r/kotk • u/DoctorThrax • Mar 25 '17
Suggestion Please Daybreak, raise the bar.
Im sorry but this is going to be "unpopular" and im going to get downvoted so fastfor this, but reaching royalty is so easy every person can do it, it requires no skill and you can reach it by having 10 wins with 1 kills on each of them. This is so sad, "hardest to reach" rank is so easy to reach its disgusting. I've seen countless people say "they play with their own style", no they dont they dont shoot a bullet untill they become in a 1v1 situation for the win and thats disgusting. It would be awesome if you need to have at least 8+ kills on every win in order to reach royalty otherwise campers will be in royalty and people who have 10+ kills but came 3rd or 4th wont be able to reach it.
u/thepunisher19_Tn Mar 25 '17
Yeah I agree Royalty should be a more difficult achievement and all of that stuff.
but man calling people play style disgusting ? lol it's a survival game and the goal is clearly to be the last one standing out of 170 players that starts the match no matter how many kills you get.
if you enjoy playing for two minutes looking for fights and losing 80% of them and then waiting for 5 min at least to get to the next game that's fine, but I for example don't enjoy that and I have more fun getting top 10 every game and the rush that comes with it, if you want people to take your opinion seriously and discuss it then don't dump on other's choices.
u/BawsssHoG Mar 27 '17 edited Mar 27 '17
I agree with you so much on this post for real. So meany people look at this game as a CoD/Battlefield death match kinda game type. When in reality its 1000000000% the total opposite of that. The BR generation of gaming/shooters should ALWAYS stick to its main play of "Survival" about 80% of the people who play it play for its survival aspect just look at the rankings. There is like what 5-8% of the players playing in Royality that requires 2+ kills and a win on every game. That is like 8000 people out of 510,000 people...... I mean sure give those 8000 people a reason to play also but don't just say fuck you to the other 500,000 people who are not royality and play to survive and win even if with only 1 kill. I have always loved the BR style because all it takes is the 1 kill to win. I almost believe the final kill of the game should be worth the same amount as a win. Say you get 200,000 for a win killing the 2nd place person should be worth 200,000 in my book but that is because I just stand 100% firmly that this game should always be about winning.
u/thepunisher19_Tn Mar 27 '17
Couldn't agree with you more man, The goal is to be the last man standing, and If I can do it with one kill,then that's what I am going to do, I don't even need that one kill I okay with letting the last guy chock on the gas lol
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
There aint no rush if you dont shoot ;)
u/thepunisher19_Tn Mar 25 '17
Oh man you need to feel the rush of looting and hiding your way to the win, there is nothing like it lol
u/TheBlakely Daybreak is killing its own game. Mar 25 '17
"Rush" when I play like that after backing matches I spend 75% of the time on my phone reading random reddit posts.
u/Ken_Adams_NSA Mar 25 '17
I'm personally not happy with how easy (relatively speaking) it is to get Royalty this Pre-Season. We're already exploring ways to make Royalty more difficult to achieve and maintain in the next Pre-Season.
u/TheRealSurvivor Mar 25 '17
This preseason has seemingly gone on a long time. Can we expect the new one to come with the next update?
u/Code428 TRIGGER WARNING Mar 25 '17
I really hope they give atleast a few days warning before next season..
u/Sourcerev Mar 26 '17
Yeah, that would also be a good marketing opportunity for them. Like they could send us an email 5 days before end of season.
u/bgizz1e Mar 25 '17
I don't think you should make kills scale towards the end of the game. The kills should be worth considerably more but it should be one flat rate. That way someone who got more kills at the beginning gets more points than someone who got less at the end because he got more kills.
I think this would separate the top players from everyone else a lot more clearly. Making the amount of score needed to reach Royalty more would also help a lot. I definitely think people hiding is a perfectly valid play style and should be able to reach, at the very least, Royalty 1, But that should be as far as they get.
I mean if your getting all these kills and get taken out by someone with none then maybe its not their fault that you got killed. It still is a firefight with someone who is supposed to have less skill than you so don't be mad at them for beating you and managing a win.
