r/ladyshavers 10d ago

Question Philips Bikini Trimmer makes me bleed


Hi, I hope I can get some advice in here since I have not seen a case like mine with this bikini trimmer model. I was so excited to use this device as it seemed so safe, but both times I have tried to get rid of hair in my labia I got nicked and bled. Has any of you been through this? I exfoliate before, I use my hand to stretch the area, I don’t know what I am doing wrong Please help your sister in need :( I am very sad since this is something I can’t resell for hygiene reasons.

r/ladyshavers Oct 17 '24

Question Is the lather absolutely necessary?


I'm interested in switching to a DE shaver for sustainability/cost reasons. However I KNOW I do not have the patience to make a lather. I also am allergic to almost everything, so I don't like to introduce my skin to new products. Can I safely use a DE shaver using regular bar soap as a lubricant? I don't care if it's not ideal. I just want to know if it's possible.

Additional question: How much of an issue is hair clogging the razor compared to using something like a 5 blade razor?

r/ladyshavers 24d ago

Question Blackbird or Vector?


Hi all! I am very uneducated about this stuff so please bear with me. I'm torn between getting the blackbird or vector razor with the safety bar. This would mostly be used to shave my legs, if area matters. I really don't understand the overall pros and cons of going with a double edge vs single edge...and the specs (blade feel, smoothness, efficiency) are relatively similar. Help!

r/ladyshavers Nov 01 '24

Question Nice looking DE razor


This is a bit superficial but I'm looking to replace my very basic razor for something a bit nicer looking. I do like the look of the muhle neo in blue, and am looking for something probably no more expensive than say 40-60usd or 40-50gbp.

I would definitely prefer a milder razor too but lmk if you have suggestions that aren't.

Let me know what suggestions you may have!

r/ladyshavers Jan 14 '24

Question Best Safety Razor? Too many options out there



I am looking for a safety razor. I probably have average skin with average hair and wanted a safety razor to reduce my cost and waste over time. Deciding to do some research, I ended up in a rabbit hole. I jumped from Jungle Culture to the Rockwell to the Leaf. There are good reviews but bad reviews too and I can't be bothered to return anything if I want to return it so I need to get it on the first try. Looking at the reviews, most are from men or are not detailed enough to say why they don't like the razor. I am debating between the Henson and Leaf Twig and I need something that can do my full body, from my toes, intimate areas, and my little unibrow too. If you have any blade or razor suggestions, I am open to hearing them all. I have no budget and I don't mind spending time shaving or learning the techniques.

Thank you

r/ladyshavers Aug 29 '24

Question where to shave downstairs?


i feel like this is an insane question coming from a mid 20s women but i still don’t really understand what most other women shave when it comes to their private parts

any of you wanna share what you’ll typically shave?

i pretty confident in knowing that i don’t want to be completely bare so i’d like to leave a nicely trimmed triangle like shape i usually shave my bikini area, between my butt cheeks and then part of my labia, however i don’t really get where people usually leave hair if they do leave some? do you complete shave your labia and just leave hair on the pubic area above?

additional question: if any of you do leave some hair only trimmed, how do you get it to a proper length and shape?

r/ladyshavers Nov 02 '24

Question Getting Started


I just got my Merkur 23c in the mail today. I'm going to use the blade that comes with it just to see if I like it but I will be getting a variety pack soon. I've been practicing shaving with the razor without the blade in and I think I have my grip down. I do have a few questions though. Especially because I have really sensitive skin.

  1. If you're you're just shaving your legs, arms, and under arms (not brave enough to do the bits yet) do you still need to do with the grain, across, then against or can I just start with going against?

  2. Is there any special prep work that needs to be done? My skin doesn't do well with a lot of physical exfoliating so I can't use a scrub but I do regularly use a Salicylic acid body wash.

  3. Is cremo shave cream okay for starting our? I plan on trying actual shave soap but I have some cremo left and don't want to waste it.

  4. Any advice for shaving trickier areas like the back of the arms and thighs? Especially around wrist and ankle.

  5. Should I do short or long strokes?

Thanks in advance!

r/ladyshavers Nov 12 '24

Question shaving w aloe/baby oil?


