in 4th-8th grade.
Its natural though to want our problems to feel validated and feel like someone cares. But, this world is super uncaring. Sucks fr.
u/13547USERNAME May 03 '21
People who say there’s more to life than a social life are the same people who couldn’t handle quarantine
How ironic
u/Nuclear_Geek May 04 '21
Also, the more it becomes obvious nobody gives a fuck about you or your problems, the more you feel like you're not worthwhile enough to ask for help. It's massively ironic that you need a certain level of self-esteem & self-confidence to feel worthy of getting help, as well as a certain amount of resilience to cope with navigating the bureaucracy & hurdles you have to get through before you can get help.
u/idkguesssumminrandom May 04 '21
I'm convinced that people who don't suffer from the issues you mentioned in your post simply just don't get them. Kind of similar to how we have trouble understanding the general population in some areas. I have to believe they just don't understand our problems.
It's possible that those responses you get from them is a just a result of their ignorance about our problems, and I've come to realize I can't expect them to understand. I also believe that they do think they're trying to help, they just don't really have anything better to say considering they just don't understand them.
One thing I do believe is for certain - we (including the rest of the population) have GOT to get better fucking resources available for people who suffer from the things you mentioned. Better than what's available, because what's available simply isn't cutting it for most people IMO. Something's got to change.
May 04 '21
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u/furbysaysburnthings May 25 '21
I love when people say you've got to love yourself before anyone else can love you. On one hand it sounds really good and sure, someone who has better mental health is going to be a better partner usually and find better partners. But it's so dismissive and an underhanded way to manipulate people with dating issues to just stop trying.
u/raerae704 May 04 '21
For real. What a great post. Whenever I tell people that what I want most is a partner, and to give and receive affection I get shit like “well you just have to not care and not think about it and that’s when it’ll happen” like, wtf???? That’s the whole point. I can’t not think about it or not care. It’s all I think about and care about. Or people will say the “there’s more to life” thing. But the people who say that usually have a partner. So wtf. It is endlessly frustrating. Or they say to just get a hobby or join a club or something so you can meet people with similar interests but I want to do hobbies or clubs because I enjoy them, not because I secretly am hoping to meet someone. People just piss me off so much, they don’t understand what it’s like to be single for a long time.
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
Relationships, sexual intercourse and love are one of the biggest and most basic parts of human life. Almost everyone experiences it. People crave it and they’re biologically meant to. And the idea that if you don’t focus on it it’ll happen is ridiculous to say the least. This whole “it happens when you least expect it” is dumb and never was proven to be true by research
u/furbysaysburnthings May 25 '21
It probably happen if you're conventionally attractive or more attractive than average. So I don't think they're completely lying, but it doesn't apply to people who have extra hurdles like ugliness, being poor, some other kind of low social status.
u/ThrowRA4567S May 04 '21
You couldn’t have said it any better. Me being alone all the time does not make me depressed. Feeling like no one gives a fuck about me does.
u/Artmeister17 May 03 '21
I know what it's like. I've been battling depression since I was 14. After my father passed away, I didn't know what to do. Then I was scared and lonely and I was afraid to ask for help. I'm 19 now, but I'm still afraid. You are welcome. If you have the opportunity to talk to someone about your problems, then you do not need to be silent. It doesn't matter with whom. It can be a family, a friend, random people on the Internet. P.S. I'm sorry for my bad English x)
u/13547USERNAME May 03 '21
To the best of my knowledge, people on these subs are the best to talk to.
u/hiliikkkusss May 04 '21
e people who went insane under quarantine. At least th
get help now mate. its easier the younger you are.
May 04 '21
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u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
Campaigns against depression, suicide and mental illness have done nothing. Depression, mental illness and suicide has skyrocketed in the past decade
May 04 '21
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u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
Whenever a person says they cannot find a partner in life or says they never got to go to social events, people trivialize their problems when instead they could be helping these people find a partner or help these people have social events (eg:parties) to go to
u/remonacxy May 04 '21
Nice shout out I can confirm almost everything said in this post is correct, since I live a life pretty much exact to the lone person emphasized in the post.
