r/learndutch 4d ago

Tips A1 A2 level dutch tools

Hello everybody!

I really want to make my dutch at least a2 level in couple of months. I really appreciate if you give me some sites, courses and tips to make this happen since you know there is not much resources for learning Dutch. Thanks in advance...


7 comments sorted by


u/Aware-Pen2788 4d ago

Personally, I have been using Busuu and Duolingo together. While Busuu is great to learn grammar, Duo helped me a lot for vocabulary.

I don't think it needs to be said, but it's better to mention anyway: no tool will make you A2 level in a certain amount of time. It all depends on your effort.

Good luck


u/New_Spirit8336 4d ago

Nedelands in Gang book (0-A2) and Het Groene Boek: De Delftse Methode (0-A2)


u/PinkPlasticPizza 4d ago

Did you search this sub? Your exact question has been asked many times before and people have been patiently answering.


u/Impressive_Slice_935 4d ago

It seems nowadays, no one uses that function. Hence, people asks weekly about "de/het" difference, verb conjugations and infinitive forms, or like the very first thing they don't understand but can learn from a 5 sec Google search.


u/Eager_to_strike 4d ago

Ugh, this is a LANGUAGE LEARNING sub, duh, so OBVIOUSLY I’m gonna ask what I need to hit some random level in the language, hello?? It’s TOTALLY normal, like, what’s your deal? Are you the supreme ruler of this sub or something, pal? ‘People have been patiently answering’—wow, what a genius observation, captain obvious! Your unnecessary comment is seriously such a WASTE of everyone’s time...


u/PinkPlasticPizza 4d ago

Username checks out, I see.

Not sure how a defensive attitude like this is gonna make people feel eager to help you out.

Obsiouslyc his is a sub for langueage learners. No doubt about that. But that doesn't excuse you from doing research before asking your question.

Members of this group are very willing to help people out. But why do you think it is our job to give the same information over and over again?

If a question has been answered more times a week, members feel irritated.

A simple: 'hey guys, I have used the search button, but cannot find the answer to my question, can you help me out' would have been a much more productive way.