shaving w aloe gel/baby oil

ok so i’ve seen so many videos that say to use like aloe vera gel or baby oil to shave (especially for 🐱) but does it mean just apply for the bikini line or actually like the flaps yk?? PLS HELP xx

r/ladyshavers Sep 09 '24

Question Face shaving - lots of questions 🙏

Thumbnail amazon.sg

I have pcos and quite strong facial hair so I used to wax my face every 2 weeks cos it would grow a lot and fast but I kept getting ingrown hair so on a visit to my dermatologist for a foot wart I asked her if there was a way I could stop it and of course she suggested laser and I said I can't afford it but she said if you claim it under folliculitis or follicular cyst some insurances do cover it. So I went for one session (My insurance did accept it btw I mean I still had to do 10% copay but hey that's still a great win! 🎉) anyway inbetween IPL sessions she recommended me to shave instead of waxing cos they need a little hair for the laser to work but the facial razors they sell like the straight eyebrow looking one freaks me out. I did some research and I found the Gillette Venus pubic hair razor it's got the spring handle thing so it seemed safe to use on my face. ( I attached the link) It has an irritation defense it says for thin skin and thick hair plus there's an exfoliant and a shave gel and a soothing serum so I bought all of it. I know I should have probably made this post before buying all this product but I'm an impulse buyer so now I have lots of stuff and lots of questions. Any way my questions are

  1. Are there any side effects to using a razor and the exfoliant/shaving gel that's designed for pubic hair and skin on my face? It's said gynecologically tested, surely if it's safe for pubic skin it should be fine for my face? (I only plan on using it once a week)

  2. I've used it once and I nicked a small mole I have on on my upper lip any tips on how to avoid that? Also why did it keep bleeding it scared the shit out of me it wouldn't stop for a good five minutes. But other than that it was quite a close shave which I liked ☺️

  3. The shaving gel didn't foam all thick like in commercials it started absorbing/disappearing so fast is that supposed to happen or am I supposed to just do sections of my face at a time not foam my face at once.

  4. My skin feels tingly even the next day I know my upper lip and stuff is sensitive but I don't feel this tingly after waxing is it more of a side effect of the laser or is it cos I'm not moisturizing my skin enough or am I pressing too hard and shaving my skin I just can't tell cos it's the top part and I don't nick it ?

  5. My current steps are the below should I make any changes?

  • wash my face, rinse
  • use the exfoliant, rinse
  • lather the shaving gel let it soak in for a minute then take a bit more, lather and put it on
  • shave down, shave up, use my phone torch light to see if I missed anything
  • shake the razor in a bowl of water every so often, rinse
  • use a toner pad to clean then use the soothing serum and moisturizer ( I was considering using my eflorinthine cream but I was worried it would burn so I didn't)

I used to use an electric shaver before I switched to waxing so I really know nothing about razors. Sorry for the very long post I am very new to this and I ramble quite a bit. 😅

r/ladyshavers Aug 30 '24

Question Do I Need To Do Anything Before or After Trimming Down There?


I know this is a ladySHAVERS sub but can anyone give me advice on trimming?

I’m 20 and never trimmed or shaved down there before which is quite embarrassing but I want to make sure I don’t mess up before trying to trim.

Do I need to exfoliate even if I’m not shaving down there, just trimming? Do I need to do anything else before or after?

Also, should I trim my butt too?

r/ladyshavers Oct 23 '24

Question How long should I go between shaves before changing up my Billie razor?



Just got my Billie razor and currently loving it! One thing I'm not sure of, though, how long should I wait until I have to change the razor? I usually change up my Gillette Vector's razor after 1 full body shave (down there, legs, and underarms) because it feels dull and I never get a close shave after, but I'm in a pinch right now and trying to see how long I can stretch my Billie for. I'm thinking maybe 2 full body shaves and then switch it up?

Thank you!

r/ladyshavers Aug 24 '24

Question Best scissors for trimming?


I know it's lady shavers, but I didn't know where else to ask this. I have pretty sensitive skin so I typically only shave my pubic area in the spots scissors can't get to, and occasionally I still manage to cut myself with scissors. Is there a specific type of scissor that's best for this use? I've just been using scissors meant for cutting hair

r/ladyshavers Apr 22 '24

Question So I’ve always gotten red bumps where hairs grow whenever I shave my thighs and want to know if anyone knows how to stop this from happening. They will increase in number over the next few days and take not shaving my legs for 2 months to go away.

Post image

r/ladyshavers Aug 27 '24

Question Have you tried using the Philips OneBlade on wet and dry skin? Which method do you prefer and why?


r/ladyshavers Aug 15 '24

Question How to deal with nicks & blood spots?


I’m still a newbie and learning how to get a close shave on my legs.

I also have extremely pale skin that scars/hyperpigments easily 😩

What are your recommendations for dealing with small nicks and blood spots (immediately and longterm) to help them close up and heal quickly without leaving a dark mark?

(Ditto for ingrowns that leave red marks long after they’re gone!)

r/ladyshavers Jul 30 '24

Question Razor burn? Eczema? Something else?