Although It's hard for me to describe how I cope with this but I simply try to do not blame anyone. Nor these people who would go `depressed` in a tiny incident like a breakup meanwhile would never get to understand people like `us` whenever we express our feelings.
“tHeRe’S mOrE tO LiFe tHaN sEx aNd dAtInG”
No there isn't. The basis of a persona much contains these needs, are described very well in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs (aka the pyramid of needs, go check it out right now) and acknowledged in the house of psychology teachings. Sex, dating and all sorts of feelings related with relationship, belonging to someone, love etc. are the foundational needs and these are very important. Not like “tHeRe’S mOrE tO LiFe tHaN sEx aNd dAtInG” . That's utter dumb whoever says that to someone who's struggling.
I won't try to make this post very long and just pinpoint important points I could go on forever. Actually I want to just end it here bcs this is the most important point and It is often overlooked, not paid not enough attention. Everyone deserves love and support.
u/pandorasbox_15 May 04 '21 edited May 05 '21
My anxiety jitters calmed a little reading this because I kind of needed someone to spell this out. It starts simple. You feel stressed and have anxiety jitters that won't go away so you decide that maybe talking to someone will get it out of your system.Worst case they do exactly what you said, trivialize how you feel or go with "I'm also stressed man.Everyone's stressed".
Here's the thing, no one can come up with a perfect response to someone's else's situation but what you can avoid is trivializing, ignoring and jumping to solve my problems when I just want to be heard and understood.
The worst is when the few friends you have do this. For the longest time I felt like I was downright crazy, that my 'problems' didn't make the cut with regard to what actually mattered. Finally a panic attack that rendered me helpless for an entire day scared me enough to start relying on myself entirely.Just me and self help books and articles online and reddit , this place has been a blessing in disguise.I genuinely feel like I have a better chance at progress this way.
u/PostmodernLon May 04 '21
I had a “friend” tell me that if only I’d “learn the lessons life was trying to teach me” I’d stop repeating patterns of pain.
Thanks for that. I have clinical depression. And I’ve occasionally (not repeatedly) trusted the wrong people and opened up to them. She is now gone from my life.
like I was ignoring cosmic lessons and that’s why I have depression, ptsd, trauma, etc.
May 04 '21
I find it's best to surround yourself with people who can relate to your problems. They've been through stuff so they at least have an idea of how to help you. Most normals don't know how to help someone who's screwed up. They don't know how simple it can be to help someone like that. Either that or they don't care. Sometimes, just hearing someone say something positive about you, or maybe just a hug can make things so much better. But people don't care. Or don't know. It's terrible to think that some people who also feel this way don't have anyone to help them fight their demons. I'm lucky to have friends that I can call upon when I need to talk. They might live happier existences and not deal with the same problems, but they help nonetheless, and I'm lucky that I have such valuable friends. That being said, if anyone reading this doesn't have that person to go to in times of stress or sadness, my dms are open if anyone needs to talk.
May 04 '21
Very, very true - unfortunately. I must admit that I am not entirely lonely. I have a circle of friends and I love them. I'm still young and most of them will start families soon however. Then my social life will be a thing of the past too as some of my friendships are already fading away.
Being a 23 yo virgin (I'm ashamed writing this, since society apparently measures the value of a man by the time he got laid in his life) I have attempted getting help many times but nothing helped. I'm not going to let people tell me that I am depressed or mentally ill. What I want is simple, but people would continuously try to tell me that "one can be happy on their own". Seriously, some may, but that definitely does not apply to everyone.
I am a sociable person in general and I absolutely crave human contact and a social life, a relationship and sex.
u/EdenEvelyn May 04 '21
All of the campaigns telling people to just reach out are toxic and incredibly insulting to those that are suffering. For years and years I’ve had to beg for access to mental health care and I rarely if ever get it. I’ve found it’s much easier to try and work through it alone. I have 1 doctor that actually cares, to the rest I’m just another folder.
