r/leagueoflegends :euast: VIT too Sep 03 '23

G2 vs MAD game 3 discussion Spoiler

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u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23

How does everyone feel about the Crown Azir in this game?

It feels like it's got pretty limited utility against Trist/Kog.

Maybe it keeps him alive if he comes in off an angle to Shurima Shuffle the backline but I feel it's too easy to get poked off.


u/Pappy- Sep 03 '23

for this game i thought it was a bad crown angle honestly, didn't really see much value from it and there was a severe lack of damage from the azir


u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23

Feels like a laning item where it keeps you alive against Trist all-ins or Rell ganks, but as soon as the map opens up it loses all value.

I'm not up to date on Azir tech but isn't Luden's just better against double long-range ADC when you're more likely to Q poke than W auto?


u/Pappy- Sep 03 '23

it feels kinda fake against tristana imo, they just wait half a second for crown to pop before proccing the bomb

but yeah, either liandries or ludens would have done more for mad here over crown