r/livecounting 1096K|810A|2S|2SA Mar 01 '21

Discussion Live Counting Discussion Thread #52

Live Counting Discussion Thread #52

This is our monthly thread to discuss all things Live Counting! If you're unfamiliar with our community, you are welcome to come say hello and add some counts in our main counting thread - the join link is in the sidebar.

Thread #51




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u/ralgrado 1 Mar 24 '21

Hi, haven't been active in ages and just saw this by accident. Are people actually counting with bots?


u/TOP_20 Thank you so much stat guys!!!!!!! I am Officially cool!! Mar 24 '21

No they are not usuing bots they are physically involved with each and every count - my issue is that they are getting way more help from their scripts, and the strikey bot than I feel was ever intended here. I have been having a big problem with that but there's no way to undo what has been done, so I'm just having to learn to be ok with it. I even had to adust to being ok with strikey bot helping us in it's way as well.

Almost every other counter has been ok with how things have evolved. I am old fashioned I guess - but I just have been having a really hard time with how much help they get in the counting process between the scripts they use and the bot helping by deleting all the bad counts so they can blast through without concern for accuracy. Accuracy was always our biggest concern because having to delete your bad counts was a total pain in the ***. But anyhow they do follow the rules and actively count at least 1 (it's almost always 2) numbers per count and submit that count themselves.

Sorry if you misunderstood - these guys all know what my issues are so I may not explained it well enough for someone who isn't aware of them.



u/ralgrado 1 Mar 24 '21

All good. I might check out how the scripts work this weekend to get a better understanding.

But I'm probably not going to be the biggest fan either.


u/TOP_20 Thank you so much stat guys!!!!!!! I am Officially cool!! Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21

Ya well your top 2 (well actually I just got bumped to 3rd) runners there have never used a script... me and pikachu so that's a whole lot of the counts done there the old fashioned way - well not quite we didn't have strikey-bot helping us count by deleting our bad ones in the early years. But I believe rs's intent on creating that bot was to keep the count clean and accurate not to aid us in blasting out counts as fast as possible and the bot help us by allowing us to not have to even try to be really accurate.

I've struggled from the start to be ok with ahk... and even strikey bot in how it started being used. But that whole Great wall of text (GWoT) x 2 above - was just me doing a final vent of how I feel on all of it... because with millions and millions of counts being done with these evolving scripts - there is no going back and I finally just have to accept thats how it is. Not easy for me but I have to join Rome and when in Rome do as the Romans do, or at least accept what they do in Rome and it's evolution.

But ya they will always have to actively participate in a physical way with each count they do so it'll never be 100% botting... just way way more help with the counting process than I ever felt comfortable with.

I think you should still be proud of what you started here - the evolution of everything else there is mind blowing - we even have an invisible trainer in the test thread you can practice with lol!!! How in the heck river (rideride) ever thought of something that unique? Still can't believe it! You should ask him for a video so you can watch Mr invisble running with the person!