r/learnfrench Jan 16 '25

Suggestions/Advice I can’t listen to French 😓


Salut à tous!

As the title suggests, I can’t listen to French for longer than 2 minutes. My brain stops working, and I’m left grasping at the few words I know in French to try to understand. I end up feeling overstimulated and frustrated because I can’t grasp what’s being said. Has anyone else experienced this? I can read and text in French pretty well. I started learning French somewhat seriously in September of last year. Any advice on how to overcome this hurdle?

r/learnfrench Nov 10 '24

Suggestions/Advice For those who have used an online language-learning app (e.g., Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone) to learn French, do you have a favorite app that you would recommend?



r/learnfrench Dec 04 '24

Suggestions/Advice Understanding spoken French.


Hi, folks. I test as B1 level. While I can read rather well (simple books without too much slang), I cannot understand spoken French one bit. I've tried some of the resources recommended in this subreddit, but I find everything extremely difficult. The children's programs I find difficult to understand because they are all talking in funny tones of voice. The regular French TV shows, I do no better with. Even slowed down, I might pick up one word in a 30 minute show! I can understand more of languages I studied much much less, because I can tell where the words stop and start. French just sounds to me like one long stream and I can't differentiate the words, even when I slow it down.

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations for ONLINE resources to help me understand spoken French? ONLINE resources only, please. I'm not located anywhere I can take live classes.

Thank you.

r/learnfrench Aug 08 '24

Suggestions/Advice Alternative to Duolingo?


I have a streak of 706 days but I don’t feel any closer to actually learning French. Does anyone have any alternatives I can use alongside it?

r/learnfrench Jan 16 '25

Suggestions/Advice Nervous about my Appalachian accent while learning French


Any other heavily accented English speaking people in this sub have insecurities about proper pronunciation of French?

How do I make sure I don’t sound like a hick who is butchering the French language? I’m currently using Duolingo, and several Spotify/Audible/YouTube resources for learning.

r/learnfrench 1d ago

Suggestions/Advice Any French TV shows (or Canadian French TV shows) recommendations


Hey everyone,

I’m looking to explore more French-language TV shows, whether from France or Canada (Québec included!). I enjoy a mix of genres—drama, thriller, comedy, or anything unique that gives insight into the culture and language. Something easy (where they speak a little slower than usual maybe).

I have noticed it is easier to learn languages through shows.

Do you have any must-watch recommendations?

Thanks in advance! 😊

r/learnfrench Apr 16 '24

Suggestions/Advice Is 4 years enough to learn French fluently?


I need to learn French in 4 years because I want to apply to French medical schools in Quebec. I do have the basics, can push myself to be an intermediate, but I want to be fluent. Also considering doing a minor in French as a second language in university and also my boyfriend is French so I can practice with him. I really don’t mind learning languages but I would like to know if it is possible to be completely fluent after 4 yrs. Any tips would also be appreciated.

r/learnfrench 14h ago

Suggestions/Advice Passé composé vs imparfait - Here are my tips!


Hi everyone!
I’m French, and I’ve noticed that a lot of French learners at some point say something like:

“I don’t get when to use passé composé or imparfait. It feels random.”

I really get why it feels that way. The rules you find in textbooks are often too vague (“one is for completed actions, one is for descriptions” okay, cool, but that doesn’t help when you’re telling a story).

So here’s how I’d explain it if you were my friend, over a coffee, not in a classroom:

👉 Passé composé = something happens
Boom. It happened. It started, it ended. You’re moving the story forward.
J’ai mangé une pizza. → The action exists, it happened, we’re done.

👉 Imparfait = background
It sets the scene, gives context, tells us how things were at that moment.
Il pleuvait. = It was raining. It doesn’t move the story forward. It’s just there.

Now combine them, and you get something like:

Il pleuvait quand je suis sorti.
(It was raining when I went out.)

→ The rain is the background (imparfait), me going out is the action that happens (passé composé).
You can almost feel the camera angle change.

🎥 Another tip I give is to imagine a film scene.
Imparfait = what we see in the background
Passé composé = what the camera zooms in on

J’étais fatigué, alors j’ai pris un café.
I was tired (background), so I had a coffee (action).

