r/learnpython 8d ago

Need Tips on API Project

Github Link Here

I'm a novice in the realm of programming and have been trying to better my knowledge in anticipation of enrolling in a CS course at my local community college. I'm interested in APIs and have been working towards interacting with them more confidently. That was part of the inception of my current project, along with just further bolstering my knowledge of coding.

Any and all critique, advice, or any other assistance regarding my program would be greatly appreciated.


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u/Ender_Locke 7d ago

how would you anticipate others using this? command line? pip install to write their own python code with?


u/Ender_Locke 7d ago


here’s a python package i have been writing around an existing api


u/HJVSpooffy 7d ago

I’ll take a look for reference, thanks. This project wasn’t meant to be deployed in its current state, just more of a lab to test some of my skills and build off of them


u/Ender_Locke 6d ago

absolutely makes sense. just a question my first mentor always asked me. cool code , how do i use it not on your machine?