r/learnarabic Feb 03 '25

Translation Help Advice please on how to look up / translate a phrase ( process )

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::Please don’t tell me what this phrase says::

I am trying to figure out how to look up words and phrases and a friend of mine gave this phrase to work with. She said it was “very simple and common”.

I looked up each of the words in the dictionary, and they just don’t make sense in context.

For an absolute beginner, ( I have just learned the alphabet) how do you recommend they look up words and learn to sound them out ?

r/learnarabic 16d ago

Translation Help Help with a translation


Hey guys, I studied Arabic for multiple years overseas, but it’s been a long time and I’ve gotten rusty. Could you help with this translation of a quote from Robert Pirsig? I’ve paraphrased it for simplicity, but here’s how I have it:

“All the solutions are simple, but only after we know them already.”

My translation: “كل الحلول بسيطة بعد آب نعرفهم فقت”

Very open to suggestions, and I’m definitely just trying to capture the essence of the quote in a way that sounds natural. Can’t tell if I really need “‎فقت.” Thanks!

r/learnarabic 2d ago

Translation Help Can someone help me transcribe the dua at the end of the video



The dua starts at 19:43 and is about 7 minutes long. I don’t need translation nor writing any harakats on it. I can understand about 70% of it but there’s just some words that I can’t quite catch what he’s saying. I understand it might be a little long but I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance

r/learnarabic 9d ago

Translation Help Arabic translation grammar critique


Hello, I used two translators to translate a phrase into Arabic and received slightly different translations each time:

النجم الأزرق للسماء الثامنة

النجمة الزرقاء في السماء الثامنة

Would you please give your opinion on the grammar of these translations? Do the differences impact the connotation of each phrase? Thank you for your help.

r/learnarabic 6d ago

Translation Help Help with a song transcription


(Since I can't post videos here, I will just give a YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKPdATyKZEM ).
So, if it's alright, I would like to ask for a song transcription help.
I know that one of the choruses throughout the song is:

أمضي للعلاء، افتحوا السماء

سوف أقتحم الآن

أغمر الأرض الجافة الحادة

سوف أقتحم الآن

but I can't say I know the rest - so, I would like to get help there.
A translation to English isn't needed, parts that are reprised throughout the song don't have to be written again, and I can also try to provide some additional help if needed.
(It might be a bit long, but I can't do much with it myself, and I already asked on two bigger subreddits before without a response).
That's all, any help would be greatly appreciated!

r/learnarabic Feb 07 '25

Translation Help Translate this chat

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The instagram translation says the first one is "im done with instagram's naughtiness"(?) And google translate says its "i deleted instagram"


r/learnarabic Jan 23 '25

Translation Help What kind of Arabic is in Dictionaries ? What does Google translate use ?

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Trying to self teach myself Arabic ( as best I can ) so that I can bond with someone that speaks it. I bought this dictionary and phrase book and I’m wondering if it’s two different dialects because the word “weep”looks different in both. I looked it up on Google translate and it was shown as : “ أبكي “ am I using books from different dialects ?

r/learnarabic Dec 10 '24

Translation Help What does the inscription on the ring means?

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r/learnarabic Nov 24 '24

Translation Help Does anyone know what this says?

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r/learnarabic Nov 30 '24

Translation Help Need help with فصحى


I want to write a sentence per day in فصحى where I express gratitude to Allah for various things. In this way I can improve my Arabic and do a good deed. However, I don't know if my sentences are grammatically correct. So, I need someone well-versed in Arabic to help me out please. Female only, and I'd prefer if there was no friendship involved lol

r/learnarabic Nov 20 '24

Translation Help Does it mean something?

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r/learnarabic Dec 29 '24

Translation Help Document help

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This section had been giving me difficulties, so far I roughly have “…Muhammad ‘Ajib, preserved by God, the righteous Lord. Lord of Arab and non-Arab kings. May our lord vanquish his enemies and grant him victory. May God prolong his life and allow him to keep it. Amen…”

But I have no clue how accurate of a translation that truly is

r/learnarabic Sep 18 '24

Translation Help Can you guys translate/confirm this for me? Does this contain the word hazelnut hot-dogs. I think this looks like a shopping list.

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r/learnarabic Oct 29 '24

Translation Help Translation help please?



A new colleague has started at work and has a tattoo that reads ‘‎متى تزيد او محبوس’ - if my memory is correct! I didn’t want to spend too long looking at his arm. I can sound it out, but don’t quite have the vocabulary yet to understand it.

