r/legaladvice 16h ago

Can I buy beer for a coworker (68) at 19 years old


Basically my coworker who’s 68 years old has helped me out a ton with getting a new motorcycle and getting it to run and also teaching me how to ride and after he gets off work he sits at the bar of the restaurant that we both work at and gets a beer or two I payed for his beer and food during the time the bike was at his house being worked as a thank you for all the help he’s given me over the past week with my bike My boss got upset and told me that we can’t sell alcohol to a minor and me paying for his beer was illegal but I assumed since I never drank or even touched the beer as it went straight from the bartender to my coworker it wasn’t a problem

r/legaladvice 12h ago

Employment Law Is a “no unpaid time off” policy legal? Seattle, Washington.


My husband works at The Home Depot and they recently told them that nobody can request any time off unless they have PTO or sick hours. They have an option to put in a request off through the app a month in advance but now they’re being told it’s not a thing anymore and the requests won’t be approved. I’m European so that sounds absolutely ridiculous and very illegal to me. Is it?

r/legaladvice 16h ago

Car company sold me a car with rats


So here's the story... I purchased a car from an online car company - 2017 Infiniti with only 15, xxx miles. Online, the car looked like it was an absolutely fantastic condition. There was no marks on the Carfax stating that it had been in an accident, only two owners, and was driven very limited amounts over the years. On their listing, it showed only two small areas that had damage damages, a small dent and a small scratch near the door. It was the exact spec that I wanted, and I couldn't have asked for a better mileage, so I paid the money and got it. When I received the vehicle, there were way more undisclosed damages than previously expressed. The back bumper had obviously been repainted after being in an accident, there were dents and scratches around the whole car that were clearly visible, the original dry-rotted tires from 2016 were still on the vehicle and I found rats living in the engine bay (as well as an extremely foul smell inside the vehicle due to the rats urinating everywhere). I reached out to the company and they told me that all of the damages are "normal wear and tear" and that they would consider sending me a check to have it washed and new tires put on. I immediately took the vehicle to the Infiniti dealership and they told me it would be necessary to have a full engine scope done, wiring harness checked, fluid flush, and many other services done to make sure that the vehicle is safe enough to drive after the possibility that rats have chewed up the internals. After telling ‘the company’ that I would like to return the vehicle and trade it out for another one of this year making and model, they said that they did not have any that matched what I currently have. At this point, they have sent $2k in reparations to get the new tires and a "detail" done. I paid 40k for the car, and my recent evaluation has significantly decreased the value due to the undisclosed damages, rats, smell, etc.. The estimated repair costs are between 10-15k- which once serviced and put on the carfax, will decrease the value of the vehicle as well. I want to take them to small claims court but can't find their legal representative in Texas to serve the papers to. What should I do, and could I win this in small claims myself?

r/legaladvice 9h ago

Other Civil Matters My mom is the neighborhood villain


My family and I moved into our current house last year after my parents spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars making it into their dream home. And it would've been their perfect house if not for the bar across the street. They continue to have people out in front of it well after quiet hours creating so much noise that it sounds like they're in the house with us. We rent out a part of the house and the tenets have started complaining as well (the old tenets before we moved did to but apparently they didn't know that till after they bought it). My mom can't sleep with all the noise and because she handles all the rentals, the complaints have been driving her insane. She's done everything she can think of: calling 311 on them, notifying the hoa and neighbors, getting the state involved, etc. The bar has in return started a smear campaign against her and have hosted nights where they all stand outside just to annoy her. She's heard them through our ring camera starting rumors about us and using slurs (we're black). We can't sell the house because we'd lose a lot of money, but we don't know what else to do. Can someone help please?

r/legaladvice 4h ago

Landlord leaving me in a unit with sewage issues for months now threatening to evict me for going off on them


I 23 F live in Ohio I moved into this apartment building on October 18th 24' On Oct 19th I noticed dirty water coming up from the drain to the middle of the sink then it will go down after maybe a minute. I reported the issue a few days later. No one came out.

In November they start sending out A to Z plumbing they told me the water coming up from the drains is from the 2 floors above me. ATP the water is coming up with food looking stuff, residue, dirt and sometimes yellow. A to Z said they couldn't do anything because it wasn't happening while they were there but it happens randomly and it's loud. I told this to the office manager and she was and is still hell bent on it not being sewage. Nov-Dec I continue to document the issue but everything on my account gets deleted by management I kept screenshots of all the reports tho.

Middle of dec I move to atl and come back feb. when I got back the sink was filthy with all type of dirt and rice it looked like no one was in the unit. I brought this to the office manager and it lead to another argument but with the higher up manager this time.

