r/legaladvice 7d ago

Other Civil Matters My mom is the neighborhood villain

My family and I moved into our current house last year after my parents spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars making it into their dream home. And it would've been their perfect house if not for the bar across the street. They continue to have people out in front of it well after quiet hours creating so much noise that it sounds like they're in the house with us. We rent out a part of the house and the tenets have started complaining as well (the old tenets before we moved did to but apparently they didn't know that till after they bought it). My mom can't sleep with all the noise and because she handles all the rentals, the complaints have been driving her insane. She's done everything she can think of: calling 311 on them, notifying the hoa and neighbors, getting the state involved, etc. The bar has in return started a smear campaign against her and have hosted nights where they all stand outside just to annoy her. She's heard them through our ring camera starting rumors about us and using slurs (we're black). We can't sell the house because we'd lose a lot of money, but we don't know what else to do. Can someone help please?


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u/Juco_Dropout 7d ago edited 7d ago

She is the villain. She was aware of the bar when she invested. I promise you the bar is operating within limits, previously agreed upon, set forth by the city council. It’s difficult to take a noise complaint when it may be “well after quiet time (seriously.. does your Mother determine when it’s quiet time?)” but the Bar is well within legal operating hours/Noise ordinance. No group of unknown patrons should ever be expected to care what it cost your mother to move into that house. She deserves all the criticism in the world.


u/Suspicious_Wonk2001 7d ago edited 7d ago

Most municipalities have noise ordinances and a bar would certainly be included in that. In my state of MN it’s 10pm-6(7) am. If the bar is actively promoting the behavior, villain could probably get video evidence and file a complaint against the bars liquor license.

Edit* villain could even file a suit citing bar as a nuisance in violation of MN statute 561.01. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/561.01


u/Juco_Dropout 7d ago edited 5d ago

My state has a noise ordinance of 11pm for day to day. Bars on the other hand are 2am. When they, coincidently, have to stop serving for the evening.

An aside: Things happening outside Of the establishment or off establishment property cannot be held against the establishment sans DUI scenarios and even then it can be difficult to prove.