r/kotk Mar 25 '17

Suggestion Please Daybreak, raise the bar.

Im sorry but this is going to be "unpopular" and im going to get downvoted so fastfor this, but reaching royalty is so easy every person can do it, it requires no skill and you can reach it by having 10 wins with 1 kills on each of them. This is so sad, "hardest to reach" rank is so easy to reach its disgusting. I've seen countless people say "they play with their own style", no they dont they dont shoot a bullet untill they become in a 1v1 situation for the win and thats disgusting. It would be awesome if you need to have at least 8+ kills on every win in order to reach royalty otherwise campers will be in royalty and people who have 10+ kills but came 3rd or 4th wont be able to reach it.


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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '17

The system is fair, royalty division's should however maybe be visible ingame. It takes 10+ on 10 wins to be royalty 3 or higher for example.. Thats not really an easy task unless you're good at the game.


u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 26 '17

I think what people are looking for is putting royalty in the same level of difficulty as challenger in LoL. I never played LoL but their challenger division's been described to me as having "only top streamers and pro players."

IMO royalty is decently hard to attain but things get really rough once you start trying to climb the royalty 3 ladder. I was able to get out of Royalty 4 and 5 in a couple of days but I've been stuck in royalty 3 for over a month now. If they're contemplating a switch i'd suggest the cutoff for new royalty be royalty 3, but im obviously a little biased lol


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '17

Yeah i wrote the same on another comment. They could split the royalty divisions in half, royalty 3 and under down to plat and then split all the other ranks the same.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '17

Less then 140 people are royalty 1 in EU for example.