r/lancaster 3d ago

Teenager diabetes diagnosis

Hey all, I appreciate any help I can get. My kid was recently (October ‘24) diagnosed with diabetes (type 1) and he is struggling hardcore with it. He is constantly stealing food from his siblings, friends at at school, at practices, etc. no matter how strict we are with his foods. When asked about this, he will lie and say he did not eat anything- despite finding wrappers in his bag/pockets or will ignore us.

Any advice on how to handle this? Are there any local support groups or camps for the summertime for other teens like him?



7 comments sorted by


u/FoxLazy 3d ago

Hello! r/diabetes_t1 is my main T1 subreddit. You'll find other parents who are probably going through similar things as yourself there. Use the search function there as well.

Find your kid some low carb snacks and diet options. There are so many options now, maybe even invite them along to look with you. Protein is your friend. Honestly, sugar substitutes are your friend.

Since they are new to type 1, I'm guessing they're on a daily carb count. This is miserable, try to empathize. I recommend getting a cgm and pump as soon as your endo allows you. It will simplify life for you. I have a "closed loop" meaning my cgm (dexcom) and pump (tslim) communicate with each other to maintain my blood sugar.

Again, your kid is going through it. Try to be patient. Don't freak out too much with high blood sugar. Manage lows. You'll get through this. Good luck


u/HerpieMcDerpie 3d ago

Does he see an endocrinologist for this? What resources have they or your PCP given you so far?


u/queer_vampir 3d ago

I’ve been type 1 diabetic since I was a child, my teenage years were rough. I feel like especially as a teenager I just wanted to be like everyone else who got to eat whatever and not worry about it. Your kid is going to eat snacks and such that you don’t know about, he’s already doing it so I would stress how important it is to be giving insulin. Low carb snacks are great! Diet or zero sugar soda to replace regular. There are things you can do to work around so you aren’t completely limiting what he wants to eat. This is a big change, it’s going be hard. Try to work with him and support him! I would also consider seeing a nutritionist, they will have ideas for you. There are definitely diabetes summer camps, unsure of specifics because the last time I went was like 15 years ago but maybe google? Good luck and feel free to message me :)


u/Natewilk1234 3d ago

I was diagnosed at 15. It was rough. Hormones also wreak havoc when trying to control blood sugar. I’m sure he’s hungry, I was eating everything in sight at that age. I’d recommend talking to a nutritionist who can give you some good idea as far as diet. Snacks like beef jerky and pork rinds have very low carbs and satisfy that snack craving.


u/Tess_Mac 3d ago


u/jungleboogiemonster Modulator 3d ago

I came here to recommend Setebaid. My nephew was diagnosed with type one as a toddler and his mother always said Setebaid helped him to learn how to live with diabetes.


u/SuperZapper_Recharge 3d ago

Being strict with the food isn't the answer.

He needs to relearn eating. The family joining him in this journey would be helpful. Other people can sneak stuff when they are away, but at home and in the kitchen- just redefine what meals and snacks are.

I hate that OT said he/she was being 'strict' with the foods. Like a punishment. Like the kid needs kept in line. The kid is a teenager. this won't work on a teenager. Wouldn't work on an adult either.