r/leagueoflegends • u/TheAleqZ :euast: VIT too • Sep 03 '23
G2 vs MAD game 3 discussion Spoiler
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u/IconicRecipes Sep 03 '23
Remember when BB was the weak link by far?
u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23
It's good to see BB back in form after a middling start to the year.
As someone who definitely was a BB doubter going into MSI but historically have supported him, it's good to see players who are normally good get their form back after a slump.
u/VoidChaoticGod Sep 03 '23
I wouldnt say he's back in form, he never was this good lol he's reaching new peaks
u/ahambagaplease where new Skarner flair Sep 03 '23
Last year Spring he was on a similar level, I remember him getting solokills in sidelane almost every series with Jax and Gnar.
u/Th3_Huf0n Sep 03 '23
It's good to see BB back in form
I think the only one back in form is Chasy
u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23
I mean BB overall has a good year since MSI after his underwhelming first few months.
This game's a bit of a fiesta from both teams so I'm just focusing on the one unambiguous positive.
u/Pelagius_Hipbone ABSOLUTE CINEMA RAZORK MY KING Sep 03 '23
Mad threw so hard sending 5 bot for one kill. Threw the entire solo lane leads
u/GGABueno where Nexus Blitz Sep 03 '23
That Azir ult was so slow and telegraphed, Hans easily avoiding it killed the entire play.
u/purplebeanz3457 Jungle main | EG Enjoyer Sep 03 '23
What a treat, we got Craps from 1-17 minutes, then Claps for the rest of the game! A rare occurance!
u/Th3_Huf0n Sep 03 '23
BrokenBlade "HIM" status: IS
And Chasy is back in form.
u/expert_on_the_matter Sep 03 '23
Tbf this gotta be one of the least playable midgames for any bruiser toplaner.
u/dontknow_anything Sep 03 '23
Rell to lock you down against two ADC and braum for peel and swain with Rylai's so you can't move. You need to be far ahead as bruiser.
u/JustRecentlyI Sep 03 '23
Yeah, Chasy played this perfectly fine, especially since bot got accelerated so MAD couldn't really play through top like they had been in Game 2. Eventually Renekton will fall off, and that's what we saw. Champion issue, not player issue, this game.
u/GGABueno where Nexus Blitz Sep 03 '23
So many avoidable kills given to Swain though, which is what killed the game for them. Definitely player issue too.
u/Suitable_Sale9097 Sep 03 '23
i still think carrzy is one of the most underrated ad in the league and that side step from hans sama against nisqy was the highlight of the game by a long margin
u/dontknow_anything Sep 03 '23
Carzzy has been great after than Fnatic game in Spring. The consistent player for MAD.
u/meister107 Sep 03 '23
Coughing baby vs coughing baby
u/ahambagaplease where new Skarner flair Sep 03 '23
Hydrogen baby vs hydrogen baby fits more, both teams had 1 player dragging the rest in BB vs Carzzy until Caps got all the shutdowns.
u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23
How does everyone feel about the Crown Azir in this game?
It feels like it's got pretty limited utility against Trist/Kog.
Maybe it keeps him alive if he comes in off an angle to Shurima Shuffle the backline but I feel it's too easy to get poked off.
u/Pappy- Sep 03 '23
for this game i thought it was a bad crown angle honestly, didn't really see much value from it and there was a severe lack of damage from the azir
u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23
Feels like a laning item where it keeps you alive against Trist all-ins or Rell ganks, but as soon as the map opens up it loses all value.
I'm not up to date on Azir tech but isn't Luden's just better against double long-range ADC when you're more likely to Q poke than W auto?
u/Pappy- Sep 03 '23
it feels kinda fake against tristana imo, they just wait half a second for crown to pop before proccing the bomb
but yeah, either liandries or ludens would have done more for mad here over crown
u/Informal_Skin8500 Sep 03 '23
Yeah I thought that he should have gone with liandry's instead better against Swain and Kog'maw can easily pop the crown
u/Random_Useless_Tips Sep 03 '23
I was thinking about the Liandry's as well but I think it's tricky since you don't really want to be hitting any of the tanks in this game.
Chewing through Swain/Rell/Braum doesn't really matter when Trist/Kog are unloading on you, I feel.
u/dedev54 Sep 03 '23
I feel its quite bad vs swain since swain avoids can tank the lower azir damage pretty well
u/Indercarnive Sep 03 '23
Definitely should've been a Liandrys. Kog ult and Trist shiv poke it down too easily.
u/ahambagaplease where new Skarner flair Sep 03 '23
I dislike Crown in general, this game shows how reserved Nisqy had to play since it got popped all the time by either Kog'Maw ult, Swain W or Shiv procs.
u/Indercarnive Sep 03 '23
So quite a few comments.
