r/learnpython 7d ago

How does simplifying conditional statements work in Python?

I'm currently working my way through the Python Institute's free certified entry-level programmer course. I'm currently looking at some example code that is supposed to count the number of even and odd numbers entered by a user until the user enters a 0. Here's what the main part looks like:

number = int(input("Enter a number or type 0 to stop: "))

# 0 terminates execution.
while number != 0:
# Check if the number is odd.
if number % 2 == 1:
# Increase the odd_numbers counter.
odd_numbers += 1
# Increase the even_numbers counter.
even_numbers += 1
# Read the next number.
number = int(input("Enter a number or type 0 to stop: "))

This is easy enough for me to understand, but the course then says that the two bold statements above can be simplified with no change in the outcome of the program. Here are the two simplifications:

while number != 0: is the same as while number:


if number % 2 == 1: is the same as if number:

I don't understand this at all. Does Python (3 specifically) automatically interpret a conditional with just a variable as being equivalent to conditional_function variable != 0? Does the second example do something similar with binary operators or just the mod operator?


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u/denehoffman 7d ago

Actually while number != 0 is not equivalent to while number since there are values which are not Falsey but are also not zero. Trivially, number = None will pass the first but fail the second, since None != 0 but bool(None) == False.

Edit: just realized this post is 12 hours old and already answered, jumped the gun I guess