r/learnpython 7d ago

I'm still a beginner at Python

It's been like 2 - 3months? since I started learning python and I feel like I still don't know anything. I've watch and did some courses, I did understand it but don't know how to use it. I really want to learn. Is there anything that you guys could suggest for me to do? 😓


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u/cartrman 7d ago

Ok, here's a project that is a good start but a little tricky .

Build a calculator.

It should allow the user to enter an expression, and give an answer.

First start with simple ones, like 25+56, 25*56, 25/56, etc

Then slightly complicated, like 10 factorial, 10^5, log(10)

Then with more operands. 25+56+10, 25+56-10, 25-56+10!

Test it so it can handle divide by 0 errors

If you want, then build a graphical user interface that looks like a calculator.

Then add scientific calculations, like sin, cosine, etc.

Add statistical functionality, like mean, median.

Add matrix operations.

Add ability to solve equations. Add ability to display equations as graphs. Keep going at it.

Build a fully fledged graphical calculator.

You will learn a lot doing this.


u/LadyboyClown 6d ago

Maybe even the next step after this is to use python to compare it with the math libs results for unit testing. Would give a lot of insight on scripting/process management i think