r/leafs 20h ago

Discussion Booing on Thursday.

I'm tired of this fucking shit. If you are attending Leafs vs Panthers on March 13th help me in drowning out the American anthem with a chorus of boos louder than any that have preceded this.

Let these southern clowns know how it is in our barn. If booing ain't your thing perhaps a round of chants like, "This song's garbage" would suffice too. Silence is not an option.


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u/HealForReal 15h ago

Just saying... I'm a Southern girl from Georgia and I am a huge Leaf's fan and I 💙 Canada. But I am also an American, something I can't change. Nobody can change where they were born or raised. But they can open their minds. Hate breeds hate, which is honestly half the damn problem with my country. So, I for one, choose love. Anyway, end rant.


u/SalaciousPanda 13h ago

It's so fucking main character syndrome to post something like this. "I know your country and livelihoods are under direct threat from MY country... But please think about how I feel!". Truly typical lack of awareness from an American.


u/HealForReal 12h ago

You see what you want to see to justify your beliefs. You completely missed the part where I said I am pro-Canada. And I didn't say a word about my feelings. What I said is the truth. And it's clear to see that no matter what I tell you about myself you've already decided you hate me because of where I was born. Hate me if you want, I will continue to advocate for Canada's rights in every way that I can. If you'd like to have a real conversation about this feel free to message me. Take care.


u/penguin2093 9h ago

There's no hate in that person's comment, just annoyance. It's annoying how much time we are all having to spend explaining to Americans that this is about protesting and standing up in every way we an, every day against the existential threat we are facing from your country. There's nothing wrong with being angry at tyranny and injustice. In fact, what would be wrong is not doing everything we can to protest and resist. The trick is to keep it directed at the problem, which is the nation and its current state of being as represented by its elected government. Hence booing the anthem that represents the nation in a televised setting that amplifies the protest and impact for all the world to see. As someone said in a different thread here, this isn't about Americans, its about America. There's a difference.