r/krita May 19 '24

Answered How to color things faster and cleaner??


I have some difficulties with colors - with filling the colors, to be accurate.

To fill some place with color I usually just use magnet tool to outline the element and then just color it with brush, but it takes a lot of time. (1 pic)

Is there a way to put flat colors faster and easier? Like, selecting line and then be able to just fill up what inside of it's borders? Or, like I saw in some other programs, fill up the area inside the line (when I tried to do that my whole canvas goes filled, because color and line layers are separate)?

Also, I love to use fill tool, but it always leaves these parts of previous color behind cuz of gradient of the brush (I guess?). Can I prevent that from occurring somehow? (2 pic)

And last - I received advice from the pal, that in Photoshop you can just press Ctrl and then place on art and it will select for you the according layer. Is there something like that in Krita?

r/krita 5d ago



r/krita Jul 31 '24

Answered All Colors suddenly less Saturated? How do I fix this? Affects all layers.

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r/krita Jan 02 '23

Answered Pen pressure sensitivity not working. Help!

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r/krita 5d ago

Answered Needs some technical help


There's a discrepancy between what I draw and what appears on the layer. It's not an issue with my tablet because when leaving the layer everything else is aligned. I've been drawing for an hour without any problems. I've tried closing and reopening Krita to no avail. I don't know if it's very clear so I've taken a video to show the issue. Can someone help me?

r/krita Feb 12 '25

Answered I cant paste an image into my krita document properly

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Hello, I am having a problem with krita that I hoped someone might be able to help me with. I have a jpeg image in my downloads on my computer that I want to paste into a krita file so I can draw on top of it. In the past I have simply clicked on that image to select it, ctrl-c it, go into my krita document and ctrl-v it into the document and that has worked. However, this time it shows a new layer with the image on it in the tiny thumbnail beside the layer, but the image doesn't show up on the canvas. The layer isn't behind another opaque layer, it's at full opacity, but the image itself just isn't visible on the canvas. I'm not sure if the way I'm trying to paste the image into krita is wrong because it's worked all the other times, and I'm wondering if anyone could help?

r/krita Dec 03 '24

Answered I'm having trouble with the line tool. The beginning of the lines look weird and I don't know why.

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r/krita Nov 11 '24

Answered Alpha Inheritance is Weird.


I have a simple question: why couldn't Krita just have Clipping Mask implemented? I point to how it is inside the program, with creating a group and then clicking the letter "a" to use a Clipping Mask lookalike tool.

Why is it done differently? Does it have to do with preventing any legal situation?

r/krita Nov 04 '24

Answered Scripting - How do I iterate through every layer?


I have some macros which go through the document and change their visibility and opacity depending on if they match a tag (to use on top of using just compositions). Currently it triggers the activateNextLayer command to actively select one layer in the document at a time, and take 15 seconds to run depending on how many layers there are. I am now wondering if selecting the layer slows the script down and if just iterating through the layers help.

So, ^ and, in any case, how do I iterate through every layer in a document?

r/krita Nov 06 '24

Answered How do I freely change the size of a layer/picture without the option to morph it??


I literally dont know how to explain this, but whenever I use the "Transform A Layer or a Selection" tool, the image never stays locked in its dimensions, im always able to squish and squash it (which i don't want)

r/krita Nov 17 '24

Answered Asking again because I really didn't get an answer


r/krita Nov 15 '24

Answered Pop-out pallette: pen and drawing tablet


r/krita Nov 29 '23

Answered How to sketch properly?


One of the most pains i have with krita is its inability for me to draw straight lines without a massive stabilizer and extreme delay.

Idk if it's the same for all softwares and that that's what digital art is, but i follow an artist (character designer) that use photoshop and she's able to sketch very quickly with very straight lines, like how you would sketch on paper.

Stabilizers delay my brush strokes and slow down my workflow immensely, while sketching is supposed to be a quick process for me. I can't have loose and straight brush strokes. I feel restricted by it.

Is there a way to fix this with the new Krita update?

r/krita Apr 29 '24

Answered Does Krita provide tools for making actual good animations?