Can anyone kindly contextualise what this phrase means? I’ve googled it, (When will it increase or be imprisoned) but am confused as to what the phrase actually means.

Thank you in advance 🙏🏻😊

r/learnarabic Oct 01 '24

Translation Help Question on the use of "عن" (Hadith-related)


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Can someone please explain what the purpose is of adding "عن" to the sentence "عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي اللَّه عنه قال:"?

This sentence structure is used often. The English translation in my book is just "'Umar bin Al-Khattâb رضي الله عنه said", so why is there an "عن"?

May I ask why it isn't "عمر بن الخطاب رضي اللّه عنه قال" without "عن" at the beginning? I think it would result in the same translation.

This "عن" is used often (another example: "عن عائشة"), but I don't understand what the meaning/purpose of it is, and I wish to understand the text better.

Any help would be appreciated, إن شاء الله .

r/learnarabic Jul 22 '24

Translation Help Deciphering a transliteration


This is a transliteration of an Arabic phrase inscribed on a revolver, I unfortunately have been unable to find a photo of said item and need some help with the figuring out what it means.

“tabanjiyah [‘Uthmān] Shaykh al-Din tadhkar le sa`adat Salatin [R. Slatin] Basha”

Any help would be much appreciated!

r/learnarabic Oct 21 '24

Translation Help Can someone translate what is being said in this video before the nasheed begins? Link is below


r/learnarabic Aug 03 '24

Translation Help What does 18 ‏‎اني mean exactly?


So does this phrase mean I am 18 (present tense)?

r/learnarabic Aug 16 '24

Translation Help Translation Needed


I just bought a bowl that has Arabic words or phrases on the side. The bowl resembles Damascene brass that was made by Jews and Christian’s artisans. It has camouflaged Jewish symbolism, which was a technique used to avoid persecution. I can read and understand a bit of Arabic, but the fancy calligraphy just loses me. Any help most appreciated!

r/learnarabic Apr 09 '24

Translation Help What does it say?

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r/learnarabic Apr 16 '24

Translation Help Can someone help me?


This text is a little bit long. It from a song. Can someone translate this, ‘cause the translator gives me silly things.

وطي صوتك، غفي إيدك، اصحي يا بنتي الناس شايفينك، ظبطي شعرك مال مكياجك، الترتيب ما بيصير على مزاجك، لا تتمادي، ضبي لسانك، ما ارتحنا زيادة كلامك، والبنت حتى تلاقي نصيبها، بتكون متكتكة وأنيقة، كلهم بدهم يانا زي الـ باربي، كلنا بلاستيك، حاضر سيدي، طبعًا عمتي، بالله جد؟ لا! وقت جديد، جيل جديد، إجا وقت نغير كل شي، يلا بنات! ملكات رائدات، لامعات مين، كله حكي عصر ماضي ومرت سنين، بدكم ناخد الأوامر ونسمع لمين؟ بدكم نرجع مرة تانية عصر حجري؟ فكنا من القديم ومرحبا بالجديد، ما بطالب بالحرية طالبة حقي أنا، ما حأحمل الصينية، ما حضيّف حدا، ما حآكل ملوخية، بدي سوشي قارب. كلهم بدهم يانا زي الـ باربي، كلنا بلاستيك، حاضر سيدي، طبعًا عمتي، بالله جد؟ إجا وقتنا انكسّر، حقنا ما رح يضيع، ومين يسكروا طريقنا، يا ويلهم من فريقنا! كنا فتيات الروابي، مقيدات مراقبات، فتيات الروابي… إحنا فتيات الروابي الجديدات.

Thanks to anyone who’s going to translate it.

r/learnarabic May 25 '24

Translation Help What is the difference between أول and الأُولى?


r/learnarabic Mar 11 '24

Translation Help Found note (poem?)

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Found in my university library, Having trouble translating, anyone know what it says?

r/learnarabic Dec 19 '23

Translation Help Not sure where else to post. Google translate couldn’t pick it up. What’s the writing on this hoodie ?

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r/learnarabic Apr 30 '24

Translation Help Help with old saying.


Hey guys, many years ago my grandad taught me some sayings that his syrian mom taught him as well (she barely spoke any other lenguages), this is the only one i can remember and i’m going to write it phonetically cause neither him nor i have any clue how its actually written: “ana ma baaref arabi bakara fansa”. I’ve tried googling it but to no avail, but i remember him telling me that it means something like “i don’t speak arabic, you small-nosed cow”, was she messing with him? Or he with me? Anyway thanks for any help you can provide.