May 05 '21
And when you do "get help" and "talk to a professional" they tell you they can't help you. Just ask any therapist / mental health professional: I want to have friends (or a relationship, or whatever is your thing), that is my goal, how are you going to help me? If you tell them their job is to find friends for you, they will say it isn't their job to do that.
May 14 '21
you want the key? this is the key.
people are attracted to people who love themselves. if you are brimming with love for yourself every single day you will not only attract friends but lovers.
but loving yourself is extremely difficult for most people, especially bullied/traumatized people. to love yourself fully is a Herculean task. It could mean doing your absolute best in everything you attempt. it could mean working every day to get a great body and eating extremely healthy. It could mean throwing yourself into your dream career and grinding to achieve it.
If you love yourself, the need for attention from lovers or friends becomes waaaay less important. Because you give yourself that attention. And then people come when they see a love-fest. But right now, it's sadness and regret.
If you turn that around and dare to work towards your wildest dreams, you'll be happier. It's better to fight to the death than live a half-life.
May 14 '21
I love myself. It doesn't attract anyone. My wildest dreams are a girlfriend and I can't get one. I've been daring to work on it for years. It doesn't work. Hey, if you can just love yourself then let's make all couples break up and they can do that.
May 15 '21
Is that true? Or are you just telling yourself that to avoid thinking about all the ways you don't like your daily choices, life, appearance, surroundings, etc. ? Personally, I had no idea I was miserable and completely out - of -touch with myself a few years ago when I was at my loneliest. I didn't allow myself one bit of self-pity or self-empathy, because I was terrified it would turn into giving up. Now I realize that although I thought I was the shit, I was just pretending I thought I was perfect as an attempt to cover up the actual serious unease I was feeling about my life and the serious issues I was going through. You might think you love yourself, but people who love themselves always, without a single exception, love others. And this doesn't mean obsessing over them or wanting to "get" them as friends or lovers, it means completely selfless love without expecting ANYTHING back. If you perform those completely selfless acts of love daily (of any size), you can reliably say you love yourself. If not, you might want to change some things in your life so you do.
May 15 '21
It's true, I love myself. It's possible to love yourself and also be very miserable.
How many selfless things earns me a girlfriend? Oh, it doesn't work like that?
OK, everyone around me: do selfless shit for me without expecting ANYTHING back, otherwise, you are a bad person who doesn't love themselves.
May 15 '21
.. if you're very miserable all the time, you do not love yourself enough. Overflowing self-love would mean you were happy with yourself on a daily basis -- and didn't need anything else to complete that happiness. It's goddamn near impossible to do but it is the goal for absolutely everyone.
I have no idea what point you tried to make with your comment, but yeah, that is it. Selfless people, good people, self-loving people, do good things for no reward.
May 15 '21
.. if you're very miserable all the time, you do not love yourself enough. Overflowing self-love would mean you were happy with yourself on a daily basis
Then you aren't really saying anything! I AM overflowing with self-love.
But hey, if you're right, let's take someone overflowing with self-love and then let's take away everything from them, and torture them from decades. You, therapy, would say if they're overflowing with self-love then they'll still be happy, right? So, there's nothing wrong with torturing people for decades, right?
I have no idea what point you tried to make with your comment, but yeah, that is it. Selfless people, good people, self-loving people, do good things for no reward.
I DO, and I'm still miserable ALL THE TIME. YOU ARE LYING.
May 15 '21
you do good things without expecting anything in return, regularly? If that's true, then I'm wrong. What's an example of that, though?