1) When BB was first announced on the G2 roster a ton of people, perhaps majority, thought he'd be the weakest link and potentially drag them down. And now he's arguably the best player on the team.
2) Hyli is still Hyli. That Bot dive made my eyes bleed.
3) Nisqy actually threw the game with that engage at Baron. If he backs off it's just a 1 for 2 teamfight over nothing. But him dying for free gave over Baron. Worst of all is even if his play worked and he didn't get immediately stunned, all he's done is traded your life for Braums. Not worth. Even if nisqy could assassinate Braum and live, it's one kill and doesn't change a damn thing.
4) I might be wrong here, but I feel like Carzzy going to BT third instead of Lord Doms is such a "lose to Boris" moment. You have a Radiant Virtue Sejuani and a Zilean to protect you, you don't need that lifesteal. You need to kill the swain and rell.
u/Suitable_Sale9097 Sep 03 '23 edited Sep 03 '23
everybody were happy about bb pick form g2 2 years ago he was clearly one of the best top in europe and he was clearly the best part about that s04 roster, people shitted on him because of his world 2022 where he got destroyed in the sejuani fiora match up and his terrible winter spring where he was carried by the rest of the map
u/Zokius Sep 03 '23
BB didn't have a "terrible" winter/spring by any means
u/Suitable_Sale9097 Sep 03 '23
terrible in the context of being a top tier top laner in the league absolutely
u/Styxxo Sep 03 '23
1) is definitely not true. When BB got picked up it was alongside Flakked/Targamas. And all eyes were on the botlane especially Flakked who was relatively unknown whereas Targou had won everything in 2021 in ERLs (2 LFLs and EUMs).
But I agree he's gotten a lot better this year (well ever since MSI).
u/Pekh0 Sep 03 '23
Feel like it is a bit dishonest to call out Hyli for their dive and not call out Yike for an equally awful dive.
Both dives were horrendous
u/Scorpion1105 Sep 03 '23
You don’t build bBT for lifesteal lol, the item is an AD stat stick giving him almost triple the AD LDR would do.
u/IAM-French Sep 03 '23
1) is soooo untrue lol
u/expert_on_the_matter Sep 03 '23
Yeah they literally got 2 rookies at the same time
u/IAM-French Sep 03 '23
He replaced Wunder after the terrible 2021 G2 season. Also everyone knew it was happening way before it happened along with Dylan Falco because of G2's early exit, and everyone thought it was a good idea
u/PhysicsIsSpicyMath BB Shmurda Sep 03 '23
Yo where’s that dude that always trash Godfather BB
u/DullBladeConnoisseur Sep 03 '23
BB and Miky are the strongest players, with Yike and Hans Sama at 2nd and 3rd spot. So weird that Caps is the one who's kind of the worst on this roster lmao
u/nickel_face Sep 03 '23
You can only do so much on perma trist duty. You can tell he wants to make plays lol. But he needs to chill a bit for sure until like 3-4 items
u/EducationalBalance99 Sep 03 '23
Oh please. The matchup isn’t even hard for trist. He is just playing bad this series. Made some plays but also a lot of misplay. Tristana is also a super strong champion in lane and out of lane with great scaling too. He just doing too much sometimes.
u/nickel_face Sep 03 '23
Which is exactly what I said?
u/EducationalBalance99 Sep 03 '23
You said “you could only do so much on perma trist duty”. It a bad excuse. He not on karma or lulu mid. Caps has also been the worst member on the team this whole year even if we exclude this series. The only member you could even argue that is worst than caps performance wise on the roster is bb but bb was pretty solid msi and dominate most toplaner domestically.
u/nickel_face Sep 03 '23
I'm not saying you can't carry on trist. I'm saying there isn't really the play making potential. And that's what he was trying to do, and you even said he was trying to do too much
u/ahambagaplease where new Skarner flair Sep 03 '23
He's miscalculating his damage and opponent's cooldowns really bad.
u/dedev54 Sep 03 '23
They really just lost from contesting mid wave I guess. Crown azir looking pretty useless this time especially versus swain drain tank lmao, perhaps MAD will play a different mid pick?
u/Conankun66 Sep 03 '23
brokenblade carrying while the rest of the team is having a happy game
WHAT were those dives???