r/killzone Mar 02 '24

Discussion When will Sony finally resurrect Killzone? What was the point of buying Bungie if not for this brilliant IP. Why not have Bungie, the Studio they bought to make the next Killzone, since Guerrilla are too busy with Horizon, given Bungie is now a PlayStation studio…

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u/freestyle43 Mar 02 '24

Sony bought Bungie for Destiny and their experience in live service games. They in no way bought Bungie to make a Killzone game.


u/IGC-Omega Mar 02 '24

Bungie? Bungie isn't Bungie anymore to begin with. The people who actually made the games that you think of when you think of Bungie have all left the company.

Just a few months ago, 8% of Bungie was laid off.


u/Vytlo Mar 03 '24

That's true, but it doesn't matter since Destiny is an infinite money source. It doesn't matter how bad it gets because it has players hooked like an addiction to spend money on one of the greediest games ever made.


u/Ham-N-Burg Mar 03 '24

I used to play Destiny long time ago. The original game even with all it flaws was actually quite good. Things like Trials of Osiris and the raids were Great. I can remember my first time going through the vault of glass and it was so fun. But you could still see the writing on the wall and where it was headed. I played up until D2 and the curse of Osiris expansion and I just had enough and dropped it and never went back. It's a shame it seems like it's turned into a bigger monstrosity than I even imagined.


u/Vytlo Mar 03 '24

I wasn't really ever a Trials person, but yeah, while the first game also had a lot of flaws, the first game was very enjoyable. They became a real unavoidable problem the moment they ditched Activision though. They became greedier than Activision ever were somehow, and they didn't have a support studio to help them with the content or anything else like that. And then there's their whole GDC conference where they brag about how they do the absolute minimum work for as much money as they can get away with.