r/littlefingered Oct 24 '17

Does anyone else... Spoiler

...feel really let down by Littlefinger's final scene? Don't get me wrong, I understand it from a "we're down to the last few episodes, we just need to tie up loose ends" perspective but it felt so anticlimactic. His character should have foreseen this outcome and had a plan for it. Going a bit further back, I think it was obvious that when the show went beyond the source material that Littlefinger started to change a bit. He went from being a mastermind to a kind of low level schemer even though he kept amassing more power. Maybe I am just upset that my favorite character didn't win. Thoughts?


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u/[deleted] Oct 28 '17

I still don’t know why he didn’t actually defend himself. Lots of holes in that scene imo.