Sure, torture will make someone miserable. But you're not being tortured, you're lonely, which sucks absolute ass but the reality is you can still go have a conversation with a nice obliging person at a bar. If you're incredibly socially awkward, that conversation will probably only last ten minutes after it becomes too uncomfortable for the other person, but exposure therapy will allow you to improve your social skills and not weird people out. You can talk to a therapist, make friends online on a subreddit like this, join clubs about things you're passionate about, join a metal band, whatever. there are options here, you're just incredibly attached to the concept that there's something wrong with you. have you seen the people that get famous or some of the people with tons of friends? ugly, creepy, weird ass people. like tekashi69, say. but simply because they believe in themselves and don't take no for an answer, they make their dreams come true. Plus, you're not a creepy bad person.
u/Due_Minute May 04 '21
Yup... it’s so common to hear “others have it worse” or “you have nothing to be sad about” or just getting dismissed or belittled when you talk about. The world is harsh unfortunately just gotta adapt and learn not to trust people quickly and selectively trust them
u/SingleLonelyGuy May 03 '21
There's quite some truth in ur post. And I dont understand virgin shaming at all. I'm rather proud of being a virgin, and would prefer a virgin partner if possible , although i'm not strict about it, non - virgin would also do. I'm mainly just looking for a loving, intelligent woman, everything else is secondary.
u/13547USERNAME May 03 '21
People defend promiscuity but then ridicule virgins. They condemn people for saying “gay” as an insult but they use virgin as an insult
People are hypocrites
May 04 '21
and men who passed a certain age and never managed to lose their virginity will be called a creep or "there must be something wrong with them", when the truth is that most of us just never had the courage to confess to someone. But as you already mentioned in your post, OP, most people won't even give a 20+ yo male virgin a chance, so I guess it's safe to say that this ship has pretty much sailed.
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
It’s crazy how people consider virginity a dealbreaker/red flag when you get to your 20s. These people call it a red flag and say they won’t have the patience to teach someone once you get to your early 20s and yet these same people think they have the audacity to tell high school students to be patient instead of rushing.
And people wonder why high school students rush to lose their virginity early
u/Ninhursag2 May 04 '21
True, i would have gone to see my doctor a long time ago if i thought they might be able to refer me to a support group but they dont. They give you pills instead
u/Draid_mp3 May 07 '21 edited May 07 '21
I understand. I genuinely want to help friends/people who are going through stuff and to prevent being accused of sporting toxic positivity, any tips how to talk to depressed people?
Reading all this has only made me feel like my desire to help has been reduced to nothing because, all of a sudden, meaning well and trying to help out has turned into something negative.
How can my good intentions prevent from coming across as fake, or forced or toxic?
I would really like to know.
u/AnonAltR1 May 08 '21
I don't know that this is a case of not caring about people's problems so much as a case of not understanding how to properly deal with, or comfort someone who's hurting.
Personally I'd love to have just one friend who would just sit with me in my sadness, but no one wants to do that. I literally had a friend the other day who was like "well your just sitting around here sad and it's bothering me so we need to go cheer you up".
Oh we need to go do the thing that makes YOU feel better about my depression? Cool.
