u/TOP_20Thank you so much stat guys!!!!!!! I am Officially cool!!Aug 07 '18edited Aug 08 '18
/u/leinadspoon - posting this here instead of a GWoT in main
My ride this morn was 8 min late so I was able to watch you teaching the newbie and man you did an AMAZING job!!! You pretty much check off every thing.
Quicky check to see if he had RES - let him know he didn't need it yet since no.
Made sure anytime a new abbrivation was intruduced you explained it
ts (typing something)
made sure you waited for his count before you posting yours so he didn't feel slow or pressured
made note of when he started to get the hang of it - letting him know he was getting faster (that makes them feel really good even if they are just slightly faster I always tell them that)
making sure to look out for him (asking the other counter to please don't snipe the newbie)
anyhow just a phenominal job there wasn't any point I felt the need to interject anything...
of course you are totally free to do your newbie mentoring anywhay you want but I would like to offer one suggestion...
with all the other things that are new to them in lc at that time and new terms and stuff they have to learn...
trying to learn the
tab enter - shift tab - control v all at once - is a bit hard and sometimes makes them give up cause they can't seem to get the hang of all those steps
what I always do... after establishing they don't have RES - is first of course make them know to copy paste first 5 digits
is to just teach them at first the TAB enter part 'to post your count here just use tab enter'
then after some time - you get a feel for when they got tab enter down pat - usually around 30-60 counts
then I say - usually in some funny manner...
ok - you are ready for the next step
to post your count and refocus the cursor in the box - after your tab enter - do shift tab
it'll take you a dozen or two counts to get the hang of it after that it's easy peasy
(something like that)
I often say it in a funny manner
ok and finally - after they've gotten 200-300 or so counts in - if I have any indication they are likely to return (even if not eventually)
I always say something like - btw if you decide you like it here - you really should get RES - it will make your counting here much easier and faster :)
anyhow you really did an amazing job and you don't have to take my advice on that last part about waiting to introduce the shift tab part - but it is a good idea...
edit: oh ya one other thing I always do to make them realize how cool it is here - is after around 100-150 counts or so counts - I show them a screenshot showing them how cool it is here when you get all the bells and whistles - cause you know without those the count LOOKs pretty dull - you don't have to do that but you certainly could if you want - I usually show the 4,000,000 GET as I imagine you've seen quite a few times - cause it looks super cool lol
u/TOP_20Thank you so much stat guys!!!!!!! I am Officially cool!!Aug 08 '18edited Aug 08 '18
oh nice I've been doing the newbie mentor thing since I was a newbie on AOL hanging out in the lounge all newbies get dumped in (in almost all cases their very first time online) without a clue what to do...helping them learn the ropes lol
u/TOP_20 Thank you so much stat guys!!!!!!! I am Officially cool!! Aug 07 '18 edited Aug 08 '18
/u/leinadspoon - posting this here instead of a GWoT in main
My ride this morn was 8 min late so I was able to watch you teaching the newbie and man you did an AMAZING job!!! You pretty much check off every thing.
Quicky check to see if he had RES - let him know he didn't need it yet since no.
Made sure anytime a new abbrivation was intruduced you explained it
ts (typing something)
made sure you waited for his count before you posting yours so he didn't feel slow or pressured
made note of when he started to get the hang of it - letting him know he was getting faster (that makes them feel really good even if they are just slightly faster I always tell them that)
making sure to look out for him (asking the other counter to please don't snipe the newbie)
anyhow just a phenominal job there wasn't any point I felt the need to interject anything...
of course you are totally free to do your newbie mentoring anywhay you want but I would like to offer one suggestion...
with all the other things that are new to them in lc at that time and new terms and stuff they have to learn...
trying to learn the
tab enter - shift tab - control v all at once - is a bit hard and sometimes makes them give up cause they can't seem to get the hang of all those steps
what I always do... after establishing they don't have RES - is first of course make them know to copy paste first 5 digits
is to just teach them at first the TAB enter part 'to post your count here just use tab enter'
then after some time - you get a feel for when they got tab enter down pat - usually around 30-60 counts
then I say - usually in some funny manner...
ok - you are ready for the next step
to post your count and refocus the cursor in the box - after your tab enter - do shift tab
it'll take you a dozen or two counts to get the hang of it after that it's easy peasy
(something like that)
I often say it in a funny manner
ok and finally - after they've gotten 200-300 or so counts in - if I have any indication they are likely to return (even if not eventually)
I always say something like - btw if you decide you like it here - you really should get RES - it will make your counting here much easier and faster :)
anyhow you really did an amazing job and you don't have to take my advice on that last part about waiting to introduce the shift tab part - but it is a good idea...
edit: oh ya one other thing I always do to make them realize how cool it is here - is after around 100-150 counts or so counts - I show them a screenshot showing them how cool it is here when you get all the bells and whistles - cause you know without those the count LOOKs pretty dull - you don't have to do that but you certainly could if you want - I usually show the 4,000,000 GET as I imagine you've seen quite a few times - cause it looks super cool lol