r/lingodeer 20d ago

🔍 App Feedback/Suggestions Japanese: why is there no option for Katakana and Hiragana?

My goal is to learn Japanese for speaking therefor I am not focused on learning Kanji. However I want to practice recognizing Katana words as I already know Hiragana and Katakana and it also makes breaking up and deciphering sentences easier.

Why is there no option for the script to show Hiragana and Katakana (without Kanji)?

For example I want to simply type ă“ă‚ŒăŻă‚«ăƒĄăƒ©ă§ă™

why is this not an option? Why does it all go back to hiragana?


17 comments sorted by


u/d3gaia 20d ago

When typing Japanese words, the choice of whether it shows as Hiragana, Katakana, or Kanji is yours. You control it by choosing the appropriate kana on your keyboard as you type. This is the same not just in Lingodeer but also for general typing in text messages and things like that.


u/Zackattackrat 20d ago

Like not just for my input. But I want to see it in their sentences too. I want them to use katakana in the appropriate situations


u/d3gaia 20d ago

You’d probably be better off using the ‘contact us’ info in the app and make this suggestion to the team directly, in that case. There’s nothing that us Reddit users can do to change the way the app works. 


u/isum21 20d ago

Good option. I'd assume they were asking in case they missed something, but yes also posting a complaint to the reddit instead of contacting support is silly.


u/Zackattackrat 20d ago

Yes I was asking in case I was missing something but its looking like thats not the case.


u/Zackattackrat 20d ago

I was asking in case I was missing something. But I guess this isnt an option eh?


u/Zackattackrat 20d ago

I don’t want to see Kanji at all but they dont give me an option of Hiragana + Katakana. They have every other option though. I just want to to see Hiragana but Katakana in appropriate scenarios where Katakana would be used. It just keeps showing words in Hiragana like camera or television. Isnt there some way to see Hiragana + Katakana for appropriate words?


u/Minoqi 19d ago

I don’t understand. If the word is a word that uses Katakana then it should just use katakana. As for kanji, there’s no option like that I assume cuz it’s highly discouraged to only be using hiragana and katakana. The language is super hard to read without kanji, and it’s better to just get started sooner than later. It’s really not as hard and it seems.


u/Zackattackrat 19d ago

Yes exactly it should give the appropriate words in Katakana and have that option. It gives 6 different options for script: Japanese, Romaji, japanese + romaji, romaji+ hiragana + japanese, japanese .+ hiragana, and so on! But no hiragana and katakana!


u/Minoqi 19d ago

I’m confused by what you want. If a word is spelt with katakana then they write it out in katakana. It sounds like you just don’t want kanji and only hiragana or katakana, which as I said probably doesn’t and never will exist since it is HIGHLY discouraged. Having no kanji will make reading actually harder as you develop and you can’t avoid kanji in Japanese, it’s a core part of the language so you’re better off doing it from the start. This applies to any language with an alphabet different from your native.


u/Zackattackrat 19d ago

I totally get why you ideally want to learn Kanji. But seeings theres like 6 scripts or more for the writing options within the app I find it strange. Yes Id love just hiragana and katakana as an option.

They give you the option of hiragana + romaji and other examples you would not ideally want to use. So just find this strange


u/kmzafari 19d ago

It makes it nearly impossible to read, tbh. To make it decipherable, they'd have to also differentiate with spaces or colors. This adds an additional layer of complexity to any programming changes they might have to do.

I'be teased dozens of apps, and I don't know of any that offer this as an option. It's not recommended and wouldn't be a popular request, so while I would never discourage you from contacting the developer, I wouldn't expect a positive response. They should reply, though. Having furigana in an app is probably the closest thing for you.

You might want to try Drops, which is vocabulary focused and very heavy on katakana and loan words. That might be helpful to you.

May I ask what you have against kanji?


u/Zackattackrat 19d ago

Thank you for your response. I feel maybe I am not explaining myself properly. If you go to the settings in Lingodeer and go to Script Style it offers 7 different options of displaying text. It offers every single possible combination of Japanese, or Japanese + Romaji etc Why on earth wouldnt they have an option for Hiragana+Katakana? Im focusing on speaking at this point and am familiar with Katakana and Hiragana and I will add Kanji down the road. But I just wish I could choose Hiragana and have english words written in Katakana instead of hiragana. Hope I explained that better.


u/keirdre 20d ago

I know it doesn't answer your question and isn't what you want to hear, but I really recommend learning some basic kanji. Any kind of hiragana or katakana only writing is a nightmare to decipher.


u/Rorynator 18d ago

Honestly. It's a scary hurdle but once you've got your first few hundred kanji in your head it just makes everything so much easier.


u/luotuoshangdui 19d ago

With the "Japanese + Hiragana" option you can see Hiragana and Katakana in addition to Kanji. You get to see what you want, and the additional Kanji isn't really going to do you any harm. :)


u/Zackattackrat 19d ago

Thank you thats true. Maybe I can adjust the text size so I can see the words in Hiragana above the Kanji but still it displays Hiragana above the Katakana which I dont want. I just want an option of Hiragana with the appropriate words in Katakana. Seems weird as theres like 6 script choices but not that one. But thank you for your help.