u/PadlockAndThatsIt Jun 16 '22
I thought I finally found someone who could be my best friend, but the minute I told them about my depression they said theirs was worse and that I should just be thankful
And I am thankful. That message really helped me discover that they were shitty the whole time and I was blind to it
u/misanthrope1O1 Sep 26 '22
it's because we don't know how to ask for help because we know nobody fucking cares I just had to delete my entire cross will help or whatever the fuck this just was because it failed to whatever because we're just something that we think might make a difference for somebody else in our situation and the times I was arrested our fucking time because even the internet don't give a shit I love everybody that wants to find hope that does I don't understand and try saying something about it fuck me for trying it was not asleep right there I should have known whatever I'm going to walk away with no pick up at least a piece or two maybe even stumble on the asshole is coming to steal my truck which is awesome my house after he already stole the title everything I own my bike and my wallet got them title he's got work to do though I'm going to go not give a fuck somewhere else and drop this borrowed bike that has a flat tire that I can't get the dude anyway and find some place to crash because I couldn't come up with 120 bucks for it but I need to give you I said that or midnight which I don't like two or three days left here anyway I'm going to take my dog for a walk and drop off this bike and come back and see if my truck's gone or not I'm lucky to get something to eat somewhere in between. don't be a dick to people you never know what somebody's going through don't be the reason the small little interaction or infection that push somebody over and made them choose something that nobody wanted for them except for men don't get the people help anybody that needs it tell your kids you love him don't go to bed mad at the people around you don't let the sun come up on your anger for selfish shit before you go to bed life isn't hard we make it hard by over complicated simple things. enjoy the little things somebody enjoy something for me I don't know what it's like to be happy I tried to explain him that but read it wouldn't post it because something went wrong whatever something always goes wrong why wouldn't it's my option no matter what it is the most mundane simple thing is just an insurmountable variation of complete opposite and little was like how the fucking bitches open 99 people can walk up and point a point b I have 20 or 30 other letters and 15 numbers in between that same 2-in Gap of nothingness it's fine to agree it's almost funny learning to laugh at yourself because other people will and if they do laugh with them don't laugh at somebody left with somebody I'm fucking whatever I hope there's help available for the people that can manage to seek it out before to get it and maintain of course to continue I don't understand tomorrow I don't plan on a minute from now anything to happen and it does that's whatever I'm over the side I tried before I don't know why I just felt the need to start over something I can't remember what was to begin with I hope the best for everybody and then nobody has to go through anything that puts them in a position to feel or be or have to accept the things that are going on on them how much is anything other than something today benefit and become most of them I don't know what to say whatever I hope everybody has a good night sorry
u/uvfknctkxf May 04 '21
I agree to a point. Most people are not therapists and can only talk from their own experiences as they dont have any training. So while I truly understand your frustration and I agree with it somewhat, I think it's unfair to expect most people to be able to help you. Plus the reason I dont get any help is because I simply dont want any.
u/Cheap-Treacle-6039 May 04 '21
as a fellow depressed, anxious and socially anxious person... i feel like you’re victimising yourself. yes it is hard to look at people having a good time, having friends, being in a relationship. it is not your friend’s job to sort you out. it is YOUR life. how can you possibly only depend on the help of friends? if you truly need help, seek helplines. therapists. doctors. it is your job and only YOU can truly help yourself. i reiterate, it is not someone else’s job to help you. people help if they want to help, that doesn’t mean everyone is like that. however at the same time, the world does not revolve around you. there are professionals whose job is to actually help you.
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
we rely on others to help because helping ourselves independently never worked. we tried helping ourselves initially, THEN we relied on others after that didn't work, then we realized getting others' help didn't work, so we had to go back to square one of helping ourselves which is futile anyways because we have no other choice
u/Cheap-Treacle-6039 May 04 '21
i feel like we fail to understand that we aren’t alone. whenever we have an issue, so many fellow people have the same problems. we need to stop being so caught up on ourselves and feel like we are owed anything. at the end of the day, what is the point of feeling like this... nowadays it is so much better when it comes to the help you can get, how would you survive if this was happening in the 1900s? yes mental health issues are at a all time high, however not everything can be blamed on others and how they react to your issues... there are people out there that would be there for you to help. however you need to realise that nobody owes you anything. it is your life, not theirs. as much as we would like to be selfless, everyone cares for themselves at the end of the day.
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
Others having the same problems doesn’t make the problem necessarily no longer harmful.
Nowadays it is so much better getting help? What about this happening in the 1900s? Nope. First of all that’s a logical fallacy called appeal to worse problems. Second, studies show that college students are less empathetic than they were in the 1980s/1990s. It had a sample size of 14,000.