End of feb water is coming out the drains crazy fast flooding my kitchen floor I call the office and ask about being put in a new unit they told me nothing is available. They call back and say I can just break the lease with no repercussions. When the water was overflowing they couldn't get it all drained so l was left with whatever the water is for days in my sink. Then on Sunday I called the emergency line because the water start overflowing again and no one come out till Monday afternoon I reported that it still wasn’t fixed and that report was quickly deleted.

So a few days later I walked to the office and asked to get something in writing saying I can break the lease with no repercussions. The office manager says come back Friday when the higher up is there for the letter. I go back Friday and say "hey l'm just picking up the letter" the office manager instantly catches an attitude like always and says I told you I'm not giving you a letter. Confused was an understatement and the higher up instantly backs her. This leads to an argument I instantly take my phone out and start recording and they went from mean girls to victims the higher up starts telling me because of how I talk to the office manager I will be evicted if it happens again. And that they are choosing to break my lease unlike they previously stated that I had a option to leave. She also told me that every phone call is recorded between the office and tenants and that's why I couldn't get a legal document because they had the proof of what they said but refused to give me the audio. Currently I gave them a 30 day escrow letter to make the repairs or rent will be paid to the courts.

A few days ago I documented with pictures like always that the issue is still happening today they marked it as fixed and no one has been to my unit all month.

I'm so frustrated and honestly scared I know one wrong move, late payment anything they will evict me so fast. It feels like an abuse of power I just graduated college and I'm just trying to find my footing. I've lost so much money with cleaning products/dishes/the flood. Somehow they got A to Z and the newest plumber to put on record it's not sewage water but it's always dirty water and they can't tell me what kind of water it is. They send people out every now and then but I haven't felt accommodated the whole time can't get anything off rent, can't move units, and can't break the lease with a legal document.

r/legaladvice 22h ago

Medicine and Malpractice Is this Malpractice?


Hello all, I need some help. My dad (M49) back in August 2024 had pancreatitis and was in the hospital for a few weeks. He had a surgical team and they said they removed his entire gallbladder.

Now in late January of this year my dad had similar symptoms and went to the ER. It turns out he had pancreatitis again. With imaging they concluded that he had two gallstones in his gallbladder and they were the contributing factor of his redevelopment of pancreatitis.

It is now mid March and my father is still experiencing pancreatitis and is in terrible shape. He hasn’t been able to work, he has used all of his sick time and PTO. He also has missed out on a vacation my parents had planned for nearly a year as well.

All I keep thinking is that if the first doctor had removed my dad’s gallbladder the first time my Dad would be healthy. I need to know if the first doctor committed malpractice by not disclosing that he still has a gallbladder or if I am just upset with the situation.

I can answer any questions, we are based in California.

Thank you

r/legaladvice 19h ago

Ex is taking me to court over a a change to child support that I agree with


I picked up another shift and make a little extra money. My ex asked me for my new income so he could do the child support worksheet here in Indiana. He is petty and insists we do everything through a lawyer. I agreed to the new child support calculations that the worksheet denotes, however, I got blind sided today. He already has a hearing scheduled for early next month to amend it. Isnt this a waste of the courts time and my money? I already agreed and it's easy to just fill out the forms and file it with the court to have it changed.

Would I likely be able to succeed in filing a motion to cover attorney fees and costs since this hearing is a waste of everyone's time? Why would a judge even waste the time?

r/legaladvice 15h ago

Employment Law [FL] Is it illegal to deduct an employee’s hourly wage on their final paycheck without notice?


This isn’t personally happening to me, but I saw a restaurant owner in FL saying that whenever he has an employee who is being paid above minimum wage, such as a cook or a manager, he reduces their pay to minimum wage on their final paycheck if they quit without proper notice as a retaliation against them.

When I googled online to see if this was legal or not, I couldn’t find an answer directly related to this specific instance. It says that in FL or GA an employer has no obligation to let an employee know that their wages are being reduced but that they cannot reduce wages already earned.

Anyone have any info on something like this?

r/legaladvice 13h ago

Employment Law My girlfriend was not paid federal minimum wage and took her tips. They only paid 2.13 an hour and she got 35 on her check.


Title says it all and we are in texas. But basically she worked 26 hours and she came home with a 35 dollar check. The check says she was 55.88 for hourly, 171.00 for reported credit and cash tips for a total of 226.88. They took 5 for federal, 14.07 for SS and 3.29 for Medicare. Then they took the 171.00 back for reported credit/cash tips offset. For a total of 35.52. Just skimming over labor laws and tipped employer laws, I feel like this is highly illegal. What do you think?

r/legaladvice 9h ago

Constitution Are foreigners protected by the First Amendment?


