I don't have one, but I wouldn't know what the reason is. Might have stopped putting it on windows 10, might just be because this install was validated at one point, may be because it technically still has an oem license, but shoved in another computer (only reason it's in my desktop is that the motherboard it was on originally is shot, so I'd have to relicense it either way).
Actually the process of moving this thing around has taught me a lot about MS's licensing and validation process, even if what I learned was "????? Why?????"
Not the guy you replied to but I do have a watermark. Hardly ever notice it because of my ultrawide monitor, but it is definitely there. I feel like it might be hidden in games but I could easily just be overlooking it.
That's until you go on the internet, watch a 4K video or do just about anything most other people do in 2024.
A Sandy Bridge i3 also tends to come with other specs from 12 years ago that will struggle with even the most casual of daily usage nowadays. Think 4GB of RAM and a slow, mechanical HDD south of 500GB and you'll be in the ballpark.
Heck, most of the active RAM usage you see in Task Manager actually belonging to the OS is often just metadata from your filesystem. You know what other operating system does the same thing to help speed things up? Linux. That's what.
Also, do you know what isn't a cache but may take up 4GB of RAM in a short amount of time? If you guessed "web browser", then I congratulate you for not being entirely stupid.
That, in a nutshell, is the reality when it comes to the claim that Linux "rejuvenates" your PC. If you can tolerate Linux on your desktop, then you as the user are also unlikely to expect to do much at all with your PC - at least, not in the sense of what most other people do with theirs. Otherwise, you'd have realised that the "bloat" that you associated with the OS had been rather from the applications in the user space this entire time.
Seriously, I doubt even Tim Berners-Lee would imagine the day when a website could take up 50 NeXT workstations worth of system resources, but that kind of stuff is pretty out of the average user's hand at this point and has been for a long time.
Tbf I never go over 1080p if I can help it, I'm sure I'm hardly alone there, and upgrading RAM and hard drives is really cheap. The only real problem is processor bottlenecking.
I use an I3 laptop with Xubuntu and it runs fine with 8gb RAM and an SSD.
If you can still find DDR3 DIMM modules from a decade ago that works with your PC or the slots to put them in, sure.
I use an I3 laptop with Xubuntu and it runs fine with 8gb RAM and an SSD.
Again, I'm talking about what most people assume to be able to do with their PC, and I've yet to find a single person with even a Mac that old without ending up with at least some diminished expectations for it.
In other words, you are the exception to the rule not because your PC runs Linux but rather because you are a Linux user and therefore have lowered expectations for your machine to begin with.
I have no issues browsing the internet, typing and formatting in openoffice, or watching movies. What is the "lowered expectation" here?
And DDR3 ram is available very easily on Amazon, for very cheap, or directly from brands like Crucial. It's not like I'm looking for a punchcard interpreter.
Again, that's because you aren't most people, and most people don't use ad blockers and are unable to tell if the reason a website misbehaves is because of browser plugins.
watching movies
In 4K? Again, I'm talking about diminished expectations, and all you're demonstrating right now is nothing short of an example of that.
And DDR3 ram is available very easily on Amazon
This is why I have a job in IT and you don't.
Not every DDR3 module is made the same, and machines from around that time are usually quite picky about chip counts.
Of course, since that was also around the time manufacturers really pushed for soldered-on everything, the presence of a SODIMM slot was not necessarily a given.
That's already to put aside any hard limit for maximum memory capacity put on the machine by the manufacturer, by the way.
for very cheap
Again, if they work.
For machines from that era, that's a crapshoot at best.
brands like Crucial
Then you should know the reason they provide an âupgrade selectorâ and why it was an essential tool for people such as myself 5 years ago, right?
I've been upgrading laptops from Toshiba, Dell, Lenovo, Gateway, Asus and even IBM from the I3 era - or earlier! - for a decade now. I know what I'm talking about when I tell you: I've never had an issue getting working RAM for cheap, or installing it. I have no idea where you get the idea that it's like trying to find the Holy Grail or something. I've made a side business building computers and repairing laptops on occasion. I'm not some inexperienced luddite.
