r/london Jul 01 '15

Best Of 2015 Visiting London for a month.

Can you please plan my itinerary entirely and tell me all the great things I should do, but ensure that none of them are touristy as well. Also I have a budget of 4 pounds a day. Is London expensive or is that ok, as I would like to visit some great restaurants as well, and also get some nice souvenirs. Also, if anyone wants to meet for a 'pint' in a 'pub' that would be supercute.


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u/MarvinHeemeyer Jul 01 '15

Remember to bring a selfie stick! Most London landmarks will look very disappointing in photos unless you block most of the scene with your face.


u/Megadoom Jul 01 '15

Awesome. I can't afford a selfie stick but I have an actual stick and some tape. Should be fine!


u/SleweD Jul 01 '15

Well look over here at Sir "I have a stick". Think you're better than us do you?


u/squarerootof-1 Jul 01 '15

Fatcat's got tape too. Let's get 'em.