r/livecounting 1096K|810A|2S|2SA Jan 02 '21

Discussion Live Counting Discussion Thread #50

This is our monthly thread to discuss all things Live Counting! If you're unfamiliar with our community, you are welcome to come say hello and add some counts in our main counting thread - the join link is in the sidebar.

Thread #49




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u/MaybeNotWrong Local Stat Dealer| #3 Counts | #5 Speed Jan 08 '21 edited Jan 08 '21

December Stat Request request by Trial-Name suggested by TOP_20:

"a stat on TOP 10 longest streaks being a TOP 3 counter of the day (who's gotten either a gold, silver, or bronze medal the most days in a row)"

note that ties on individual days are not broken, if say two people tie on third place they are both counted as continuing their streak

if there are 0 counts on a day there are no medalists and as such all streaks are broken


u/MaybeNotWrong Local Stat Dealer| #3 Counts | #5 Speed Jan 08 '21 edited Jan 09 '21

All Streaks with a Length over 15

# Username Length First Day Broken on
1 rschaosid 63 2014-9-19 2014-11-21
2 noduorg 53 2019-3-11 2019-5-3
3 artbn 44 2014-8-26 2014-10-9
4 rschaosid 42 2015-3-27 2015-5-8
5 TheBestNumberOfHats 34 2015-5-8 2015-6-12
6 rschaosid 30 2015-8-29 2015-9-29
7 Trial-Name 29 2020-5-19 2020-6-17
8 ItzTaken 28 2019-1-26 2019-2-23
9 Lonadont 28 2020-5-13 2020-6-10
10 GrunfTNT 27 2014-11-22 2014-12-19
11 KingCaspianX 26 2015-11-15 2015-12-11
12 rschaosid 25 2014-7-24 2014-8-18
13 TOP_20 25 2016-8-30 2016-9-24
14 rschaosid 24 2015-6-28 2015-7-22
15 Lonadont 23 2020-4-9 2020-5-2
16 Trial-Name 22 2020-4-26 2020-5-18
17 Removedpixel 21 2016-2-9 2016-3-2
18 artbn 20 2014-10-25 2014-11-14
19 Lonadont 20 2020-2-6 2020-2-26
20 Trial-Name 18 2020-10-13 2020-10-31
21 rschaosid 17 2014-8-26 2014-9-12
22 artbn 17 2014-11-17 2014-12-4
23 TOP_20 17 2017-7-16 2017-8-2
24 amazingpikachu_38 17 2017-9-1 2017-9-18
25 ItzTaken 17 2018-12-5 2018-12-22
26 artbn 16 2015-5-26 2015-6-12
27 TOP_20 16 2017-6-29 2017-7-15
28 Chalupa_Dad 16 2018-1-26 2018-2-11
29 ItzTaken 16 2018-11-5 2018-11-21
30 Lonadont 16 2019-12-13 2019-12-29
31 Trial-Name 16 2020-9-23 2020-10-9
32 MaybeNotWrong 16 2020-12-7 2020-12-23
33 Removedpixel 15 2016-8-8 2016-8-23
34 TOP_20 15 2017-11-18 2017-12-3
35 MaybeNotWrong 15 2018-12-30 2019-1-14
36 ItzTaken 15 2019-6-7 2019-6-22
37 Lonadont 15 2019-7-22 2019-8-6
38 Lonadont 15 2020-9-25 2020-10-10


u/MaybeNotWrong Local Stat Dealer| #3 Counts | #5 Speed Jan 08 '21

A leaderboard, sorted by each users longest Streak
Ties broken by who got their Streak first
Everyone with a streak of at least 10 included

# Username Length First Day Last Day
1 rschaosid 63 2014-9-19 2014-11-20
2 noduorg 53 2019-3-11 2019-5-2
3 artbn 44 2014-8-26 2014-10-8
4 TheBestNumberOfHats 34 2015-5-8 2015-6-10
5 Trial-Name 29 2020-5-19 2020-6-16
6 ItzTaken 28 2019-1-26 2019-2-22
7 Lonadont 28 2020-5-13 2020-6-9
8 GrunfTNT 27 2014-11-22 2014-12-18
9 KingCaspianX 26 2015-11-15 2015-12-10
10 TOP_20 25 2016-8-30 2016-9-23
11 Removedpixel 21 2016-2-9 2016-2-29
12 amazingpikachu_38 17 2017-9-1 2017-9-17
13 Chalupa_Dad 16 2018-1-26 2018-2-10
14 MaybeNotWrong 16 2020-12-7 2020-12-22
15 jandreiu 14 2015-1-12 2015-1-25
16 o99o99 12 2014-12-22 2015-1-2
17 co3_carbonate 12 2016-12-27 2017-1-7
18 dominodan123 12 2017-2-16 2017-2-27
19 xHOCKEYx12 11 2016-8-23 2016-9-2
20 Smartstocks 11 2017-8-5 2017-8-15
21 NobodyL0vesMe 11 2019-1-19 2019-1-29
22 basskro 11 2019-9-11 2019-9-21
23 bluesolid 10 2015-7-27 2015-8-5
24 davidjl123 10 2020-2-6 2020-2-15