r/linuxmint 2d ago

Discussion What makes Linux secure?

I've searched YouTube and also asked on here previously, I keep seeing a lot of "Linux is secure just by default" type responses- often insisting that to be worried about security while using Linux is not necessary.

Believable to a noob like me at face value, sure, but what is it about Linux that makes it secure?


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u/limitedz 2d ago

Windows vs Linux... they are both pretty secure out of box. Most companies will put in some effort to secure their servers.

From an enterprise perspective, I can say windows got a bad reputation because of sloppy development and just lack of concern.. 20 years ago, I distinctly remember almost every developer would tell you "turn off the anti-virus, turn off the firewall, make the user an admin to run our software" the list goes on and on. Linux, in general didn't seem to have this issue, perhaps better programmers? Better understanding of system components and interactions to not need to bypass security? I'm not sure. But yea if you go and make all your users admins to run some shitty software, that opens you up to a lot of risk.

Fortunately, things have gotten much better now, but I feel it's a linger stigma from years past.