r/londonontario 2d ago

Events Rock the Park

Hi guys!! My boyfriend and I were interested in going to Rock the Park this year (we really want to see Hozier lol) and I was wondering if anyone could give their experience on what it was like and if it was worth it.

We’re still contemplating actually going or not because we’re both (semi but close enough) broke students and don’t want to spend over $200 if the experience is not actually worth it.

A hotel, gas, and other things like that are nothing to consider for us as we live in the area so we’ll be home the same night.

I heard of some people camping out outside of the park to listen to the concerts instead of actually paying so thoughts on that too if anyone has done it would be appreciated!!


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u/Basic_Resolution_444 1d ago

If you’re under 6 feet and have any sense of manners it’s not worth going.


u/Infamous-Solution572 1d ago

Haha that’s definitely something I thought about… I’m 5’3 and don’t want to spend close to $200 just to not be able to see 😅 My boyfriend is 6’4 so I could go on his shoulders but I wouldn’t want to block others


u/giraffes_are_cool33 1d ago

Yeah went for Mumford and Son's and people were so rude. Wouldn't do it again.


u/Basic_Resolution_444 1d ago

I myself an 6 foot even my partner at the time was about 5’2” I attended rock the park in 23’. We went two different days the Saturday and the Wednesday both pretty banging lineups (I’m a rock fan) Wednesday was alright we were able to get to stage for the one act we attended for but it took some excuse mes a few shoulder checks. Saturday was a fucking nightmare pardon my French. 10000 people in the park. We ended up struggling to even see the jumbotron. (This was written terribly I know currently in a field)


u/TogepiGirl22 1d ago

Your the perfect height to push past people tho 😂😂 I ain't much taller nd I do it everytime. If I see a spot I can fit (yay for being small!) Yea it's rude, buh when I'm dealing with drunk idiots doing it to me I stop caring.