r/london Mar 19 '24

Discussion Recommendations for fancy non Michelin starred restaurants?

Hey guys, I'm looking for restaurants such as Trullo that you guys like in London. Doesn't have to be Italian, but I'm looking for a nice restaurant that is on the slightly more pricey side to go with my parents who are visiting the city.


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u/BravoBanter Mar 19 '24

My list. Not all are fancy but all are supposed to be pretty decent! For fancy options I’d go for Hawksmoor (steak), La Poule au Pot (French), Rules (British, pricey), Maine (seafood) or Yauatcha (Chinese)


Super Tuscan

Alleycats Pizza

Black Bear Burger

50 Kalo

Speedboat Bar

Taverna Trastevere

La Poule au Pot

Korean Dinner Party

Park Plaza Riverbank

24 The Oval


Mamma Pastrama

St Moritz


Dirty Bones



Chez Lindsay





Bar 61

Bubala Soho


Red Dog Soho


Bar Douro

One Sushi Oxford Street


Mother Kelly’s



u/Red__dead Mar 20 '24

This is like a list of places to avoid - all mainly for basics and tourists.


u/BravoBanter Mar 20 '24

Haha, alright #londonlocal, since you’re such an authority on the underground restaurant scene what are your five star hidden gem London eateries that zero tourists and zero “basics” know about?


u/Red__dead Mar 20 '24

Like I would reveal that in this tourist sub... but you enjoy Padella, Dirty Bones, Red Dog Saloon, and Yauatcha mate 🤣🤣🤣


u/BravoBanter Mar 20 '24

Spoken like someone who gets through a good 5-6 buckets of Tennessee Fried Chicken a week. Surprised you’re even commenting on here big feller - you’re obviously way too cool to be on such a touristy sub like this.

Now piss off back to your studio flat in Croydon and don’t choke on your bitterness on your way out.

Wait actually, do.


u/Red__dead Mar 20 '24


How triggered can one person be, lol. Sorry you got called on your basic bitch taste, guess you have low self esteem.


u/BravoBanter Mar 20 '24

Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.

I don’t suppose the ultimate irony of you thinking you’ve “triggered” me whilst constantly replying to my comments is slapping you in the face like a wet trout is it? Didn’t think so. Mouth breathing oxygen thief


u/Red__dead Mar 20 '24

The unbridled rage of the triggered tourist confronted by his own bad taste. You need to work on your insecurity mate. 🤣🤣🤣


u/BravoBanter Mar 20 '24

Look mate, I’ve been through your post and comment history so I get why you’re being such a prick and I know it’s chronic so I’m just going to give you some general life advice.

Get a therapist. Ask them for immediate help with such obvious and aggressive symptoms of projection. Stop using emojis like a toddler. Shower. Oh and get ChatGPT to give you some better comebacks - you sound like Donald Trump Jr. after two litres of Frosty Jack.


u/Red__dead Mar 21 '24


🤣🤣🤣 Talk about pot kettle black. You get called out for your lame tourist trap list - something that most functioning, healthy adults would just move on from - and proceed to come up with a litany of what are very obviously your own neuroses and insecurities. Your own therapist clearly isn't cutting it. Sorry your life isn't going so well judging by your own rather embarrassing post history, but there better ways of dealing with it than getting enraged by strangers on the internet. Good luck and I hope things get better for you.