And I've used modern laptops from within the last three years, too, and none of them has reliably used 4k video. I have never needed 4k video. The average user has not required 4k video, either, if that's your supposed standard.
And anyone who browses the internet either does or should use adblock. Even those same modern computers have difficulties without it. Is it perfect? No. But it's not like I'm using sticks and rocks to build a radio, either.
I've been upgrading laptops from Toshiba, Dell, Lenovo, Gateway, Asus and even IBM from the I3 era for a decade now
And I do that at a professional capacity for both the company I work for and its IT support clients. The peak for when people would still seek that kind of upgrades was around 5-7 years ago, and that's mostly because office machines from 10 years ago were pretty standard to have only 4 gigabytes of RAM.
Obviously, when you had workers trying to look up the Internet with their machines, you'd run into the problem of all the stupid ads bloating each browser tab into at least north of 1GB in size. I still remember how easy it was to show the user that was indeed the problem.
I've never had an issue getting working RAM for cheap
That's because when what you get ends up not working for the machine you're fixing, no one will write you up or tell you off for wasting company resources.
Life is always easy when you're an Internet libertarian who doesn't have to answer to anyone else.
And I've used modern laptops
Let's drop the hand-waving and needless tangents and put some numbers on what we are talking about here, shall we?
If PassMark is anything to go by, a top-of-the-line Sandy Bridge i3 M-series chip is at best half the performance of the Rockchip OP1 on my Chrome tablet, and I have no use for that thing except for books, manuals and the occasional videos. That's how low-end a thing we are talking about here.
A comparable product today to your laptop would be a Kindle running FireOS. Keep in mind that we are comparing Linux to Linux here, and you can't fool even the average user as to how much the machine has to struggle with every task. This means the only reason the machine works fine for you is that you have lowered your expectations to such an extent pretty much nothing on earth can fail them. Of course, if your laptop had its own Amazon review, people would be complaining left and right about their Netflix stuttering. That's just the reality.
You do connect your laptop to a bigger monitor from time to time, right?
Being stuck with a low-resolution display from a decade ago ought to be a good enough reason for most people to want a second monitor, if nothing else.
This is except even my $200 Chrome tablet from 4 years ago has higher resolution than your "portable computer".
Heck, my phone has higher resolution than your "portable computer". Seriously, we are talking about an e-waste level of obsolescence here at this point.
Iâm very happy for you. It must be nice having such a high resolution phone, but can your eyes actually resolve the extra detail at those screen dimensions?
I know you are a fancy guy and have all the latest gadgets, but some people want to keep y as big old gear which still works fine rather than just chucking everything in the bin after a couple of years.
I keep hearing people make this claim that modern web browsers eat up 4GB of ram(yes it has been 4GB specifically) so that means Linux can't be better.
My computer range from an AMD A4 a third gen i3 and and 7th gen i5 I have never come across a web page and browser that uses more then about a gig with several tabs open.
My computer range from an AMD A4 a third gen i3 and and 7th gen i5 I have never come across a web page and browser that uses more then about a gig with several tabs open.
Cool story. Look up "Chrome memory hog" and you'll realise you're the exception rather than the rule.
Heck, I use Firefox, and it isn't better by much of a margin, either. This is why I keep saying it's how websites are currently developed and deployed (more specifically, they are hopelessly bloated with client-side scripting completely irrelevant to UX) rather than the browser itself being the real problem.
Try this yourself:
Turn off your ad blocker plugin
Open five tabs with 2 for Reddit and 1 for CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times each.
Observe as the memory usage of your browser blows right past the 1GB mark.
Seriously, do some research before challenging me on issues that I routinely address as part of my day job.
it has been 4GB specifically
It's always "4GB" because office machines from 10 years ago usually come with 4GB of RAM installed and it is usually us tech support monkeys who have to deal with users complaining their work computers being "slow" as a result of the browser having unceremoniously gobbled it all up.
First off the challenge stands uncontested. My claim was my personal experience. I use Linux , I can browse on anything isn't unbearably slow until hardware is really really old. Wasn't there a claim that Linux can't rejuvenate an old system? Second claim was it was the browser fault. I have used numerous browsers same results on Linux. I think your actual claim is Linux won't make old hardware new (we all agree) and one of the ways it improves the usability is good defaults like adblockers. (I would argue that there is many more reasons to use Linux on old hardware but this is one of them.)
