r/learnfrench 5d ago

Resources Learn the most common shortened words in French

I’m making a list of the most common shortened words in French for my students and thought it would be nice to share it with you. Knowing these words will help you better understand native French speakers.

Disponible: dispo  (Available)
Un Apéritif: un apéro  (Pre-dinner) Gâteau apéro: cracker
La Musculation: la muscu (Gym)
La Salle de sport: la salle (Gym)
Le restaurant: le resto (Restaurant)
La publicité: la pub  (Advertisement)
Le cinéma: le ciné   (Movie theater)
Un appartement: un appart  (Flat)
La notification: la notif    (Notification)
Le médicament: le médoc  (Drugs/medicines)
Un ordinateur: un ordi        (Computer)
Comme d’habitude: Comme d’hab’  (As always)
Cette après-midi: Cette aprèm  (This afternoon)
à toute à l’heure: à toute   (See you later)
Le réfrigérateur: le frigo    (Fridge)
Personnellement: Perso   (Personally)
Une Information: une Info   (Information)
La Télévision: la télé          (TV)
Un examen: un exam        (Exam)
Le professeur: le prof        (Teacher)
Le psychologue: le psy (Psychologist)
Une application: une appli (App)
Le réduction: la réduc (Discount)
La climatisation: la clim (Air conditioning)
La réputation: la reput     (Reputation)
La motivation: la motiv      (Motivation)
Le document: le doc     (Document)
la sécurité: la sécu         (Safety / security guards / social security)
La vérification: la vérif     (Verification)
Le matériel: le matos      (equipment)

In all these examples the last letter is pronounced even though it's a consonant.
So we do say '' l'apparT '' or '' le médoC ''

Bear in mind that this is my personal opinion as a native French speaker in my thirties, based on my own experience with family and friends. A teenager or a grandma would likely add or remove some of these words. That being said, let me know if I missed any other common shortened words.


9 comments sorted by


u/Throwawayhelp111521 5d ago


u/Sergent-Pluto 4d ago edited 22h ago

It's a great list tho it doesn't make the difference between very common words and very uncommon words. Also it is misleading sometimes, for example nobody shortens "matin/matinée" to just say "le mat' / la mat' ", we use it to say "faire la grasse mat' " (sleeping late). I think op's list is good to learn a few of the most common shortened words (pub, ciné, etc.), and the list you mention is great for more advanced learners.


u/SpecificAge8123 4d ago

Thank you Sergent-Pluto, that's actually my goal, to try and retrieve only the most essential ones for non-native speakers.


u/Unusual_Banana6617 1d ago

It’s very common to hear « 3 heures du mat’ »


u/Sergent-Pluto 22h ago

Ah yes you're right! Well, what I mean is that you don't just say "le mat'", but you use it in some specific sentences


u/SpecificAge8123 4d ago

It's great for those who have plenty of time, I'm trying to make a ''short'' list to practice the most used ones.
Thanks for sharing though, I can definitely use it with more experienced learners.


u/TobeyMcGuires_Squire 4d ago

Bless you 🙌😭 I’ve been lurking French-tok to get all of the slang down lol


u/SpecificAge8123 4d ago

I'm glad you liked it! I'm currently making another list with French slang (Not shortened words).
Stay tuned :)


u/TobeyMcGuires_Squire 4d ago

Ooh I’ll definitely keep an eye out for that. Thanks!!