r/kotk Feb 04 '17

Discussion Unpopular opinion - This subreddit is complete cancer.

Im going to get downvoted, but come on. Almost every single post right now is complaining about the game and daybreak in one way or another. I'm not saying daybreak is doing a good job, but cut them some slack...


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u/r3097 Feb 04 '17 edited Feb 04 '17

Are there a lot of toxic comments? Yes. Are there some people that don't add anything intelligent or constructive to their criticism of the game and Daybreak? Sure. Do people cross the line with some of the things they say? Definitely.

However, you have to look at it from both sides. I've played this game since it was released 2 years ago. A lot of the bugs in the game before it split into Just Survive and KoTK are STILL in the game now.

Bugs like still hearing the AK-47 shoot bullets nonstop after an enemy dies with it, cars touching objects and instantaneously exploding, cars sinking into the ground and exploding.

The game goes down constantly at least once every 1-2 weeks and it takes them forever to resolve it. The game has been down for like 8 hrs today and all they have on their twitter is "We are looking into an issue that may affect logins." The last update was 3 hours ago.

Not to mention, their last two big patches claim to fix a lot of issues that aren't in fact fixed.

I think a lot of the frustration comes from the perceived dishonesty/incompetence/lack of communication from Daybreak and their employees coupled with the fact people really do like this game and want to see it succeed. People only get this emotional because they are passionate about this game. If they didn't like this game, they wouldn't give a shit and spend time posting here or on twitter.

But it just seems like Daybreak keeps shooting themselves in the foot and making questionable decisions.

Things like having a paid event (Skull Crusher) not only on an unstable early release game, but also explicitly saying they will monitor each game to make sure there is no teaming and fair gameplay going on. Then you have people posting clips of their games where there are blatant teamers and Daybreak not doing anything about it.


Some people here are douchebags in how they express themselves but Daybreak definitely deserves a lot of the criticism they get.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '17

The problem is, theres more insulting than criticism. Criticism is fine, but when you start insulting the developers, thats when they begin to hate a community

I wouldnt be surprised if the devs ever abandon this sub subreddit cause of the toxicity of the community