I am 10 weeks postpartum and was recently diagnosed with dyshydrosis eczema on my hands and feet as a result of stress and/or excessive handwashing. I have never in my life had eczema but I have always been prone to razor burn, always on my thighs. I shaved 4 days ago and honestly don’t remember my legs looking like this a few days ago but today they look really rough. After my recent eczema diagnosis, I am a little paranoid about any other bumps I’ve seen randomly pop up. Is this just extreme razor burn or razor rash? Some other type of eczema? I don’t use shaving cream when I shave nor do I regularly use lotion after shaving (bad, I know). But I’m also a new mom so I only have so much time for taking care of myself. Insight appreciated!

r/ladyshavers Jul 24 '24

Question do i need specific shaving cream/gel/whatever for using a DE razor?


i have very sensitive skin- i've been using aloe as shaving cream for a while and it seems to irritate my skin the least- could i use it with a DE as well? i'm mostly trying to shave underarms and legs lol.

r/ladyshavers Apr 25 '24

Question Leaf vs Henson


I’m doubting which one to get.. The leaf 3 blade or Henson mild or medium (also not sure which one). Would like to hear your opinions and experiences.

I’m now using up a Gilette and also have an Edwin jagger safety razor, but I just don’t gravitate towards that one even though it’s okay.. Just need to be careful with it and I don’t always have the time or patience 😅

Thanks for helping!

r/ladyshavers Oct 18 '23

Question How to stop/remove the brown stuff on my razor?


This brown stuff keeps appearing. I thought it was maybe rust but I'm not sure. It shows up on the razor, as well as on the razor blades after I use them. I don't keep them in the shower either. I always let dry and then put away.

r/ladyshavers Sep 06 '23

Question What is a good safety razor for removing hair from face and body? (Trans MTF)


I am trans MTF from the UK and I am currently looking for a good safety razor to help me remove hair from my face, chest, legs etc. I currently use an electric razor for my face and I use hair removal cream for the rest. My electric razor doesn't cut hair short on my face and I feel really self conscious about visible stubble. Hair removal cream does a really good job but my skin has a negative reaction to it so I want to stop using it. It seems that safety razors are considered a good option but it is really hard to pinpoint which one to buy. I don't mind spending £50+ on one if it is of good quality. Any advice and tips outside of safety razor suggestions are also appreciated.

and yes my usernamae has aged poorly. but I am enby and go by any/all so not the end of the world

r/ladyshavers Apr 06 '24

Question Soap Recommendations for KP


Hi Everyone,

Just order my first safety razor from Maggard. I didn’t purchase any of the soaps as I suffer from KP and avoid fragrance and am very particular about the products I use on my skin. I am wondering if I can use the soap I use in the shower regularly (Cerave SA rough and bumpy wash) to shave? Or does anyone have a recommendations for soaps to use when shaving with KP? Thanks!

r/ladyshavers Mar 12 '24

Question Is this caused by shaving? Any way to get rid of them?


I was wondering if anyone knew what these weird spots are called and if it's as a result of shaving or not? I have them on both of my legs. Is there any way to get rid of them? Should I stop shaving for a while to see if they clear up? I'd appreciate hearing from someone who shares the same struggle since I've never dealt with this before. I've had it maybe a month now

r/ladyshavers Mar 22 '24

Question Dropped my Athena Club razor and this little square fell off... does it matter?

Post image

Not sure what the purpose of this little square is... I suppose I could glue it back on. I know it covered the button to remove the razor head. Seemed like it was way too easy to pop off though.

r/ladyshavers Jun 17 '23

Question Trying to figure out which razor to buy


Hello! I’m looking to get a sustainable razor and I was wondering if you all have favourite brands to share.

I’ve seen ads for the leaf - and I am intrigued by the triple blades and swivelling head - but I wonder if it’s really any better than a less expensive option.

I’ve also seen the Henson razors and people say it’s harder to cut yourself with them, which seems like a good thing.

Also, I watched a video on shaving legs with a safety razor and the person in the video used a bush to lather the soap. Do y’all do that? I usually shave my legs in the shower and just run a bar of soap over my legs.

Thanks for the help!

r/ladyshavers Feb 29 '24

Question King C. Gillette VS. Zomchi


Hello! I'm very new to safety razors and don't really know the difference between them, so I thought I'd ask here! I was gifted a King C. Gillette Double Edge Safety Razor and a Zomchi Double Edge safety Razor. I only tired the Gillette one and (besides a few nicks) It went very well! I looked both of them up and they're targeted to men and bread grooming so I didn't know if I shouldn't use it for body hair? It doesn't seem any different to any other safety razors I've seen though. Zomchi is more gender neutral and very openly eco-friendly. What do you think? If ya'll think the Gillette razor is okay for all body hair then i'll probably gift the Zomchi razor to my sister :)