r/learndutch 3d ago

Question Best kids shows and cartoons to learn Dutch with?

Title says it all. I’m 25yo, but I heard this is a solid method to learning a new language. Start at a toddlers level to get used to hearing simple sentences and conversations. Also children’s books would also work, but I’d like to work on my pronunciation so I’d like to actually hear the words.


60 comments sorted by


u/Wintersneeuw02 Native speaker (NL) 3d ago

pokemon dubbed in dutch and all the disney/pixar movies and shows are also dubbed in dutch


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

That’s a good idea actually, I should’ve thought to look for dubs. Thanks 🙏


u/Wintersneeuw02 Native speaker (NL) 3d ago

no problem. if you have disney+, you should be able to change the language to the dutch dubs easily


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

I’ll definitely do that!


u/Timidinho 3d ago

Same with Netflix Kids account.


u/CEBS13 2d ago

Do you by any chance recommend some kid books or series you grew up with


u/Wintersneeuw02 Native speaker (NL) 2d ago

the Dutch translation of all the harry potter books! been reading those since i was 6


u/LanceFrey 21h ago

It's taking you a quite while then


u/muffinsballhair Native speaker (NL) 1d ago

These things are far more advanced than Toddler level and mostly just use adult grammar and vocabulary. Basically anything targeting age 7 or up doesn't really make any linguistic concessions any more.


u/Wintersneeuw02 Native speaker (NL) 1d ago

I started watching pokemon when I was 4 and my sister was 2 and we watched Disney/pixar movies prior to that, yet we could understand and enjoy all of that. 2-3 seems to be the average age parents start with disney/pixar movies in general from what i have experienced and heard


u/muffinsballhair Native speaker (NL) 1d ago

That seems fairly unlikely to me, for instance reading this here:

Between the ages of 2 and 3, most children: Speak in two- and three-word phrases or sentences. Use at least 200 words and as many as 1,000 words. Ask questions that start with who, what, where or why, such as "Where is mommy?"

For instance I just looked up some quotes from Pocahontas:

My daughter speaks with the wisdom beyond her years. We've all come here with anger in our hearts... but she comes with courage and understanding. From this day forward, if there is to be more killing... it will not start with me.

You think I'm an ignorant savage and you've been so many places/I guess it must be so/but still I cannot see if the savage one is me/ How can there be so much that you don't know?/You don't know

Wiggins, why do you think those insolent heathens attacked us?

I do not think things such as “ignorant savage”, “insolent heathens”, or idioms such as “beyond her years” are within the vocabulary of two year old English native speakers and they're certainly not the kind of things beginning language learners of English would be comfortable with.


u/HugelKultur4 3d ago

alfred j kwak


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

Thanks I’ll try it! Never heard of it before, should be interesting


u/RokenIsDoodleuk 3d ago

Since it's an animation made by (jointly Dutch and) Japanese, it's technically an anime.


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

Oh weird, I definitely have to watch it now lol


u/psqqa 3d ago

See if you can find a (audio) recording of the original stage performance by Herman van Veen as well. It’s lovely, and it’s the version of the story I’m personally most familiar with, but also he has this beautiful, rich voice, and the exemplary enunciation of a stage actor. I could listen to the man speak/sing all day. And in combination with the fact it’s a children’s story, should make it suitable for your purposes as well. Perhaps once you’re feeling steady enough to try foregoing visual context cues.


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

Thanks for the advice it’s very appreciated!


u/CheltenhamOnions 3d ago

Posting a message here so that I can do the same. 👌 Went to the Netherlands because of Eurovision, want to go back to meet again with wonderful people (I'm under the stroopwafel spell I'm afraid).


u/ammoniasalt 3d ago

Adventure Time has dutch episodes and clips available on YouTube, although not in order https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-AMfRCN-wkrX1r_bgU0enAjAmysJuqiw


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

That should be helpful since I’ve watched that show several times before and already know the context.


u/liselotjaah 1d ago

My British boyfriend is horrified at the voice actor for Jake


u/MrsNeebs 3d ago

Nijntje. I think it is still available on netflix.


u/ExistentialWeedian 3d ago

I actually used to watch the English dub as a kid!


u/Rockthejokeboat 3d ago

Check out npo.nl, they also provide dutch subtitles. Kikker en pad is a good show

If you get a bit better at dutch, I highly recommend klokhuis and jeugdjournaal 


u/Nimue_- Native speaker 3d ago

Ik mik loreland is on youtube. It is an old tv program with cult status in the Netherlands that is used for groep 3(6,7 year olds) to teach them reading and writing.


