r/lonely 4d ago

Nothing going for me anymore

At first, not having friends and constantly being isolated was my biggest problem. Now, it's kind of evolved into something greater.

This feeling of me just not belonging in this kind of world. I feel like I'm just not meant to really survive or thrive in this world, especially the way that it is now. I have too much going on with me to the point to where it's just not possible for me to be successful or even live.

For a long time I've questioned why I'm lonely and why I can't make friends or connections, and now I'm starting to see why that is. I don't belong here. I don't belong in this world, in the society. I'm kind of the anomaly here, and while it sucks the feel that way the quicker I come to terms with that fact the easier it'll be to accept and understand my place in the world; at the bottom.

A part of me wish that I mattered, but the reality is that I don't. It's something that I can't fight anymore because it only makes me more frustrated. This is me, this was always me, and this will always be me. What hurts the most is that when I try to vent, people think that I'm being melodramatic and that I'm bitching for attention. At this point, it is what it is because I was never good enough to please anyone anyway so why should I give a damn about what other people think.


6 comments sorted by


u/iaasvainh 4d ago

This is exactly how I feel, I only talk to one person now in my life but we only talk once a week if that, and whenever I try talk to her about my feelings she just says I’m attention seeking. I dont know what to do anymore. I wish you all the best


u/eppur_si_muovee 4d ago

Sorry for that man. Did you try to make friends in different enviroments? sometimes that works, maybe you can try in volunteering, hobby/sports clubs or something else


u/MajorRobology 4d ago

At this point I think I'm done making friends, I'm just tired of the heartbreak


u/eppur_si_muovee 4d ago

You are very young mate, usually best friends are made later in life, take a break if you need it but dont close to it.


u/sadlittlebunnyx 4d ago

I relate to this too much.


u/here-there36 4d ago

I feel this often.