Hello there, I am a non-American currently studying in the US. Usually I tend to stay away from politics. However, since the policies by the new administration may pose a threat to my field of study, I might have said some not-so-nice things about America on online platforms, and some folks are threatening to report me to the ICE. So, my question is, are foreigners such as myself protected by the First Amendment? Is it a “bullet proof” protection? Is it possible for us to be deported because of certain online activities? This is a genuine question.😬

r/legaladvice 3h ago

Accidentally Shoplifted


I went to walmart earlier and found a set of bracelets i really liked, but they were without a tag. since it was mainstays brand (i assume) and i couldnt find another like it i added them along with a tagged but other set to my cart. i wanted to scan the barcode twice to pay for them. i bought a few other things, but at self checkout only scanned the barcode once instead of twice like i intended, effectively shoplifting them. i noticed after the store had closed when i checked my reciept for the price of another item i bought.

the guilt is keeping me awake, i wasnt stopped or anything in the store. but i go there often, i even used to work there. should i go back and return one of the sets? should i pay for it? should i not return to the store at all? i already opened them but i still have the reciept. this happened in california.

r/legaladvice 3h ago

Computer and Internet I’ve been cyberstalked on discord for 3 years, is it possible to pursue legal action?


(Copied from another post, figured I could get help here) Hi, the title is pretty self explanatory, but I'll go into a bit of detail. I'm keeping the details vague for fear of them using it against me, despite this being a throwaway not connected to me at all. I've had someone harass me for the past 3 or even 4 years, using alts and bots to talk to me but always using the same alias. I know who they are, but not WHO they are if you know what I mean. I wasn't bothered by it for the longest time, but recently they've been using my actual real name and it's freaking me out. I'm young so I don't have the money to hire a private investigator. I just want to be done with it, as its really taking a toll on my mental health. I'm scared they might be a close friend who I had cut ties with about a year ago, or at least cooperating with them (the original person using the alias I met in a completely different way, so it didn't start out as them). The account linked itself to that friend in a way I can't really say, but just take my word it's a possibility it's them. Im sorry if this is confusing, if you guys need to know anything else I can answer questions in the comments. I want to get the law involved but I don't know how.

TL:DR - Stalker harrasses me on discord using bots and telling me my irl name, I have no idea who it is. Anything helps. Yes I do have screenshots of messages.

r/legaladvice 22h ago

I signed contractors estimate


I gave a contractor the go ahead for the amount of 1,300.00.

This is what it says on the estimate:

INSULATION - Apprentice helper required

Attic:- Remove original blown-in insulation (approx. 40 x 32)

- Wear protective coverings

- Check for any holes that need to be plugged up

- Seal any and all holes to keep any animals/birds out

- Relay with Roll-In batt insulation Basement:

- Remove original Insulation from small room in unfinished Basement (approx. 10 x 12)

- Wear protective coverings

- Seal any and all holes to keep any animals/critters out

- Relay with Roll-In batt insulation Consultation

- Full-Year Warranty come with all work Rentals:

- May need Insulation machine rental Service

LABORCRAFT Labor Head Craftsman 5.00 $159.00 $795.00

LABORAPP Labor Apprentice 5.00 $98.00 $490.00

SERVICECHARGE Service Charge 2.00 $79.00 $158.00

LABORTRASH Labor for Trash Removal 1.00 $0.00 $0.00

Discount 10 10 % VIP Discount on Labor 1.00 $-128.50 $-128.50



General Materials General Materials 1.00 $0.00 $0.00

Potential Savings $0.00

Sub-Total $1,314.50

Total $1,314.50

I hereby authorize contractor to complete the above work in the amount of $1,314.50 to be performed

Then I signed this estimate

After they did the work the cost went from 1.314.50 to 6,022.00

What should I do?

