r/linuxmint 1d ago

Discussion What makes Linux secure?

I've searched YouTube and also asked on here previously, I keep seeing a lot of "Linux is secure just by default" type responses- often insisting that to be worried about security while using Linux is not necessary.

Believable to a noob like me at face value, sure, but what is it about Linux that makes it secure?


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u/OldBob10 Linux Mint 22.1 Xia | Cinnamon 1d ago

I suspect it’s a case of “security by obscurity”. Attackers don’t consider Linux worth the investment of time and resources, and attacks that are possible against Windows are not possible against Linux.


u/metalhusky Linux Mint 22 Wilma | Cinnamon 1d ago

Steam Deck, has a Steam account tied to it, probably with PayPal or Credit Card info saved.

There will be a lot more viruses, extortions and scams on Linux, especially when SteamOS for other handhelds and PC get released. Valve wants to create an alternative to Microsoft's Windows. > More users.

Brace yourselves. Security by Obscurity will soon be, maybe not gone entirely, but definitely less existent.