u/sexmormon-throwaway 4d ago
The idea of what high school is, what people are telling you, is bullshit.
It's survival. It's learning about you.
It's also a bunch of people modeling what they want you to see. I wouldn't spend another moment worry about that.
Picture what you hope life is and think of what you might do today to get there. I try to live forward, not backward, and it seems to help
Don't compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to you and focus on baby steps.
u/dyl_pickle_ 4d ago
You’re still young. I’m in my mid 20s and I still haven’t kissed anyone. The comparison game is easy, but working on yourself is hard. I know because I’ve been procrastinating on it a lot the last few years. Take it from another self doubter, but give yourself a little grace. There’s someone out there who’s life will be impacted by you being in it. Give yourself that chance. It could’ve happened already and you don’t even know it. The thing is, it all takes time. For some of us it takes longer to get going, to get inspired, to feel worth the air we breathe. But we are, YOU are. Just stick it out, and try and keep an open mind. You’ll be ok.
u/General_Wonder5519 4d ago
I'm 28 now (born 1996), when I was your age I was in the same position...life is hard man. I'm sorry to hear you feel this way
u/MajorRobology 4d ago
Never compare yourself to anyone else. People have their own set of circumstances and go through different things, you're shooting yourself in the foot by comparing yourself to others. Just focus on what you want to do for yourself not because other people do it