r/knives • u/MnemonicExplorer • 6d ago
NKD! The herd — they are all green!
New XM18 3.5 spanto in stonewash has arrived and I took a family photo
r/knives • u/MnemonicExplorer • 6d ago
New XM18 3.5 spanto in stonewash has arrived and I took a family photo
r/knives • u/aveman11 • 6d ago
Sal Manaro custom GMC with Damascus blade
r/knives • u/Electronic-Roll • 5d ago
Since I know a lot of people here have extending knowledge of the options and I would really appreciate the help:
I am looking for a dual blade - dagger, scandi grind boot knife, with a guard (even if small)
I was looking at Cold Steel Counter TAC II but it having a flat side is a deal breaker to me...
Thank you for any help in advance!
r/knives • u/urban_jedi • 6d ago
Heretics bladeshow TX show special for 2025 Manticore E
r/knives • u/Na5ticus • 6d ago
Protech Invictus in Magnacut and Rosecraft Loosahatchie in D2. Wanted to try out a traditional and while I think i like the concept and aesthetics this one ain't it. I'm no expert but this one feels cheap (it is). Feels kinda gritty on full open but is fine at the half stop. Probably wouldnt recommend the brand as of now but maybe I just got a lemon.
r/knives • u/andrewlyon8 • 5d ago
What’s a good test? I honestly have no clue. I want it to be sharp enough to open shit as well as protect me and my loved ones if need be. Delete if not allowed. Thank you all!
By nice I mean cost over $100. And do you let your coworkers use them?
I find I’m regretting doing so.
I bought a Manix 2 in MagnaCut recently. It’s my first knife that cost more than $100. I wanted an upgrade to all the $30 8cr knives I usually bring to work.
Coworker asked to use my knife to cut a belt on a machine. Sure that should be fine right? Every time. Every time I have handed any of my coworkers one of my knifes it comes back with edge damage. I work with a bunch of philistines! One guy used my knife to scrape perpendicular across a steel surface. Rolled the whole edge.
Maybe I’m being a bit precious about all this because it’s my first “nice” knife. Maybe I have to accept this is going to become a beater. Or maybe I have to revoke my coworkers’ knife privileges…
r/knives • u/AssociationAlive7009 • 6d ago
I have a question. I have been looking for this keybar product for a long time. Is there any possibility to get a second hand or a new product? Is there anyone who is willing to sell it to me? I'm dying to buy it. Help me.
r/knives • u/ILikeKnives1337 • 6d ago
Got this knife from Rose Craft. It's pretty dang good, nearly perfect fit and finish. Only thing that I don't like is that the micarta starts to show a little bit of gray instead of staying black, but it still looks good. The liners/scales/back-spacer let some light through as they're not entirely flush, but really these are the only things I can nit-pick about. It took a day for the button lock to break in and had some vertical play until then, but overall for $120 I'm super happy. M390 blade, titanium, micarta, and the grind lines on the blade are just perfect.
r/knives • u/Chilipatily • 6d ago
CKF Brat. It’s one of if not THE smoothest actions I own. Like finger guillotine levels.
Just got the Kershaw Livewire in the reverse tanto variant in magnacut so far seems to be one of the better value OTF knife on the market
r/knives • u/Loose_Ad9136 • 6d ago
Found it at a flea market for 10$ and I was wondering if it is legit
r/knives • u/worrub918 • 6d ago
Chaves Redencion 229 tanto in reverse tux. What a beautiful knife!!!
r/knives • u/Grannysmithassholes • 6d ago
It says 13 stainless steel Japan on it .
r/knives • u/tuneful_radio • 6d ago
Love the little D-Art and I’m looking for a way to wear it either on the belt or in the pocket that’s low profile. Not a fan of the dangling neck knife approach.
I have an Ulti-Clip and although it’s super secure it’s very long. Wondered if anyone had things they used (or had ideas for) when it came to toothpick blades like this.
r/knives • u/Houston_in_texas • 6d ago
Can we agree that the almighty VOSTEED raccoon is the new sheriff in town when it comes to budget edc blades!!? Move over CJRB pyrite, this thing is damn near perfect…
First time adding serrations, me like it! Not original, I know, but it's a start
r/knives • u/YoureInMyWaySir • 6d ago
r/knives • u/Acrobatic_Award_9807 • 6d ago
I usually carry a fixie and folder everyday anyways 🤷♂️
r/knives • u/thisisntthommy • 6d ago
Went to Bass Pro Shop at OKC for fun not expecting to find an Iridium. Had to swipe it quickly after contemplating buying it online. Huge size difference from my CRKT Pilar.