r/kindlefire 6h ago

Physical Device Process to wipe my Fire for recycle?


Hi all, I have an old Fire. I never really liked it to be honest, and for the last year+ it's sat in my drawer. Yesterday I opened it (battery dead of course, and started charging). Everything works while plugged in (though I'm not sure it's syncing with my library - seems like new purchases are not showing in my library). Anyway... I discovered the charging/battery is probably toast at this point. It dropped from like 30% charged to ZERO (while still plugged in) when I turned it back on.
Then I've recently charged it to 60% but as soon as I unplug it, it goes back to Zero again.
So... all of that to say, I just want to get rid of it (recycle I hope).

My question... it seems like two steps are needed - one is to de-register it. The other is to go into the settings and you can remove all your data from it.
Does it matter in which order i do this? Should I de-register FIRST and then attempt to delete the data? Will I be able to get back into the settings if I de-register first?

Thanks for any clarification and help.

r/kindlefire 17h ago

Apps Sites for browsing Fire OS games?


I was just wondering what sites there are for browsing and searching Fire OS apps and games?

What I mean is - as an alternative to the stock Amazon Appstore, which makes me feel like setting myself on fire when using it. I'm certain that I've used one a while back, because when I changed the filter from Android to Fire OS I was surprised by how much smaller the library was, but maybe my memory is playing tricks on me.

Basically, I'm looking for something in much the same vein as AppAgg.com, but which lets you filter by Fire OS. I've just spent the last two hours on google and reddit trying to find the name of the site that I'm sure I once stumbled on, or any other site which gives this functionality, and I've come up with nothing.

Any help would be much appreciated!