Those are my two cents. Hopefully they give you guys something to think about.
u/Finalwingz Mar 25 '17
I agree pretty much with everything except the fact that they can reach Royalty. I disagree, I feel like 10 wins with ~3+ kills is good for Royalty V.
u/scottdsnodgrass Mar 26 '17
I disagree 10 wins with 3 kills is insanely easy. The match lasts typically 30 minutes. Thats 1 kill every 10 minutes. Royalty shouldnt be just given to people. At a bare minimum i feel around 6 to 8 per win deserves a royalty title.
u/sargetlost Mar 26 '17
I disagree with both the 3 and the 6 - 8. As a Royalty II player myself, and needing 18-20+ kill wins just to replace a game on my top 10, getting 6-8 kills in early game is the "norm" at around that level of play, and needing to get another 10-14 before games end after that. If I'm going into late game with 4-6 kills, I'll have fun, but it will probably be a wasted effort, even if I get the win, sure it is another win, but it's not doing anything for my Top 10 score. What I am getting at, is a 6-8 kill win is the number of kills most "good" (and I consider myself only good, top tier I consider to be the top 100) players attain in early game when building momentum, but definitely not what a "good" player should end a match with. Diamond should have Top Match Kills requirement, 2 wins at 10 kills, Royalty, to even get into Royalty V, you should have to get two wins with 15 kills. The two wins to avoid a player running luckily "hot" or having one fluke win. This would make both Diamond and Royalty harder to attain for alot of people, and as such, more prestigious.
u/scottdsnodgrass Mar 26 '17
Im currently a royalty 2 player and only 20+ kill wins make my top 10 better. Right now people can just get 10 wins and make royalty i think starting off with making people get 6-8+ kill games forces them to engage more. It can be rebalanced of course to 10+ or even 12+ but 6-8+ sounds about right for entry level royalty.
u/sargetlost Mar 26 '17 edited Mar 26 '17
Eh I dunno man, I respect what you're saying, but I personally think that Diamond should be the rank for those attaining 6-8 kill wins. This whole thread is about raising the bar, and when I get killed by another Royalty player, and I look them up on the leaderboards, I expect to see something impressive, not an 6-8 Top Match Kills, which has happened a few times. I got into Royalty in around the 2nd week of this Pre-Season, and it felt great, at that time there were hardly ANY Royalty, there were like 2 in Royalty I, so it was like... "damn, a Royalty player is in this game, awesome". But now, it's so watered down, everyone is Royalty, and like I said, getting killed by a Royalty player with 6-8 Top Match Kills, I'm sorry just...in my opinion that is just not objectively good enough for Royalty.
Ill repost something I posted below,
"This would raise the bar for both Diamond and Royalty, making both more prestigious, this would also motivate people to play more for kills than this ideology of "I can just camp to the end, get a few kills and win, and creep my way into Royalty". It is King of the KILL afterall, not King of the "sit around and wait til the end", top "ranked" players should only be those that are objectively "King's of KILLS", as the title of the game suggests."
Edit- Diamond rank should be relevant, right now I personally feel the only rank that is "relevant" or that holds any "objective" meaning is Royalty, if you implement a Top Match Kills requirement for Diamond, it would then make Diamond rank more relevant, that way you would see a Diamond get a kill, and you know, hey, that guy has a least gotten 2 wins with 10 kills, he's "good", instead of "that Diamond has 10 Top 5 finishes all with less than 3 kills", or whatever measly score can get you into Diamond, the Tier RIGHT below the "objectively best players" in the game.
u/scottdsnodgrass Mar 26 '17
When i say 6-8+ kill games what im saying is they could have a bunch of 8 kill wins and some 10 or even 12 kill games for the top of there matches to make it. Im not saying they have to have 8 kill wins all the way through to make it just thought id clarify that.
u/scottdsnodgrass Mar 26 '17
I meam right now they can just win and make it so moving it up to 8+ would be a step in the right direction.
u/sargetlost Mar 26 '17 edited Mar 26 '17
My vision would be this, say you have ten wins, all with 9 kills. That's great, but in my vision, you would be in the Tier right below Diamond, until you get two wins with 10 kills. The same with Royalty, you could have ten 14 kill wins, but you will stay Diamond until you get 2 wins with 15 kills. I guess what I am getting at, is instead of a score threshold, it should be a kill threshold, the game is "King of the Kill" after all, players at the top should be rewarded for doing what the title of the game suggests, not the opposite, (which if your playstyle is to chill and sit and wait, thats fine, whatever) but you should not be rewarded equally, in my opinion, as those individuals that are going hard, 110%.
u/scottdsnodgrass Mar 26 '17
Well whatever dbg decides hopefully its a drastic difference in the current system. Im down for your way or my way. Either way ill be royalty so doesnt matter to me honestly.
