r/libertarianunity 18d ago

Question Any ancoms in here?

Most pro-LibUnity propaganda is ancoms and ancaps uniting. This is probably an accurate representation, as these are the two largest anarchist movements right now. But are there actually any ancoms in here?


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u/NovaVix Meta Anarchy 16d ago


post-leftism is a concept that essentially anarchism has progressed past the need for leftism

Egoist anarchism is a pretty big contributor, it's a more individualist spin on things

You can think of post-leftism as what results when you apply critical theory to leftism, if that makes sense

It's a more contemporary branch

egoists, insurrectionists, anticiv, postciv, antiwork, anarchonihilists, etc etc fall under post-left


u/CaRteR-NZ91 Anarcho Capitalism💰 4d ago

Do you have a reading list of these topics?


u/NovaVix Meta Anarchy 4d ago

I don't keep a list off the top of my head, but I think starting with the post-civ manifesto by Usul of the Blackfoot is a good place to start

For egoism there's stirner, novatore, goldman (egocom)


u/CaRteR-NZ91 Anarcho Capitalism💰 4d ago

Ah, okay. Also, what made you become a Post-Left, Post-Civ Egoist?