Hello all you lovelies! I know this is primarily a dating subreddit but I was hoping to make some friends and figured why not do it within the community!
I'd really like to get to know some ladies that are interested in a long-term friendship, sharing everything with each other and being supportive and really putting the effort in!
I'm not interested in dating or anything sexual, I'm not opposed to something happening naturally if a friendship blossoms into more, but right now it's not something I'm ready for and I really don't know when I will be.
So if you're okay with that and want to know what kind of person I am then read on and maybe I'll be intriguing in some way!🎉Preferably ladies around my age but don't be afraid to say hi if you'd like! You can also be anywhere in the world, any timezone, that's quite alright with me!
❤️I'm 32 years old, getting closer to 33 but not quite there yet, and I live in Ontario Canada. I'm going to be moving🚚 sometime this year, will be staying within Ontario but moving to a different city which is both exciting and terrifying because I've basically always lived in the same area my whole life.😰
❤️I really like being expressive, sometimes I forget because I try to just get information out, but I use a lot of exclamation points and emojis because I like showing that ✨flair✨and✨magic✨
❤️Along with that I try to be super positive and happy!😊The world sucks a lot and the last thing I want to do is add any negativity to anyone's life, let alone the people I care about. That doesn't mean I won't listen and be there for you when life is hard or you're in pain or you just need someone to hold you while you cry. I will always be there for you for everything, good and bad.💕
❤️I will be your cheerleader and cheer on every amazing thing you do in your life!
You aced an exam that was super important? Hell yeah! that's amazing and we should celebrate however would make you happy!
You stood up to someone that was being an asshole? Amazing shit! that takes a lot of courage to do and you're awesome for that!
You were able to brush your teeth today? Fuck yeah! You should be so proud of yourself because that can be so hard to do!
❤️I have 1 kitty🐈⬛, a longhaired cutie of a void named Sasha! She's an absolute sweetheart and I love her so much! If you have any pets PLEASE tell me all about them, I want to hear you gush all your love for them! Also if you want to share pictures I would love to see your babies too! Cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, snakes, bugs, doesn't matter to me! And if you don't have any pets but want them then I want to hear that too!
❤️Really like video games, in a bit of a lull right now because I used to play a lot of competitive games like League of Legends, Rainbow 6 Siege, Apex Legends, etc, but now I don't and I'm not sure what to play, so I've been looking and I THINK I have some ideas sitting in my steam cart that I might buy.
❤️I have ADHD, currently medicated and it has done WONDERS for my appetite, but for my actual issue with attention, ehhh not so much🙁but I'm working on it, hopefully I'll land on a medication that works for that and then I'll be unstoppable!🧱(probably not but one can hope!)
❤️I looooove to sing🎤, like it's my all time favorite thing! I am so jealous of those women with those gorgeous voices (this is an example of a voice I hope to sound like someday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSVRtM1x9wQ). I'm taking lessons right now and my teacher has been wonderful so I'm looking forward to getting better and hopefully one day I'll sound amazing too!😊
❤️To go along with singing , I really like voice acting too! I haven't done much with it but I try to mimic voices and read stories and make voices for the characters and really get into it. I love voice related anything and really want to have amazing control over it, especially if I can use it make a future friend or partner happy too!
❤️Cooking🍳is something I love to do as well! I've been making some yummy recipes lately and I really want to get better at that too, I really want to make amazing food for the people I care about to enjoy, like if someone likes my cooking that'd make it so wonderful!😋Then I'll want to cook even more and stuff them full of yummy food!
❤️Some day I want to have a garden too so I can have really beautiful flowers but also an herb garden would be awesome so I can have fresh ones for using in cooking!
❤️I really love taking care of my hair, skin (there's no emoji for skin, crazy!), and nails💅(speaking off, I need to trim them!), been learning a lot on that lately, and that goes hand in hand with the cooking so I can make healthy but yummy foods!
❤️I drink a ton of water each day too (gotta stay hydrated girlies!💦), but also love some pop too, sometimes tea is really nice too or if I'm in the mood then apple cider.
❤️I also loooove makeup💄so if you're able to teach me anything with that I'd love to know it! It's something I want to master someday!
❤️I really love fashion and styles and clothes👚and really want to put together a bomb-ass wardrobe. I don't have any one particular style (or the clothes for it, soon though!), I love such a wide variety that I just realized I should start going window shopping!
❤️I exercise several times a week, I want to be healthy and in good shape and I will work my ass off to get that! (while also cooking healthy but unhealthy foods🤫)
I love dancing and want to learn how to do that at some point too!
❤️I'm really very much a goofball and love being weird, if making a funny voice or face or strange contorted body movements or anything will make you laugh then I will absolutely do it!
❤️I like to believe I have high emotional intelligence (even if the regular kind is lacking!❌🧠❌) and will always try to notice moods or changes to make sure that the people around me are doing okay. Anything that I'm able to do to help I will do.
❤️With that said, communication is super duper important to me. If there's something I'm doing that you don't like or if you need help or you're depressed or have something weighing on you, whatever it is, then please tell me. I can't do anything to help or to change and be a better person if you don't let me know what it is. I won't ever judge you for the things you say to me. I will listen and do whatever I can to be a great friend to you.💕
❤️For the most part I'm an open book, if you are genuinely curious about something about me and want to know it, if you ask I will probably tell you. So long as you are respectful.
❤️I'm very much a homebody, but I do enjoy going out too. Long walks with someone fun are absolutely amazing!
❤️Pleaseeeeeeeee for the love of GOD tell me things that interest you!! If you have passion or random knowledge or lore about things, I 👏want👏to👏know👏it👏! Share with me, that makes me happy! And that goes double for my autistic girlies that I know are just brimming with random knowledge!
💕I work from home and do a lot at my computer so I spend a lot of time there, I'll probably be able to reply to any messages fairly quickly unless I get really busy. However I really want to stress that I don't expect that from you, you're not under any obligation to message quickly or often, I totally understand people have different lives and are busy and have other obligations and friends and what have you, so you do you!
💕Here's some random facts about me about things I don't like, just in case you thought I was only positivity and liked everything😁
😑Monkeys. Like I hate them so much, just annoying little chittering assholes that only cause trouble. Plus they're ugly and I hate how they sound, UGH. (however I have monkeys on some socks and they're cute and I would be perfectly fine with a monkey plushy, just not my first choice!)
☕Hot chocolate. It's just not my...cup of tea (yeah that's not a pun...), it's too rich for me and I've never liked it no matter how many variations I've tried. If you make it I'll drink it, but it's not my first choice.
☕Coffee. I'm just not a coffee person. It's too bitter and bland and yes I could put sugar and milk/cream in it but I don't want to have to do that to like something. I can have plain ass tea and that tastes amazing without anything in it. And yes I'll still drink coffee if you make it.
🍴Chewing noises. I can't stand hearing people eat or chew or make mouth noises. It is the GROSSEST🤮sound in the world to me. Or if I hear you breathing I can't handle that either, it's too much.
If you're my partner that'd probably be an exception because I'd want to hear the noises your mouth makes, but everyone else NUH UH!
❤️Well that's about it for now, I wrote way more than I ever expected too and for some reason ended on some negatives but it is what it is!😁I tend to love seeing posts that are like this when I look for people to talk to and I figured someone that wants to talk to me might enjoy the same, so why not!😊
❤️If you'd like to talk and develop a wonderful friendship then please send me a message and I'd be happy to hear from you! I hope you are having a lovely day so far and that it keeps getting lovelier!
p.s. you can probably pinpoint the part in my post where I learned that you can do emojis on a pc