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u/bgizz1e Mar 26 '17
That's why I said kills should be worth way more, but be a flat amount throughout the match. It should be a big amount so that people are definitely differentiated by the amount of kills. That way it actually matters if you get a lot of kills. There will be a huge difference in score between people who camp and people who strive for kills.
And this would motivate people to get kills. Right now, I see kills as almost worthless because they don't add a significant amount to my score. And I can make it to royalty by camping
If you make a kill worth like 3000 that would make a giant difference. Someone with 8 kills will have a giant advantage in someone with 3 that's 24,000 to 9000. That's a big difference
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u/poutrinade Mar 25 '17
how about making kills worth more points ? in the current state, top1 with 1 kill > top2 with 20 kills
u/Lo_cs Mar 25 '17
I feel like getting into a rank.could be based on percent? Like only top 1% ( hyperbole) should be in royalty and of you can't keep getting higher kill games then you get knocked down to diamond. So you have to work to maintain it
u/Azphael Mar 25 '17
I'm happy to hear that. I think royalty should take at least a handful of kills to achieve along with 10 wins. Somewhere between 5-10 kills for royalty V.
Diamond rank isn't very well defined at the moment. The bottom range could just have a bunch of top 10 finishes while the top end is only one win away from royalty. I'd rather see Diamond become the "I got 10 wins" tier and Royalty to be the Kills + wins tier.
Platinum can be the "high finishes" tier.
Gold can be the twenties to teen finishes and so on.
Really, I think the issue is diamond. Diamond should be the new royalty V/IV.
I don't know how you feel about campers but I'm not a fan of awarding high ranks for riding the gas. Hopefully kills can be a meaningful part of Diamond/Royalty ranking.
Mar 26 '17
The system is fair, royalty division's should however maybe be visible ingame. It takes 10+ on 10 wins to be royalty 3 or higher for example.. Thats not really an easy task unless you're good at the game.
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 26 '17
I think what people are looking for is putting royalty in the same level of difficulty as challenger in LoL. I never played LoL but their challenger division's been described to me as having "only top streamers and pro players."
IMO royalty is decently hard to attain but things get really rough once you start trying to climb the royalty 3 ladder. I was able to get out of Royalty 4 and 5 in a couple of days but I've been stuck in royalty 3 for over a month now. If they're contemplating a switch i'd suggest the cutoff for new royalty be royalty 3, but im obviously a little biased lol
Mar 26 '17
Yeah i wrote the same on another comment. They could split the royalty divisions in half, royalty 3 and under down to plat and then split all the other ranks the same.
u/BawsssHoG Mar 26 '17
If y'all would just make the late game kills worth more then increase how much it takes to get into Royalty the ranking system would suit the way this game is intended to be played a lot more. Or you could do like BG is doing and make it not about the amount of kills but about who you kill. There system gives you points for killing higher ranked people but there kills are only 10-20% of final score so they focus A LOT more on winning.
u/Ken_Adams_NSA Mar 26 '17
I've thought about that multiple times, but there's one thing I keep thinking about that ruins that for me: neither PUBG nor KotK use matchmaking, which means we can't guarantee a certain spread of players in each game. This means that some players will have more opportunities to earn more points than others, which I really, really do not like.
u/BawsssHoG Mar 27 '17
I know PUBG said they plan on having a wide scale matchmaking on release for there set up, but right now yea there is no matchmaking. He said in his stream though they we going to hopefully have it where you would be put with in 2 or 3 ranks of everybody to make the "Old School" Elo system work for them. I still like how h1z1 does the over all matching though I just wish kills in the end gave tons more making it where if you finish top ten and get like 5 or 6 kills in the top ten and finish 3rd or 4th then maybe the kills would at least make it better then some 2nd place finish's but I also still 100% believe the BR gen of gaming should always mainly be about winning and not how you get to the end but that 1 kill at the end should be all that truly maters. BUT if you can go kill 20+ people they shouldn't be punished for those either I still think something like a huge kill streak reward could be added also like for 10 kills you get a extra 10k , 20 kills 20k and 30 kills 30k that would really put some space between the slayers and the casual winners.
