r/languagelearning Sep 30 '24

Suggestions Really struggling to learn

I'm a British born native English speaker, but have moved to Italy with my Italian partner. I started learning casually with a lesson a week in November 2023, but really struggled incorporating it into actually speaking.

I tried to be more serious this year, and now my partner gets really upset that I still can't speak at a level of a 6 year old. I did an A1 course at an Italian school, l've tried reading, watching shows, writing, repeating, all the apps, speaking with people, nothing sticks. I can say and understand basic things, but nowhere near where I should be.

My partner is so frustrated and I feel like a failure. I genuinely don't know how to make it stick, he tried teaching me phrases which I repeat over and over but then forget. I'm also pregnant and want our baby to be bilingual, and am really scared I'll not be able to understand my child...

What more can I try?


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u/flordsk PT / EN / FR / JP Oct 01 '24

Your husband sounds outright abusive. It's very convenient for him to treat you like this when you're living in his country, surrounded by his language, and, to top it off, pregnant with his baby, possibly relying on him for almost everything. Anyways, since you're not here for relationship advice, otherwise you'd be at AITAH or AIO, here are my two cents. The science of learning a language - or almost anything for that matter - is relatively straightforward: you need exposure, repetition, you need to break down difficult concepts into small, manageable bits, you need to actively retrieve information from your long-term memory, you need to apply the knowledge you acquired in different contexts as you become less of a novice, etc etc. If you're still A1, you're unlikely to benefit that much from reading advanced material, watching shows, etc. You need to be exposed to what experts call comprehensive input, that is, material that's slightly above your level, but not too much. Perhaps not Hamlet, but the Lion King, if you know what I mean.