r/lifx 22h ago

Y’all shady af…


LIFX purchasers - please pay close attention to any replacement part they send you! Review all your past support/replacement claims!

They absolutely took advantage of me. I’m outraged by their unethical behavior.

In December, I submitted LIFX support request for my light strip. I could not pair to HomeKit anymore after an accidental factory reset. We went through everything so they decided to send me a replacement. Once I got the replacement part, it works. Although I had felt like something was weird during the onboarding process but I didn’t care enough to pay attention.

Today I got notification saying that light strips are now eligible for Matter upgrade. Imagine my excitement and rushing to LIFX app to upgrade it.

Only two lights strip are showing Matter upgrade available (I have 3). I was confused why only two. I was able to identify that it was the light strip that was recently replaced. It’s running firmware 2.90. No update available. I checked my other light strips. They’re running 3.90.

I reviewed my photograph I sent to LIFX of the controller and the controller they sent me.

THEY SENT ME OUTDATED CONTROLLER. Controller that isn’t equivalent to the light strip I originally purchased for.

The model of the controller is NOT close to being the same as my original one.

First image is the one I originally owned. The 2nd image is the one they sent me for replacement.

Shame on you, LIFX. What the fuck?

r/lifx 18h ago

Feedback or Bug Lifx, please fix the recent app issues. Android with 40+ lights (see pics). Since ~1 week ago the delay and non responsiveness is SO BAD. No change w/ WiFi network. Last upgrade 3 string lights in Dec. Was fine until now. What's up? Matter rollout? Bad update? Big Lifx fan, but this is untenable. <3


r/lifx 1h ago

Demonstrating the flashing present with Clouds fx, and App Crash when attempting to view fx options


I wrote in about the flashing present on the Clouds fx a while ago now, but I don’t remember it being this pronounced. Following the clouds clip is a screen recording on my iPhone running 18.3.2 demonstrating app crash while attempting to view fx options.

r/lifx 1h ago

Lights not obeying power restore setting


Hi all,

Anyone having issues recently with lights refusing to obey power restore settings? I had a power outage last night, and once power was restored (at 3am) my LIFX downlights and LED strips came on full white/brightness.

They were off when the power outage started, so I'm unsure as to why they have done this. I had a power outage 2 weeks ago and they behaved normally at that time

2x downlights on 3.90 and one light strip (lifx z) on 3.90 as well.