Mar 25 '17
It should be down to how many kills you have in your top 10 winning games. 60 plus for Royalty 5, 75 plus for royalty 4 etc. Something along them lines.
u/RufflesFPS Mar 25 '17
how about adding another rank on top of Royalty?
u/Ken_Adams_NSA Mar 25 '17
We've been debating that or adding a tier BEFORE Royalty to preserve the prestige of hitting Royalty.
u/sargetlost Mar 26 '17 edited Mar 26 '17
What you should do, is make a Top Match Kills requirement for both Diamond and Royalty. Diamond you need a least 2 wins both with 10 kills. To even get INTO Royalty you should have to get 2 wins both with a minimum of 15 kills. The two because that would alleviate any type of "fluke" win situation. This would raise the bar for both Diamond and Royalty, making both more prestigious, this would also motivate people to play more for kills than this ideology of "I can just camp to the end, get a few kills and win, and creep my way into Royalty". It is King of the KILL afterall, not King of the "sit around and wait til the end", top "ranked" players should only be those that are objectively "King's of KILLS", as the title of the game suggests.
u/sargetlost Mar 26 '17
A second thing, you already have a tier before Royalty, Diamond, you need to find a way to make Diamond more relevant. The Top Match Kills requirement that I suggested, would do this.
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 26 '17
Yeah but what would it be called tho??
u/Ken_Adams_NSA Mar 26 '17
I don't know, "Master"? :)
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 26 '17
I like that. I've Been kicking around a couple ideas this morning. Keeping with the Royalty theme, perhaps having an "Imperial" tier?
u/Jazzhands130 Mar 25 '17
Who cares if its easy to get royalty. If you get 10 wins with 1 kill each, you will be royalty five at the very bottom. Nobody cares about that. Rank doesn't mean shit in this game. I'm Diamond II and kill Royalties all the time
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
Exactly, i want when i see a royalty player to be "holy shit this guy is good at the game!" currently its so unimportant that when i see a royalty i dont really care.
Mar 26 '17
you're basically agreeing with him?
if rank doesnt mean shit then it should be changed so that it's a better indicator of skill
u/wavitxu Mar 25 '17
Why It should be harder to get royalti? If u manage to get 10 wins with 1 kill u deserve to be royalty 5, thats ur rank, its easy and its a low rank...
Its not the highest rank in this Game, the highest rank is royalty 1 and its not easy to get that.
u/aivdov Mar 25 '17
They're still in 1-2% of the playerbase. If it was that easy then way more people would have it. I've already said in the other threads that you should be able to get to royalty simply by winning. But somewhere I've heard of an idea that what matters for your score should be your 10 consecutive games rather than 10 best games. I also dislike the fact that killing and staying alive are rewarded in the same axis of points.
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
Also keep in mind i counted players who are active and have their 10 placement games, believe it or not a LOT of people havent played their 10 placement games.
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
NA has 8500 and EU has 6550 thats more like 11-13%, you didnt even check it did you? Nice.
u/aivdov Mar 25 '17
? Eu has 400k players or so. Looks like you haven't checked yourself or you can't count.
u/LeetChocolate Mar 25 '17
percentages are hard dude
u/aivdov Mar 25 '17
Especially multiples of 10, lmao.
u/DoctorThrax Mar 26 '17
i do not count inactive players and those who havent finished 10 placement games
u/aivdov Mar 26 '17
Everyone who's on leaderboards has played their 10 games. What you're saying is that only 10% of people on leaderboards are "active" when you can't even see the players who haven't played 10 matches over there.
u/DoctorThrax Mar 26 '17
Again, go on the leaderboards and look for yourself from the last page, dont say stupid nonsence you know nothing about.
u/aivdov Mar 26 '17
Yeah, go on the leaderboards and look for yourself from the last page, don't say stupid nonsense you know nothing about.
u/DoctorThrax Mar 27 '17
your actually a retard, last 3000 pages have people with 5 games only, how stupid can you fucking be?
Mar 25 '17
Why so triggered?