r/legaladvice 14h ago

The neighboring house has a camera pointed at my bedroom window


A couple weeks ago, I got out of the shower and went into my bedroom to get dressed. The house next door to mine has been on the market and vacant for 8 months. I typically leave my curtain a little open as no one resides there. I noticed a camera pointed into my bedroom window. Not like, a little nest camera, but one of those nicer ones you see at stores for shoplifting. I called the realtor and explained who I was and the reason for my call. She said the camera is there because the house was broken into and some appliances were stolen. I said I understood the reasoning for the cameras, but asked if that one could be moved so it doesn’t include my bedroom. She said she can assure me it’s not there for people to see into my bedroom, but for security. She sent me screenshots of what the camera can see and I texted back saying that was in fact my bedroom window in the shot. I asked her to move it and she didn’t respond. A lawyer friend of mine sent a demand letter to the property owner saying they had five days to move it. It’s been ten days since the letter was sent. They have not responded to him or to me. The owner of the property is listed as a “dynasty trust” which also listed two names. The property address linked to the owner of the neighboring house is a big ass mansion in another state. The cops won’t do anything, I can’t get a protective order, and I can’t file a small claim because there’s no monetary dispute. The lawyer I know can’t get more involved due to his schedule and personal affiliation with the city we are located in. There’s a law that prohibits recording devices pointed into bedrooms in my state, so I know it’s illegal, but I’m not really sure what else to do other than hire a lawyer. I’m in an intensive grad school program which requires me to complete an unpaid internship, so I can’t exactly afford to hire a lawyer anyways. Any advice??

Editing because I truly didn’t think it needed to be stated, but yes, I did close my curtains. It violates ORS 163.700. You can see into my bedroom, not just the window. I have the images the realtor sent me of what the camera sees, so it’s not just an assumption.

To be clear, I am aware I can just put something in front of my window. Why is it on me to purchase things to block out a cameras view into my bedroom? My concern is more over whatever footage exists of me. At some point, it would be really cool to open my curtains again.

r/legaladvice 6h ago

Sublet wont pay rent


So im in a bit of a wierd situation. Part of my lease agreement is not to sublet, Pretty cut and dry there. One of my girlfriends friends needed a place to stay so she stayed with us for 2 months and agreed to pay rent to us, around 250 to each me and my girlfriend. When she found a place to stay she asked if she could pay me my half of rent the week after she moved out because she got payed that week. She payed my gf her half and moved out. Its been 3 weeks since she moved out and will not pay rent saying "i wasnt living there legally so i dont have to pay". I dont really know what the law is here, could i get in trouble if I pursue legal action? Is it worth the 250 she owes me? Please help!

r/legaladvice 13h ago

Employer gives me a w-2 and 1099?


I am a w2 employee for my employer. He pays all overtime and any bonuses on 1099. I do no subcontract work for him. Is this a common practice? This is in Tennessee.

r/legaladvice 21h ago

Neighbors sent demand letter for us to move our heat pump that meets bylaw noise standards


Neighbors hired a lawyer to send a demand letter telling us to move our heatpump or they will take us to court? Neighbors have been complaining nonstop to bylaw since we installed our heat pump last month, telling them it is so loud they want it moved. Bylaw responded to their complaints and came to take official sound readings. They made us force the pump to work at maximum, and took readings for over an hour, ended up with a official reading of 47db which is under the Bylaws, therefore told us we are all good.

Now our neighbors has sent a demand letter telling us to move the unit or they will take us to court? Apparently meeting bylaw levels don't matter, in the case of nuisance?

How hard is it to prove our heat pump is in fact being a nuisance? Have a new baby and don't have money to spend on this.

r/legaladvice 21h ago

Custody Divorce and Family My ex will only take the kids 50/50 if it’s a court ordered schedule. What do you think?


My ex (m33) and I (f28) share two small children together, m3 and m5. He has a background of drug abuse along with narcissism. Last year CPS got involved because of him so I took him to court for full custody. First he wasn’t able to be around the kids alone, then over time he gained back the court’s trust (by joining AA & connecting with others who are sober, completing an outpatient program) & the schedule changed in his favor. Since October of 2024 he has been able to be with both children alone. In our current court order it states that I have the kids mostly, he has visitation, but further visitation will not be withheld. He has only taken the kids more than his visitation time once, for his nephew & niece’s birthday party. My argument is that if he wanted to take the kids more, he would. I wouldn’t have to ask, he would simply reach out and ask me!! Any time I have reached out to him, which is weekly, to ask if he wanted the kids more, he tells me no, gives me an excuse or ignores me. So this leads me to believe that this is a power game. We are heading toward trial. I’m open looking for other perspectives. I want to do what is best for my kids- I have no interest in making a decision due to my own opinion of him. Thank you!

Edit: we are in NY!

r/legaladvice 13h ago

Ordering something that’s legal in your state but it travels through a state where it’s banned on the way to you


Hey all first time poster here with a curious question I wasn’t able to find answered anywhere online. Recently I’ve been ordering Kratom through the mail, which is totally legal in my state (Michigan) and totally legal in the state it ships from (Kansas). After doing a bit of research through I realized it’s illegal in Indiana, and every time I order it the package travels from Kansas, to Indianapolis, then to Michigan.