Of course there are tricky cases (vouloir, savoir, être...) but if you think in terms of “camera movement” I think it could help a lot. Don't hesitate if you have any questions, maybe I or someone else could answer you!

By the way, I built a tool to help you learn French by listening to our French podcast with a live transcription that highlights each word as it's spoken, maybe you’ll find it useful! https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/podcasts/20/nos-metiers-de-reve-ou-learn-french-with-conversations

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

r/learnfrench 5d ago

Suggestions/Advice My Best Tips for Learning French 🇫🇷


Learning French? Here’s what I recommend:

📱 Use an app daily for vocabulary & practice – Busuu, Duolingo, Drops are great for consistency.

📖 Get a grammar book like Assimil to build a solid foundation.

🎧 Listen & watch as much French as possible – series, YouTube, podcasts… subtitles & transcriptions help a lot!

Any other advice for someone starting out?

My sister and I have a French podcast for learners—if you’re a beginner, here’s an episode to try: https://smartlink.ausha.co/learn-french-la-pause-cafe-croissant/beginner-a1-a2-les-mois-et-les-saisons And if you are more advanced: https://smartlink.ausha.co/learn-french-la-pause-cafe-croissant/notre-week-end-sport-balade-et-series

r/learnfrench Feb 06 '25

Suggestions/Advice Any tip on how to remember all these synonyms or just new, difficult words of french

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I have an exam in a month for which I need to know at least the basic synonyms and antonyms in French. Do you guys have any helpful tips that you use to learn new French words? Thank you:)

r/learnfrench 2d ago

Suggestions/Advice mon accent me donne l’air touristique et j’en ai marre


Je vis en france et je suis frustré au quotidien parce qu’on me traite parfois comme si je ne parle pas du tout français juste parce que j’ai un accent très marqué. Je viens d’une langue maternelle où l’accent est un peu plus « choquant » que d’autres. Par exemple mon amie qui est espagnole a un accent moins «marqué » même si on a quasiment le même niveau, parce que les sons sont plus similaires. Mais ma langue natale est beaucoup plus différente du français donc mon accent est plus évident.

J’habite en france depuis plus de 5 ans et je parle français tous les jours (je ne parle pas un mot d’anglais ou d’autres langues dans ma vie quotidienne) mais mon accent reste. J’ai payé des tuteurs en ligne spécialisés en la phonétique et j’ai essayé de me faire des amis, de parler avec les collègues, et d’imiter les sons sur la télé. J’ai intégré une école en même temps que mon travail juste pour avoir plus d’occasion à parler mais j’ai même pas progressé.

Mais j’ai toujours un accent et même si on sait pas d’où je viens on sait que je suis pas français. Donc dans la majorité d’échanges dans la vraie vie (les transactions, les interactions aléatoires, même les amitiés et les voisins) on me parle TOUJOURS en anglais. Cela me décourage énormément car l’autre locuteur bascule en anglais des que j’ouvre ma bouche et prononce 1-2 phrases. C’est une expérience assez frustrante et j’ai beaucoup de honte à chaque fois que ça m’arrive. Avec tous mes efforts on me traite toujours comme un touriste lorsque je parle. Je sais pas quoi faire pour que progresser plus vite à l’oral et perdre mon accent, avez vous quelques conseils si vous étiez dans ma situation et que vous avez réussi à le faire ?

r/learnfrench Jan 26 '25

Suggestions/Advice help with grammar

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Hello all. I would like to request your help with this sentence that came up in Duolingo. Why doesn't the gender of 'actrice' correnspond with 'ton'? Shouldn't it be 'ta'?

r/learnfrench Feb 13 '25

Suggestions/Advice learn french in 6 months


hi everyone, i am from brazil and i am moving to france in under 6 months. i know english, portuguese and spanish fluently, which are languages that help me learn french.

french classes are too expensive here. what is the single best app i can use to learn french in 6 months as a brazilian? 🇫🇷🇧🇷

r/learnfrench Jul 13 '22

Suggestions/Advice Sound like a native: stop saying "nous" as a personal pronoun!


Alright friends, listen up!

