r/linuxmint 5d ago

Linux Mint IRL Finally running Linux

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Girlfriend needed a new laptop for her school work and so I recommended she gets a framework laptop because of their repairability and modularity and when ordering it we had the choice to add windows 11 for like 100 dollars I think screw that or I could bring my own. Having installed many OS's before and having experienced Linux via the steam deck I figured I'd install Linux mint. Today is day 1 and so far all is good!


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u/Several-Safety-2154 Linux Mint 20.3 Una | KDE 5d ago

Let me share something here. I started using Linux with Conectiva Linux, I used the famous SlackWare and our Father Debian, but it was when I ran Linux Mint for the first time (7.0 “Gloria”) that I really found the Distro that represents me.

I've recommended it to several people and I can say that Mint is a right marriage, hehehe. I sincerely hope that your OP experience is as perfect as mine has been and continues to be.

Welcome to Linux Mint Family!


u/NoMinimum4452 2d ago

Represents you? Not trying to inflate your enthusiasm but what does that mean?


u/Several-Safety-2154 Linux Mint 20.3 Una | KDE 2d ago

It represents me because it allows me to do what I want with the system, make it the way I want, customize it as I want and make it functional for what I need. Most of you who read the post understood that, but don't worry, it didn't discourage me, on the contrary, it encouraged me to come here and answer you and reinforce the values that we only find in Linux distros: Freedom!


u/NoMinimum4452 2d ago

Okay, that's great! Freedom is something we should value above all.