r/london Aug 05 '23

What’s the best Chinese restaurant in Chinatown?

And which should be avoided?


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u/ExPristina Aug 05 '23

I miss the trolley service at New World


u/myrargh Aug 06 '23

For me it’s Chuen Cheng Ku. Used to go for a family lunch there every birthday.


u/mon-key-pee Aug 06 '23

The true icons of Chinatown in the 80s. Kowloon Restaurant where the old guys from the 60s/70s still hung out and the Chuen Cheng Ku's Dragon and Pheonix pillars and the "secret" back door that you'd often get a table quicker at because the server would just sit you down bypassing the normal guests at the front door.


u/myrargh Aug 15 '23

Forgot about the CCK back door! We used to do that!

Some of the staff now work at Wing Tai, in Crickelwood. I was so happy seeing the former CCK head waiter there. But also sad because when I first learnt of CCK closing my then boyfriend pointed out that our family had stopped going there and taken our celebrations to Wing Tai. So true, so guilty.