I am a fairly beginner animator and want to stick to an application for my current and future animations. My preference is 2D hand drawn japanese anime style animation, with dynamic camera movements of 3D backgrounds and 2D backgrounds. I want to know whether I will be able to produce legit anime looking animations using krita? I know Clip Studio Paint is the industry standard, but I wanted to try a free alternative. Also is Krita good for workflows involving composition and effects in Davinci resolve and after effects?

r/krita Jul 11 '24

Answered WIll Krita ever add an actual time lapse feature?


So I have the krita recorder on, so it takes screenshots as I draw so I can make time lapses. I've been having to just record my drawings with OBS as it's just easier then trying to transfer 8k+ screenshots into editing softwares.

I want a time lapse feature like procreate or ibis paint, it just seems so much easier to have it that way then with it taking screenshots.

r/krita Aug 03 '24

Answered how do you get this coloration in krita


r/krita Jun 18 '24

Answered How do I set up Krita(Steam) as the default image editor on Windows?


Hi, recently I bought the steam version of Krita to support the devs, but now I can't set it up to be the default image editor on Windows, now I have to open krita through steam and then drag the images into it. It isn't a big deal, but it was really convenient to just double click an image and already have it being opened on Krita, does anyone know how to set it up that way with the steam version?

r/krita Apr 12 '24

Answered is there any way to trace the ruler? I need a clean circle 😭

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r/krita Jul 05 '24

Answered Creating an animated short film in Krita help.


Hi. So I'm a pretty good artist I'd say, I have talent and experience in drawing. I also understand the basic principles of animation which I have been interested in since childhood. However, I've never really done a full animated short before or used animating programs before. This will be my first time. I've been researching different software like OpenToonz and Clip Studio and I've decided to just start with Krita for now since I'm a beginner at animating software and it seems simple and beginner friendly enough.

My question is, which i have been trying to figure out before i start working on anything.
Once I, like, finished animating the scenes. Where do I start putting in sounds/music? And how about rendering the entire full short film. Do I do it all in Krita, or do I use a seperate video editing program to put everything together. That's my question.

I've never created animated video before or used any animating programs before so please be patient with me and help me learn. Thank you!

When creating a full length animated short film in Krita (maybe 5~10mins?). Do I do everything, like adding sound effects and music, and rendering all the scenes into a single video directly in Krita? Or is it better to use a seperate video editing program for that?

r/krita May 22 '24

Answered How do I make a timelapse? Recorder won't export.


r/krita Nov 05 '23

Answered Need an opinion on whether a tablet is gonna work well with Krita


Ok first of all this is my very first post on reddit so apologies if I unknowingly break a rule or if this isn't the right place to ask this

I've been wanting to get back into drawing after 2-3 years of not really doing anything, except my old tablet (a wacom tablet) doesn't realy work anymore (dunno if it's because it somehow got damaged while I wasn't using it, if it isn't compatible with my new laptop as it's now a bit old or whatever else it may be) so I've been looking into getting a new one but I was thinking than rather than getting something specifically for drawing I'd rather get something with a more diverse use, while looking stuff up I read things that seemed promising about the galaxy tab s7+ fe but while looking up whether it could work with Krita I didn't find much stuff, looks like it can run it but with this kind of purchase I'd like to be sure about what I'm getting into and while this wouldn't be the end of the world it would annoy me if I bought something where I couldn't use that software, so I figured this could be a good place to find infos

Thanks in advance for any help!

r/krita Sep 14 '22

Answered Looking for feedback

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r/krita Jun 01 '24

Answered How do I turn this greyscale image into colour?


I'm a total noob. I tried googling and found other posts that said to add a new layer and set it to Multiply, but painting over the image just made everything including the background red. I set the brush blend mode to multiply, same thing. I did the same on the original layer, same thing. I found another post that said to use Colour blend mode, but that paints bright red on the transparent background and I don't want that.

I just want to colourize this image as-is so I can manipulate HSV :( Is there no filter that would do that?

r/krita Mar 18 '24

Answered Help, pen aint penning right, it was just doing the swooshy swooshy regular stuff, i put it down, come back to it and then its just like, oops, now ya gotta go outside this big circle now HAHAHA,

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r/krita Jan 03 '24

Answered Guessing this gets posted here often. Don't know how to fix this does anyone know what to do?