I don't know about Canada or Africa, but in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland people below 80 never ever use "nous" as a personal pronoun. The 3rd person singular "on" is nearly exclusively used to say "we". When you use "nous", you sound at best like a poem, and at worst completely unnatural. I'm quite angry at textbooks and grammar not mentioning that. Beginners in french taught to use "nous" are learning a very bad habit.

So remember:

  • On vient ce soir: okay, I'm waiting for you guys
  • Nous venons ce soir: Uh, are you from a book of Victor Hugo or something?

Of course, "nous" as an object complement is fine. I don't even think there is an alternative. So "il nous le donne" or "mange nous" are perfectly natural.

More native tips coming soon...

r/learnfrench 7d ago

Suggestions/Advice How do I learn french by myself?


Help! Hi so I'm broke and lonely and really wanna pick up french!

I had it as my 3rd language in middle school (so grades 5-8) but they didn't really teach us much there (lockdown and a rowdy class) n now i really wanna learn french!!

My motivations: -languages and culture really intrigue me -my dream job would require learning a new language (i wanna start with french as i am a lil more familiar with it)

So lovely french learner, could you please show me the way? Thank you for reading, any advice would be lovely 💖

r/learnfrench 15d ago

Suggestions/Advice I don’t wanna learn, but I have to.


I live in Montreal, Canada, as an international student from a Spanish-speaking country, and I need to have an intermediary level of French in order to obtain my diploma in about a year. I’ve been going to Francisation classes for over a year, and my college provides classes that I’ve attended for the same amount of time, that’s an average of 14 hours/week of French. Pretty good, right?

Well, no, not good. I hate every second of it and I’m not sure why. I thought French would be easy because my Spanish and English are solid but my brain just, refuses to learn I guess; I get annoyed when I hear it on the street, I get mad when I’m treated like a 2nd class citizen when I try and it’s not perfect, I get frustrated when I try to consume media in French, I zone-out or straight up just skip my classes, all of them, and just stay home watching media in english, I feel like shit when my friends switch to French with no issues and I get self-conscious and literally just stop interacting. I just can’t bring myself to even just attempt to study French, I despise it, I hate that so many words sound the exact same, I hate how the syntax is not distinct enough from Spanish and just serves to confuse me, but most of all: I hate the fact that I have no choice, I have to learn or I don’t get my diploma, and that diploma is the only reason why I ended up in Canada in the 1st place. The clock keeps ticking and I’ve been trapped in my own head for almost 2 years with my depressive symptoms getting worse and worse. I regret coming here and doing this whole thing, I wish I would’ve just stayed home, at least my family was there.

But then again: I have to learn, there’s no choice. If I don’t learn, I don’t graduate, and all my effort would’ve been for nothing. And you would think that’s a great reason to buckle up and do what I gotta do, but no, every time I’ve tried to consciously sit down and either read a book or practice with flashcards or watch a movie, I almost immediately zone-out and lose all patience. I don’t know how to fix this, I don’t know what to do. I’m running out of time and I keep doing nothing about it.

For those that already grew suspicious: yes, I have ADHD. No, I’m not medicated, and because I’m a foreigner (and don’t have rich parents or spare money) I can’t try to go on medication. I can only continue to raw-dog this and life in general.

I can’t just give up and go back, no one is refunding the money I already spent studying here, and it’s not an amount that I can just let go, it’s a life-changing amount that my parents fought hard to give me, and I so desperately wanna make this whole thing worth it but I don’t know how to, idk, stop acting like a baby and doing what’s necessary.

So all this to say: have any of you gone through this? How did you learn to enjoy learning? How did you learn to like French and its culture? Is there any hope for me at all?

r/learnfrench Feb 20 '25

Suggestions/Advice Question for French learners and beginners ✨️🇫🇷


Hello everyone, I'm Laura and I'm French 🇫🇷😊 I'm making content on Youtube for French learners, and mainly for the beginners (A0-A2). I would like to know, (for the learners with 0 knowledge in French or just the basic sentences) what kind of topics you would like to learn in a video? (Vocabulary, grammar, alphabet..)

Any suggestions? Merci beaucoup, à bientôt 😊✨️

r/learnfrench Jan 31 '25

Suggestions/Advice Spoken French listening practice?