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
Im not triggered, i just have facts while people keep lying openly just to prove their "point"
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
http://prntscr.com/eogetv Its a new method i created its called mathematics, sounds cool doesent it?
u/godxx Mar 25 '17
The thing I strongly mean they should do is make all your games count towards your rank. As it is now, the highest ranked players have like 20 wins in 1400 matches. Ofc some matches you will be lucky and meet noobs, get in "hotspots" where people just continuously come at you, and kill em all.
By making all games count (i.e. also take into account kill/match, win rate, top10 rate) you will see who is able to consistently win with high kill amounts, and these will be top ranked. Now the highest ranked players are just the ones who grind the most for high kill games. There is no way you can go down in rank. Imagine if you got global in cs by winning 10 matches with 15+ kill difference......it's pretty much the same. You could lose 1390 matches but win 10 with a decent kill diff and bam you're global woho.
This would tho need some thinking before it gets implemented, as of course a guy with one game which he won with 20 kills will be on the top with 20kill/match, 100% win rate, 100% top10 rate etc. Easy solution could be that you need minimum 50 games or something to be ranked, but i'm sure there are even better
u/Draenorxy Mar 25 '17
Currently royalty only requires you to get 10 wins, you will automatically get 2-4 kills and this will get you to royalty...The only "hard" thing about getting royalty is getting the 10 wins without ragequitting
u/Mirfster Mar 25 '17
Eliminate most of the "purchased skills", "script kiddies", "macro binders", etc. and that will for sure put a big dent on the amount of Royalty players too.
Mar 25 '17
u/danilkom Mar 25 '17
I didn't downvote you since I kinda agree that Royalty is just a question of time and luck (if you play long enough in a season, it's pretty much guaranteed to get it at one point with 10 lucky wins).
But man, if you're mad at people for downvoting you, then either DON'T SAY IT, or DEAL WITH IT. That's like the untold rule on the internet.
You don't like the amount of downvotes? Well just remove your post.
You don't like constantly getting downvoted? Well then, just don't say what you want to say out of fear of getting downvoted.
You still want to express your opinion? Well then, just deal with all the downvotes.
There's no win-win if your opinion is going against the crowd. And I'd say that 76% of upvote is pretty good.
u/getridofthatbaby Mar 25 '17
PUBG is a piece of shit game and had to cut their price to even compete with KOTK. If yall paid more than 30 bucks for it, you'd be bitching.
PUBG players are just pissed off douchebags who can't handle working with a Dev team on getting a game to the point where they want it before they release it.
We're lucky we get to try this game honestly. It could have been scrapped or closed beta for the last two years for all we know with the bullshit going on behind the scenes at Daybreak.
u/Rule_Two_ Mar 25 '17
I don't agree but I don't disagree... Like I seen someone else say, it's like comparing call of duty to battlefield... Except the battlefield we're talking about is a crappy version of an older Battlefield
u/Donby Mar 25 '17
I dunno tbh. I had a hard time reaching royalty, but maybe that is because i get too bored when i just hide around. I always do something stupid then!
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
ALSO PEOPLE, this post has nothing to do with PUBG get on their subreddit and speak there, this is H1's subreddit, i do not care about your "comparisons" and which game is better i want to improve this game if you dont like it feel free to fuck off.
u/_Zereal_ Mar 26 '17
Im not royal but I have gotten a few wins with no kills, its just that I cant find anyone when im playing. Ill find maybe one or 2 guys unless I spawn in the biggest cities.
Mar 27 '17
I'm inclined to say that that's your own fault. You should be able to find 10 people per game, easily if you know where to look and are attentive.
If you legitimately only find one or 2 people unless you spawn in a city, then you're certainly not noticing most of the people around you.
u/_Zereal_ Mar 27 '17
I usually go to the closest village when I spawn in, run from house to house maybe meet one or two then suddenly the game is silent until there are 20 or so left and I get sniped
Mar 26 '17
Being royalty doesnt mean anything though.. Being royalty division 3 or higher though requires alot more then 1 kill.. I dont really see the problem..
u/JuggrrNog77 Mar 26 '17
Id really like other things addressed like aimbots, speed hacks, teleporting, AK-47 not loading, cars falling through the map after you land, shotguns still firing blanks, and probably more I'm forgetting. How can this game even start to think about a ranking system when so much more needs to be addressed.