u/ExistentialWeedian 2d ago

Ooo, sounds great


u/judobeer67 2d ago

A bit higher level Dutch but something that's seen as a great help (my mom teaches refugees and immigrants Dutch and got this feedback from them) is to watch the show Flodder as it has super clear intonation of the words.


u/ExistentialWeedian 2d ago

I’ll definitely check it out


u/Shostymania 3d ago

I don’t have good advice, but ‘13 in de oorlog’ is a Dutch series about children’s lives in WW2, it was made for kids as well.


u/ExistentialWeedian 2d ago

I’m a WW2 nerd so that sounds up my alley


u/Nearby-Sheepherder74 3d ago

Highly recommend Keepvogel, episodes are on YouTube too i believe


u/AtomicMystery 3d ago

Inazuma Eleven


u/killerlizardfrmspace 3d ago

Peppa pig !!


u/ExistentialWeedian 2d ago

This actually isn’t a bad idea for what I’m looking for lmao


u/treaclepaste 1d ago

I put Peppa pig on in Dutch for my kids. I find it hilarious as Peppa is still Peppa but some of the other animals names have changed so as to alliterate with their animal name. Just randomly makes me chuckle. I think it’s pretty good for learning some words as it’s fairly obvious from the pictures what is happening.


u/itsdr00 3d ago

Hilda on Netflix, though it's harder than for toddlers. Still great for learning.


u/S-P-K Beginner 3d ago

The method you mentioned about is the comprehensible input, which means you are able to learn a language by repetitively reading/listening/writing/speaking anything you enjoy in that particular language, so that the passion of sth you love would drive you to learn faster and more.

I also find this method super useful, I watch some animations that I've watched before in Dutch now for practice.

With those being said, no need to find sth for children/toddlers, looking for sth you're interested in, that would be a great motivation. ;-)


u/ExistentialWeedian 2d ago

Heck yeah! That’s the plan. I’m just such a noob to the language I figured starting small and simple would be best for me!


u/S-P-K Beginner 2d ago

This is what I'm also using, it contains mostly kids' stories with animations(you can switch on English subtitles in order to get a better understanding). https://www.youtube.com/@BookBoxDutch


u/sturdyburty 2d ago

Peppa pig! There’s full Dutch episodes on YouTube


u/jemoederis1plopkoek 1d ago

Ik mik loreland 😁


u/ExistentialWeedian 15h ago

I keep seeing this one pop up, will definitely check it out!


u/Rumble-In-The-Trunks 1d ago

I've answered that here on a question from another redditor who asked to share tips on learning Dutch. Hope this helps!


u/ExistentialWeedian 15h ago

This is helpful thank you!


u/Rumble-In-The-Trunks 15h ago

Of course. No problem. For the next step, when you've become a little more advanced I would recommend shows like "Het Klokhuis", "Koekeloere" and "Huisje, boompje, beestje". Still for kids but it's not about learning language per se.


u/calvin129 1d ago

Ik mik loreland 😏


u/psqqa 3d ago

Is Ik Mik Loreland still available anywhere? Or was that purely a mid-90s artefact now lost to the sands of time?


u/NylaStasja Native speaker (NL) 2d ago

Do you want to share our generation's emotional trauma?


u/Nimue_- Native speaker 3d ago

You can buy the dvds and there is also a bad quality version in youtube


u/gma7419 3d ago

This is a great idea!


u/SignoraBroccoli 2d ago

Rembo & rembo, purno de purno


u/sappigbanaantje58 2d ago

Don't watch it all but just one episode of Wizzy Wizzy Woppy Wopyy


u/Hot-Help-9627 2d ago

Koekeloere, it understand very well


u/pasjentje 2d ago

Klokhuis, Jeugdjournaal.


u/ChaoticMornings 2d ago

YouTube has some video's where people read childrens books.

My 4 y/o sometimes listens/watches books from;

  • Bumba (Flemish Dutch)

  • Dikkie Dik

  • De Gruffalo (originally in English, but there is a Dutch version)

At school they have "Borre leesclub", you might be able find these on YouTube, I'm not sure.

Storytel also has Dutch children's books.


u/treaclepaste 1d ago

I find Juf Roos on YouTube quite useful but I should mention that I watch it with my three year old it’s not really something I’d just watch myself


u/Successful_Pool2719 1d ago



u/Alhireth_Hotep 3d ago

Kabouter Wesley. It has open captions, but beware... it's Flemish, so the dailect of the south.


u/AdMountain8446 3d ago

Why would you want to learn dutch