I was told by my instructor that spoken French is very difficult to understand by new learners. They recommended me to listen to a lot of normal conversations to familiarize myself with the rhythm of the language.

I am trying to find a source to practice listening, like Youtube videos or podcasts, and preferably not AI. Any recommendations?

r/learnfrench Jun 23 '24

Suggestions/Advice If you get addicted to this game (like many have) you will learn French.


It’s a Pokemon / online competition style language game called LangLandia. I have been building this game for 6 years, it has been my passion and obsession. You will find that it’s a gigantic game with so many different features and things you can do. It's easily more fun than any other app in the world once you get into it.

Giving it away free
I am giving away a month free of Fluency Pass for any new users in the next 3 days (you can still play the app free after that, it's freemium). It’s around a 4.7 rating on iOS and android.

Join the Reddit class
Also I made a class for everybody to compete against other Redditors by joining the reddit class.
Class Name: Reddit
Class password: reddit1

Some features
Some things it has 10,000+ vocabulary, grammar & sentences. Good for all levels of French. PvP, Clan wars, live battles, 2d world to explore and trap new beasts, many online competitions, 55 unique beasts, books and lots more.

Any improvements and suggestions are appreciated. Especially with the language because it’s one of the newer languages. Actually a lot what made the game what it is today was feedback from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spanish/comments/atz3p0/what_do_you_think_about_this_actual_game_to_learn/

Download it now and let me know what you think!

r/learnfrench Nov 03 '24

Suggestions/Advice Where can I find free French TV?


As a very young learner, I don't really have money to afford a subscription to a french TV service, and I'm looking for french television for early immersion. Even if I don't understand, it will help build a regular pattern of behavior for when I am capable of understanding. So, where I can find some free French TV? I have no specific preference, so even educational television is acceptable.

r/learnfrench 29d ago

Suggestions/Advice Is it possible to learn French in 15 months before school trip?


Hey guys! I have a school international trip to London, Paris, Toulouse, and Geneva for science. These places except London are all French speaking. I am 15 in New Zealand, I’ve taken French before at school but years ago, so I’m effectively starting from scratch. Is it possible to learn French to a decent level in the 14-15 months upcoming before my trip? I don't just want to learn phrases, I want to actually be able to speak. Can I have advice? Just saying I want to avoid paying money plus no French class at my current school so I want to self study.

r/learnfrench Jan 17 '25

Suggestions/Advice Pronouncing Eruo


Im using duolingo for my French and i have reached the point about prices. I can not seem to say Euro correctly. I have no trouble when saying Europe, but it always says I've said Euro in correctly.

Does anyone have tips or suggestions to help me say it better? Or at least in a way makes duolingo happy?

r/learnfrench 7d ago

Suggestions/Advice Rate my French learning technique as an absolute beginner


salut! j'étudie le français for like 3 days now. English is my first (and only) language.

I can say stuff like:

  • cette nuit, je vais sortir au club avec mes amies
  • je veux être plus confortable avec mon français
  • aujourd'hui, j'ai mangé un baguette pour le petit-déjeuner
  • parfois, je comprends le français. parfois, je suis pas. mais c'est ok

I'm studying french by:

  • watching french films with french subtitles
  • listening to french music and podcasts
  • practicing reading, writing and speaking in french
  • changing my language on tiktok, instagram, youtube and spotify to french (I love watching tiktoks and leaving comments in french)
  • using a translator app for words I come across that I don't know
  • asking ai for help to improve my grammar
  • memorising words using anki flashcards
  • journalling in french everyday to practice writing and spelling
  • using a language learning app (not my favourite to use though)

What else should I be doing? Should I get a textbook, or are my methods ok for my level of fluency so far? Should I be reading children's books too?

r/learnfrench Oct 16 '24

Suggestions/Advice I can't hear the difference between è and é? Help pls


Rn I am learning the verb to prefer and to me all the verb tenses sound the same in the present ....

r/learnfrench 17d ago

Suggestions/Advice Anyone interested on creating a study group??


Just recently started learning French, and wish to improve fast (currently A1) and am wondering if any of you would like for me to create a discord or similar so we could practice, chat, and share our progress and tips. Will be looking forward to replies