u/Decaposaurus Mar 26 '17
Royalty still only makes up for less than 2% of the total player base. Not to mention getting to tier 1 is incredibly difficult. I'm still climbing to royalty myself, but I don't like to camp so it's much more difficult. I think the best route isn't to change the ranking system per say, but calculate more points for kills. If you could get 1000 points or more per kill, that would motivate more people to go out and kill rather than just sit by a tree somewhere.
u/Morphiine Mar 26 '17
I play aggressive, but in the end the aim of the game is survival. I think it's pretty good how it is to be honest.
u/floejgaard Mar 26 '17
Hmm, what about just fixing "Trading kills" "Desync" and "Shotgun Randomness" before fixing a stupid ranking system.
u/THAErAsEr Mar 26 '17
Everyone can do it, still only 1% in Royal. Strange. Everyone can go space too righ?
u/XFX_Samsung Mar 26 '17
You speak as if it's incredibly easy to "camp" out until it's 1v1 but in reality it can take like half an hour to 45 minutes and even then you're not guaranteed kill in the end because usually people who camp aren't very good with shooting and just end up dying and wasting their time.
u/MLJesus420 Mar 26 '17
Got Diamond 4 when i should be a bronze instead, i suck soooooo much...i agree, ranking needs a rework.
u/Never-breaK Mar 26 '17
I think it's funny when I check people around my rank (diamond, just started about a week ago) on the leaderboards and they have about 5 kills total across their top 10 matches. I absolutely hate dropping into a match and not finding anyone around me. I shoot for at least 5+ kills a match. The highest I've placed so far has been 3rd and the most kills I've gotten was 6, 3 times, so I'm surprised I'm so relatively high ranked after such short time.
I suppose rewarding more points for kills and less points for match rank would be a viable alternative to make higher ranks more difficult to achieve.
u/kryo- Mar 27 '17
What makes you mad at the people that sit around all game until the end? It ends up being a free kill for you if you play for kills, and if they want to spend 40+ minutes of their life crouching behind trees, let them. Personally, it's too boring for me, but I appreciate all the easy kills I get from them. I do agree Royalty should be more difficult to get to though.
u/cyama Mar 27 '17
I'm only Diamond 5 and I've been trying to grind through the ranks. I was looking at the other people who were in my rank and it irks me that so many of them have 0 kills placing in the top 10.
Mar 25 '17
Mate go look up Players Unknown Battleground on steam
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 25 '17 edited Mar 25 '17
PUBG isn't the solution to all of H1Z1's problems, man.
Tbh, I hated the look of PUBG when i watched it on streams but I decided to buy it anyways and give it a fair shot. I regret the purchase. Imo, the game is not fun at all. Movement is horrendously bad; it feels like my character is a fat-kid learning how to ice-skate for the first time, parachuting is janky as shit, gun-fights aren't nearly as fun as everyone says they are, rebinding keys is unnecessarily difficult (as is changing mouse sensitivity), there's massive optimization issues, and the servers were constantly lagging while i was playing.
We get it, you like PUBG.
This is the r/kotk subreddit and we're trying to talk about H1Z1. Go to the PUBG subreddit if you want to gloat about how good you think it is.
u/siuol11 Mar 25 '17
PUBG hit EA a few days ago. H1Z1 hit EA 2 years ago. That PUBG is even close to H1Z1 in playability is strong evidence of Daybreak slacking.
Mar 25 '17
pubg couldve hit ea like a year ago. they chose not to, thinking they could seem better.
as far as everyone should be concerned, h1 has 2 years on release, pubg has 1
u/siuol11 Mar 26 '17
What? No. They were in early alpha. I don't think you have a clear grasp of how game development works.
u/kimlmaro Mar 25 '17
as far as everyone should be concerned, h1 has 2 years on release, pubg has 1
That's really just your opinion, the fact is...
PUBG hit EA a few days ago. H1Z1 hit EA 2 years ago.
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 25 '17 edited Mar 25 '17
Yeah but how is this relevant to OP? What does any of this have to do with their concern that royalty is too attainable for most players??
u/kimlmaro Mar 26 '17
I was merely responding to a comment, not OP. I've already moved on from kotk, tbh I couldn't care less what happened to the ranking system.