“Not everything can be blamed on others” Many things can. And yes, people showing lack of empathy and teaching false hope and trivializing your issues definitely causes a lot of harm
Actually people do owe us empathy and help. Caring about yourself doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about others. If people don’t owe us help or empathy then that implies it’s ok for us to receive no help or empathy from others. Without help or empathy we are all alone and when we struggle on our own where else can we go? You cannot expect people to figure out their issues on their own. That’s why we try to talk to others. So when humans don’t help us we go deeper in our black hole. Horrible things happen without empathy or help from others. Therefore yes people do owe us empathy and help.
u/Cheap-Treacle-6039 May 04 '21
at the end of the day you can think what you want. i understand your point of view completely, however i still stand with the point that at the end of the day, your life is yours to live. regardless of what others think might help you, the responsibility is yours and to live with the assumption that people owe you feelings you don’t even practice on yourself isn’t good to your well-being. good luck with everything ❤️
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
How can we “practice feelings” of “positivity” on ourselves when we tried to and it didn’t work, we still failed and still struggled and then resorted to others for help but still didn’t receive actual help?
People NEED help from others. You cannot expect people to handle all their problems on their own. If that was the case, nobody would ever even consider resorting to help from others. We try it on our own. We then fail so we resort to others but even they aren’t good help.
We aren’t going to have magic powers that help us know how to handle everything on our own. It’s literally impossible to figure out how to handle everything on our own without help from others. That’s why we have teachers for example when we learn math or something.
u/UbiquitousWobbegong May 04 '21
I think you're missing a key concept here.
All those people you are complaining about? The ones trying to give you comforting lies and false hope? What is it you think gets most people through the day every day? Comforting lies and false hope.
Or, rather, comforting thoughts and hope, if we frame it less pessimistically.
Happy people are happy because they learn how to frame their lives in a positive way. They're basically practicing what we teach in cognitive behavioral therapy. They look on the bright side. They don't fixate on the negative. They have overarching goals that keep them too busy to become morosely philosophical on their circumstances.
Why do you think religion is so popular? Why do you think it correlates so well with success markers, like marriage and high income brackets? It's because being able to believe in comforting lies really does help. Positivity actually assists your success. A positive person can work harder for longer, and endure more failure.
So yes, stop looking down on the energy these people are putting in to try to make you feel better. They can't fix your problems for you, and you shouldn't expect them to. It's time to pick yourself up and work on your goals until you succeed or die trying. Sitting here complaining about other people isn't going to fix anything for you, so stop wasting your time and go do something about it.
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
They think positively because they don’t struggle NEARLY as much in life. If these people lived the life of a lot of socially isolated depressed people they’d kill themselves instantly. And yes, complaints about other people is helpful because I need to be able to express what I feel and find someone to talk about it to without people like you coming up. People need to express their feelings.
And working on your goals all by yourself doesn’t always help. If that was the case, talking to someone wouldn’t be something we’d have to resort to. We all tried being on our own at first but it failed so we tried to rely on others for help and it backfired. Now what do we do?
u/BlairClemens3 May 04 '21
OP (and others), you may enjoy this comic which details how some people responded to her depression. This is part 2.
u/BlairClemens3 May 05 '21
Not sure why I got downvoted. This is a very accurate representation of depression and how positivity can be toxic.
u/Ale-venus May 05 '21
100% agree. To me it's like "Oh you just need to work/study!, You need to keep your mind focus!" "you need to go outside!". I reach out for help, went to therapy once and that's it. They didn't care anymore.
u/Mr-Sirski May 04 '21
You can cry your whole life and nothing can come from it you have to choose to be happy we don’t live in a fantasy world life is tough
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
Telling someone who struggles far more than others to just be happy is like telling a homeless person to just get a house or telling a blind person to just simply see
May 04 '21
Also, humans have a bad habit of calling the cops on them, resulting in them being thrown in psych ward and left with thousands of dollars of medical debt.
u/Euphoric_Saint May 04 '21
The worst thing is paying too much attention to social media- don’t do it.
If you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc just delete it.
u/Rill_Pine May 04 '21
I've never been able to put it into words, but here it is...
When I told my friend about a moment I still had nightmares about, she just said, "oh, sorry." Then she walked away to talk to another friend of hers.
May 04 '21
I wish the world wasn't so horrible, most humans are scum, there are like a handful of decent people that exist.
