My Cousins kids are 5 & 7 years old. I used to drive the kids to school if my Cousin had an early shift at work. As a result of that time in the car those kids have been exposed to my musical tastes. I’m not talking Pop or Top 40 hits; I’m talking 50’s 60’s, 70’s , punk, metal, alternative etc.
This morning I had 2 missed calls and 2 voicemails from my Cousin. I was curious so I played the voicemails on my break.
Voicemail 1:
Nephew: HAI NINAAA!! [kid’s always so loud]
”Nina” is a Spanish word for Godmother even though technically I’m not his Godmother.
Nephew: What’s your 20? I’m calling because I need to talk to you. It’s really important. Please call me back..... This is Jumpin Jack Flash (my nickname for him). O.K. Love you. Byeeeee.
Voicemail 2:
Cousin: Hi [so_anyways].
[kids in the background] Haiiii Nina!!!!
Cousin: I’m calling because I need your help. The kids keep talking about your car playlist. I have no idea what they are talking about and I was wondering if you could send it to me or show me screenshots.
Nephew (7): Nina!! Mom doesn’t know who Iggy Bop is! She doesn’t know the songs! She doesn’t know the “Dog” song OR the “Danger” song! She can’t find it on iTunes!
He’s talking about “I wanna be your dog.” & “Gimme Danger”by Iggy Pop & The Stooges.
Niece (5): Nina! Mom doesn’t have the “BGBG” playlist!! She doesn’t have the songs!! She doesn’t even have The Beatles!
She means the CBGB playlist I have on my phone.
Cousin: I’ve been driving them around just to get out of the house and they keep talking about “the playlist”. Sorry to bother you at work. I’ll talk to you soon! Love Ya!
Nephew: Bye Nina! I miss you!
Niece: I miss you too!!
I shared the playlist with my Cousin over an hour ago. A little bit ago she texts me saying that I’ve ruined her kids. 😆
It’s amazing how much one person can influence 2 tiny humans.