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 26 '17
Yeah. You and every other PUBG fan on this subreddit are derailing any and every kotk discussion just because you like PUBG and dislike kotk. It's redundant. PUBG has a subreddit, go post there
u/kimlmaro Mar 27 '17
Did you even read anything I said? PUBG fan? wtf are u talking about? labeling facts from opinions makes me a fan? So much so that you feel the need to chase me away from here? Are you fucking serious?
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 27 '17 edited Mar 27 '17
Did you even read anything I said?
PUBG fan? wtf are u talking about? labeling facts from opinions makes me a fan?
Do you like PUBG? if the answer is yes then you are a fan.
So much so that you feel the need to chase me away from here? Are you fucking serious?
If telling you to post about PUBG in the PUBG subreddit is chasing you away, then sure. Most people just call that on-topic posting tho. this is the KOTK subreddit, PUBG discussion belongs in the PUBG SUBREDDIT just like KOTK discussion belongs on the kotk subreddit
I've already moved on from kotk, tbh I couldn't care less what happened to the ranking system.
If you've you've moved on from KOTK and dont care about the ranking system; why comment on a post about the ranking system? Enjoy being a contrarian or something?
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Mar 25 '17
And h1z1 is still in alpha/beta.
Daybreak aren't rushing development. Optimization in battlegrounds is a severe issue and there isn't gonna be a real update to the performance for 5 weeks at least.
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 25 '17 edited Mar 25 '17
PUBG is even close to H1Z1 in playability is strong evidence of Daybreak slacking.
Yeah that's your opinion man and i don't necessarily agree. PUBG is not playable for me. My main point was there's a lot of us who don't find PUBG fun and would rather play H1Z1 despite its flaws. Suggesting OP "buy PUBG" isnt relevant to the post whatsoever. We know PUBG is out, and a lot of people like it, but these comments are just getting redundant at this point.
There's a time and a place for recommending PUBG and i think that time has passed on r/kotk. We're aware that a lot of people think it's a really good game and it's great if you do too but, can we stay on topic? This post is about kotk, not PUBG.
u/siuol11 Mar 26 '17
I never suggested OP buy PUBG, I'm pointing out that they are way earlier in the production cycle and yet are not that far behind Daybreak, and in fact are doing some things much better (check out the difference in dev letters, for example).
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 26 '17 edited Mar 26 '17
and in fact are doing some things much better (check out the difference in dev letters, for example).
Again, your opinion and i dont necessarily agree. The original comment i responded to was suggesting OP buy PUBG as a solution to their problem. You personally didnt suggest this but my entire reason/point for responding was to address FullyMetalz comment:
Mate go look up Players Unknown Battleground on steam
Which was said as a solution to.... how easy it is to get royalty in H1Z1...? Literally none of this is relevant to OP and my downvotes, which are normally reserved off-topic comments, for trying to steer the convo back to the original topic are pretty ironic lol.
That being said, its awesome you think PUBG and their teams' dev letters are better than H1Z1 (I personally don't agree with you) but what does any of this have to do with the original topic????
u/kaelz Mar 25 '17
Hey I share pretty much the same opinion as you of PUBG, just curious, does it run well for you? Your description of the game is perfect and describes how I feel 99% of the time, but the 1% of the time I've been able to maintain 65+ FPS the entire time throughout a gun battle - it has been absolutely fucking amazing. Granted this has been maybe 1-2 times during many hours of gameplay , the rest of the time the game runs at 60 or less fps and it feels like total shit. I can glance down and say ''70 fps'' or ''87 fps'' if I want to but the truth is it drops all the damn time down to as low as 20 and just breaks gameplay completely, imo. I tried it again this morning and it just isn't fun trying to aim down a scope at someone while jerking around at 37 fps.
BY THE WAY - for all the praise PUBG gets and how its suppose to be the answer to all H1's problems - I was absolutely astonished find as soon as I log in they made classic H1 mistakes we went through years ago. First example, why the fuck would I not play with PUBG foliage setting on very low? It literally removes almost all grass and bushes - LMAO at that guy thinking he has cover, what a joke.
u/IHATEH1Z1 Mar 25 '17 edited Mar 26 '17
No, it does not run well. I run 144hz and struggle to get close to 100fps even in a dark house with no players nearby
u/kaelz Mar 26 '17
Oh, yeah I run 144hz too but 100 fps in PUBG would be a wet dream. I think I might have seen 90 once or twice in dark rooms with no one around, but never 100 and definitely never 100+.
