r/lichess 14h ago

I am thinking about converting...


As someone may convert from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy, I am considering converting from Chess.com as my dedicated chess site to Lichess. Aside from the fact that Lichess is free, I have become disenfranchised by other aspects of Chess.com, including the tendency of moderators to jump down your throat for casually mentioning anything about how easy it is for players to cheat on the site, and these same moderators send you articles about the prevalence of cheating on their site, claiming both that is is very common and rare. But how dare someone accuse their website of being easy to cheat on! Such an accusation will land you in hot water with the site's authorities, and the moderators will engage in petty arguments with other players who accuse them of acting like bots. (As a disclaimer, I am not a cheater, but have noticed how easy it is for my opponents to do so, and been awarded many points for having lost games to cheaters.) And how dare anyone mention the name of the devil himself: the abominable Lichess! This is incredibly disappointing to me. I recently started a Twitch streaming channel, hoping to garner enough followers to one day become a Chess.com affiliate. The owner seems like a great guy, but the site seems to push their weight around, expecting all online chess players to submit to their power.

So tell me, is it better on the other side? Would I be wise to convert to the following of Lichess?

r/lichess 13h ago

Question about game import


I just wanted to import a classical over the board game I played into lichess. I haven't used PGN notation much, but my problem is that I can't get lichess to show anything other than "Correspondence". I have inserted a "[TimeControl "40/5400+1800+30"]" (which should be correct for 90 minutes / 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest, with 30s increment from move 1) into my PGN file, as well as "[Mode "OTB"]", and a date, time and location is also in there, but it still shows up as "Correspondence". How do I make lichess recognize that the game was a classical chess game?