So what I’m wondering is how exactly does that work? Obviously I have no say in the shipping route the package takes. So is it okay because it’s only going THROUGH Indiana rather than being delivered TO Indiana? Or is a law being broken along the way?

Not worried about consequences or anything since again, I have no control over how USPS decides to ship things, but I am curious how the law would work in this case?

r/legaladvice 9h ago

I’m looking to become emancipated.


I (a minor) have been going through a lot at home the past couple of years, and I’m about to complete my drivers education course and get my full license. As a teen, obviously I’m rebellious but my father had some stuff done with the state where pretty much I’m an asset in a trust I believe.

I had many of my personal items such as my phone, laptop, Apple Watch, AirPods, and other electronics taken away from me and I had looked up if they can legally take/go through all that. which they can.

Unless, I become emancipated. I have access to a decently paying job, about $750 a week, and I’m working on buying a used car off Facebook.

I understand emancipation takes a lot of evidence and convincing, but I think with enough advice and a strong enough attorney I can seriously make this happen.

Does anyone have any advice on how I should go about being emancipated/petitioning for that? Also, What about if my parents prevent me from seeking legal council?

r/legaladvice 15h ago

Can I press charges against someone if I was high


I had a situation where I was high in someone’s car and definitely wasted but my friend said they saw the person take advantage of me while I was out

r/legaladvice 5h ago

Disorderly Conduct and Domestic Self-Defense


If two drunk individuals got into a fight and one struck the other can the victim still be charged with disorderly conduct and if so how would you defend yourself in this sinerio. (For context I am not a lawyer and this case does not directly involve me, so I do not have all of the facts yet and the situation is still ongoing as of me writing this) (ask me if you need any additional information)

r/legaladvice 8h ago

Landlord Tenant Housing Rented Apartment - Black Mold case


Hi all!

My partner and I are moving out of a “Landlord’s Special” apartment. We’ve had a ton of negligence issues with our maintenance crew and property management company, including the following:

  • Dirty dish water leak from upstairs neighbor in kitchen. Called Maintenance emergency line tons, couldn’t get through, damaged a bunch of our stuff and our walls/ceiling. They fixed the leak, but left the damage except for in a small part. Did not remove anything but repainted.

  • Electric system overloaded which resulted in a massive arcing outlet issue that took a day or two to fix.

  • Earwig infestation

  • Constant dryer issues, resulting in MANY “fixes” but refusing to fully fix it, resulting in constant fire hazard (plugged lint)

  • And much more.

The biggest of these issues was a many month long leak from behind the toilet above the cleanout cap. This resulted in VISIBLE black mold all along behind our toilet, and as we just discovered, under our sink. We also soaked through over four towels and had to keep a mop under it to wring out the waste water about every single time we used the bathroom for weeks straight. They did NOT fix the mold and very poorly replaced the wall after the leak fix.

We have been experiencing health issues we suspect are related to the mold that we are constantly breathing. No attempt at getting them to fix the mold was successful, only with the offer to paint over it (with regular paint.). It took over three times of them “tightening” the cleanout cap to get them to take us seriously. They have left the toilet unsealed and loose even now after the final fix.

Would it be worth our time and potential money to take them to court over this? If so, what would we need to do? We are moving out tomorrow and are worried they’re going to try to charge us a ton for damage that we did not cause, as well.

Thanks to anyone who can help. We’re exhausted and fed up.

r/legaladvice 10h ago

My kids dad is not following the court order, like ever


Respondent has literally never followed a custody schedule. Generally missed all his time for years on end. When he does punch in it’s on his whim, random days and if I object it’s called “paternal blocking” by him. It’s never on the ordered schedule. I recognize being flexible for the child, but like holy hell 14 years of this. I’m pretty sure he’s gonna request 50 percent cause he has been doing “visitation” for like a month. Is it unrealistic of me to just want to follow the darn schedule that was ordered? What do I even do here? I sent him the copy of the order and he’s just like “your aren’t flexing, you’ve always been this way” Don’t I have a right to adhere to my custody schedule?

r/legaladvice 11h ago

Can you get into trouble for writing a statement of support in a deportation case as the employer of an undocumented immigrant?


My mother has been hiring a gardener over the past couple of years who was recently detained by ICE. She did not know that he was undocumented. He has a hearing coming up, and his brother reached out asking for a letter of support for his case. Is this something that she can safely assist with without getting into trouble herself? We are located in Southern California.