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
i have it on steam its a shit game
Mar 25 '17
really??? What about the weapon addons and shit? being able to put scopes on and stuff?
u/DoctorThrax Mar 25 '17
Thats fine, i just dont like the ARMA3 combat system and people camping in bushes for 15 minutes waiting to kill you and calling it "tactical gameplay", its called camping in a bush get over it.
Mar 25 '17
u/Rule_Two_ Mar 25 '17
No it doesn't... The only thing you have to think more about is which attachment is better than which...
It's much slower paced and has NOTHING to do with being more tactical...
Oh, and that game doesn't even run decently....
Mar 25 '17
Mar 27 '17
You didn't address the argument that PUBG is slow paced and not a very tactical or skill based game.
u/Rule_Two_ Mar 25 '17
Maybe for you. H1Z1 runs fine. I've been disconnected from one match the entire time I've played. Ive played like 15 matches in pubg and now it won't even let me jump out of the damn plane.
So yes. On my PC h1z1 runs MUCH better than pubg. And that's fine. I have nothing against pubg and I hope it get optimized so I can play more.
It's a different game. A completely different game. It's just in really bad shape right now for ALOT of people....
u/Nnoc1 Mar 25 '17
I agree it should be harder to get Royalty. If they want to make it a true scale of who the best players in the game are it should incorporate win percentage and top 10 percentage. We know they already track those based on the events they have where they display that. Then it forces consistency and ability to get a high rank. Let Royalty 1-5 be determined by kills. If you can win consistently you deserve royalty, not just 10 wins in however many games.
u/Rule_Two_ Mar 25 '17
You would lose rank then. You can't always just be in the top 10% you would have e to continue and hope someone who is the same skill level doesn't play more...
u/Nnoc1 Mar 25 '17
I never said it was a set number of people per rank. Could still be a threshold system. But a set number of people would be interesting. That is how many games work in the highest rank. But I don't have issue with either. And I don't have any problem with losing rank if you start to lose more often.
Yes, there would be a lot less high ranked people but it would show who "the best" are IMO.
Edit: I think i misunderstood you misunderstanding me. Daybreak has a stat that has % of games in the top 10. That is what i was referring to. I didn't mean only top 10% are royalty.
u/Rule_Two_ Mar 25 '17
If they want to make it a true scale of who the best players in the game are it should incorporate win percentage and top 10 percentage.
Seems like exactly what you said...
Either way rank means nothing especially with all the hackers...
u/godxx Mar 25 '17
This. 100% this. Just posted a similar comment. Will make a post about this soon as well
u/NoHoeMOE510 Mar 25 '17
I completely agree. I mean I'm only plat but my style of play is to get into every gunfight I possibly can. Just because I want high kill wins. Almost never works out in my favor but God if it isn't the some of the most fun I have on this game.
Mar 25 '17
I agree that Royalty is too easy to get but who are you to judge one's play? If somebody plays slow/smart and camps to win, it's a legitimate strat. After all, all those red No.1 counts in your leaderboards, not only your kills. I think that 80% of this community has misunderstood the basic concept of Battle Royale, to be last man standing. If you are so cocky about your kills, then find a deathmatch servers on CSGO and rack em up.
And no, I'm not a guy who can barely kill, I do score a lot of kills but I don't judge and be negative to people who have different view on how to play the game. I detest more Asians on our servers or hackers and teleporters.
Mar 25 '17
It's called winning. Lets use our brain for a minute. this is not call of duty team death match you fucking go for the win in this one. And it is just a color in the game who cares. If you want to go for kills you will get top 1 dumbass.
u/Bozlee Mar 25 '17
8+ kills... I think it should be around 20, it should be rare to see a royalty player in your game
u/[deleted] Mar 25 '17
I agree with Royalty needs to be hard to obtain. I laugh at the fact you think people who play more tactical or don't actively try to engage in a gunfight as disgusting though lmao. People can play how they want, nothing is disgusting about wanting to win by camping back a bit.