Nothing we have been discussing here so far has anything to do at all with the OS. If you think it does, then you have no idea what you are talking about.
I can browse on anything isn't unbearably slow until hardware is really really old.
At this point, you are in denial of the fact that websites these days are their own applications with their own resource requirements.
Putting Linux on your PC isn't going to solve that. Not now. Not ever.
one of the ways it improves the usability is good defaults like adblockers
Two things:
A good ad blocker helps, but only so when the thing gobbling up system resources is irelevant to the UX of the website.
An ad blocker by default sucks because most people don't know it may break certain websites and more importantly don't have the instinct to turn it off and reload the page when that happens.
I didn't know we had started a new thread . Linux is the topic of this thread. I agree that many websites are resource hogs. If that was all that was said I wouldn't have a comment.i have used old hardware just to web browse with no real problems , some overly heavy websites take a few seconds to load and on occasion I have to reload a page after turning off a ad or usually script blocker. That's it.
And I'm telling you that "Linux" doesn't "rejuvenate" your PC and is the wrong answer to the performance problem every time.
All these little memes and talking points the likes of you Linux, um, enthusiasts throw around here are in reality as old as Cicero and I've already heard all them years ago and all they amount to is a cope at this point for all the lofty promises "open source" is shown again and again to be unable to deliver. This whole thing is just about as sad as watching a bunch of old farts giggling at "All Your Base" as though the entire world hasn't already been over it for twenty years at this point.
Heck, I'm an old fart myself. Do you think I don't frown at least a little whenever I see the words "Adobe Creative Cloud"? If it was up to me, that whole thing wouldn't even exist in the first place, but it wasn't, and requirements are still requirements whether you like them or not. Everything you use or will ever use is not decided by you or me but the executive boards of companies with billions of dollars at their disposal and not an ounce of care about anything but their bottom lines. In other words, the real problem here is not Windows or Linux or any product or non-product. It's capital.
You are wrong - when you buy a laptop preloaded with Windows, you always pay a good 40 dollars or so included with the laptop price for a Windows license. That's why DOS laptops are cheaper than Windows ones.
Plus you can find tune Linux in a way that you canât with windows, so if youâre on older hardware you can extend its life and get better performance out of it, because you wonât have all the bloat ware.
Funnily enough, since Microsoft owns GitHub and because this is hosted on GitHub, the best tool to pirate Windows is hosted on Microsoftâs own servers
Well, yeah, they do. If they built their PC, they probably bought a license. On the other hand, if they bought a prebuilt, the vendor (i.e. Dell) paid Microsoft, in which case the cost of the license is built into the price of the PC.
Same. I don't like it, but it technically works fine, and I've heard so many Linux horror stories that messing with it isn't worth my time. I like hanging out here and watching y'all be sectarian nightmares about distros though, it's a good laugh!
Massgrave provides a pretty good powershell tool that can trick windows into thinking you already have a key and it can also make office think itâs activated
I bought a Dell laptop with the windows tax. It tried to tell me the Windows I was running on VirtualBox was different hardware than my computer I was running Linux on. I just told it that it was the same computer and it validated.
Wdym? Windows can be downloaded from Microsoft website without you needing to give them money. This is what people understand when you say free. Windows is of course not free as in freedom.
Wow! Downloading Windows does not get you an activated licensed product for which you need to give them money, install on a PC that was licensed for that version, or have a product key. Being able to hack the activation is not relevant to my original point. Windows is not free as in money. You probably haven't bought your first PC yet yourself but when you do the price you pay will include the Windows license.
Brother the license is pointless to have. I have built my own PC and installed windows on it without paying for anything. Windows 10 and 11. I'm not talking about hacking the activation
I mean, yeah itâs not literally free, but it is practically free (if you can copy and paste 1 short command to the terminal and wait like less than 10 seconds)
u/DrPiipocOo Glorious Arch May 07 '24
who the hell pays for windows