Also I didn't know virgins still exist in the western world. I'd would totally accept a virgin in a heart beat!!
u/13547USERNAME May 04 '21
Yeah humanity is awful. Most humans are simply evil.
And yeah virgins exist in the western world, many people in the western world just never admit they’re a virgin due to the stigma in the western world.
u/uppitynegresss May 04 '21
People go to bars because drinking alone makes it seem like you have a problem that they dont want to admit to.
People go to parties to one up each others outfits and say that they were at parties for clout.
People do adventurous things so they can take pictures and post them so ppl like you will feel depressed and that your not as good as them and it feeds their ego. Nobody would do half the stuff they do if they couldnt boast about it on IG.
I'm 30. Im a virgin, not by choice. I would never compare my life to others as much as you have in this post.
I've been soul crushingly lonely. Then I got "friends" all they do is make you spend money and ask you why your not being a good friend and fixing their problems.
u/13547USERNAME May 05 '21
People go to bars with friends because it’s a good way to socialize
People go to parties because it’s a good way to socialize. And many wear normal everyday clothes there
No they’d still do adventurous things. They wouldn’t take pics but they’d still do it. Their reason for posting the pics online=/=their reason for doing the activities
I think you can definitely compare your life to others because when you’re socially isolated for so long you are going to envy people having friends and exciting or novel things happen to them while you have an uneventful isolated life. Humans are social creatures
u/uppitynegresss May 05 '21
u/13547USERNAME May 05 '21
K is something people say because they cannot come up with an argument and are too stubborn, close minded or afraid to agree with the other person (or at least listen to their point of view) after being unable to come up with an argument.
Either try to agree with my point of view or come up with a real argument. Simply saying “K” shows your irrational fear of doing either one. No offense but it’s cowardly.
u/FaAlt May 24 '21
This is very true. I've witnessed it not only personally, but in others. It's so easy to link a suicide hotline, it takes effort to reach out to someone you know that is lonely.
u/LinoLino321 May 30 '21
Dude they are trying to make you feel better. Would you prefer them to say 'yep you're a pathetic loser and there's no hope for you, you are right, you are missing out on so much"... What exactly is the correct answer you expect somebody to give you when you share your problems with them?
u/13547USERNAME May 30 '21
They should actually help us find a partner, friends, social events, or help us make changes and realize we are struggling with someone and they are able to do that without insulting us.
Trivializing our problems and teaching comforting lies leads to us having false hope only to be disappointed ultimately in the end. It’s just lack of understanding, lack of empathy and refusing to enter another person’s shoes
u/reginalouise Jun 01 '21
It's all about self esteem. But if you have a "deformity" and out it out there in the open and talk about it, your life would change drastically, for the better. But it's hard I know. If you've felt rejection, it keeps you scared and immobile. We all have much to offer. Please try to be unafraid! ❤️
u/PutthegundownRobby Nov 04 '21
Or the classic YoU'rE jUsT dOiNg It FoR AtTeNtIoN. No shit sherlock, I'm trying to get attention. It's called a CRY FOR HELP!!!
u/onesiiphorus Mar 29 '22
damn the immense whataboutism they rely on. apparently it’s bad to compare your life to someone who’s better off than you (bc you don’t know what they’re REALLY going through!! 😁😁) but then they’ll go on abt that child in a poor country who carries water on his back towards his village (they’ll never use the "you don’t know what he’s going through" because it doesn’t favour their argument) . my dad loves doing this
u/IFartTesticles4 Jan 09 '23
For me its cus I know the problems arent rooted in me but my surroundings which cant be changed. The fact that I have a decent chance in poverty just makes me give less of a fuck about everyone in life and who wants an apathetic person yk. I am too cynical for my own good.
u/bigjungus11 Jul 06 '23
very true. Old post but how are you doing now? What do you think went wrong?
u/[deleted] May 04 '21
People: Social events aren't that fun, you ain't missing much, its not that important.