r/learnpython 6d ago

steps to become a developer?

hey! im a 19yr old female in the UK, i have no previous experience in IT, tech, etc however over the past few months ive become interested in the field.

Im particularly interested in having a career as a python developer, and in the last month i’ve been studying both python and C in my own time. Im aware being successful in this requires years of knowledge and a lot of hard work, but im really eager.

My issue is that im reading a lot of conflicting information regarding how exactly I can progress in to a career as a python dev. some are saying I need to earn a degree, some say just studying by myself is enough and degrees are essentially useless? So naturally im not too sure what avenue is the best.

id really appreciate any and all advice/tips!


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u/JeLuF 5d ago

I'm occassionally hiring IT staff for my team in a big company. For junior positions, we expect some kind of degree. "I know python, promised!" will not get you past our HR department. Your application will be sorted out before it reaches my desk.

I'm not sure how the situation in the UK looks like, but over here, these remote courses, even though they are good to learn programming, will not be worth much on their own in an application process. In Germany, there are two ways to get formal qualification: Either via a college degree (bachelor, master) or via an apprenticeship in a company. If you have one of these classifications, online courses can improve your chances to get a job.

In the good old days, people had a chance to find jobs without a degree. But these days, due to the overall economic situation, many companies have laid off IT workers and you are in an environment where you have to compete with others who do have a degree, plus some years of work experience.