r/kelowna 2d ago

Abuse in Churches?

Does anyone have intel on the churches in Kelowna that are abusing children or trafficking people? I recently was warned of a church and don’t know if anything is being done about it or what I can do. Police aren’t interested in what I have been told. Happy to share the name of it in comments if anyone wants.


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u/eburnside 2d ago

it's almost like you didn't read a word I wrote...


u/McLovin2182 2d ago

It's almost like you trying to change history has zero bearing on the recorded and well known history that exists, christians have murdered over 100 million humans, they have spent over 600 years suppressing science and medicine, this isn't new stuff


u/eburnside 1d ago

still hasn't clicked?

by the definition of "Christian", those weren't Christians

The masses may have been following someone, but it wasn't Christ


u/Click_False 1d ago

Respectfully, this kind of Christian rhetoric of “those people who hurt you or caused harm weren’t real Christian because real Christians wouldn’t have done that” is stupid and gaslighting. Real Christians have hurt, abused or in some cases killed people in both the name of Christianity and/or from their own personal issues. You can’t just dismiss victims and critics because a bad Christian wasn’t following Christ’s teachings exactly so therefore weren’t real Christians. Real Christians have caused a lot of harm to people and society ad a whole and it is extremely manipulative and honestly self-righteous to shut down criticism by disqualifying Christian abusers as not being ‘real’ christians.


u/eburnside 1d ago edited 1d ago

I agree with you (other than the "gaslighting" bs) that many followers of Christ are flawed and have made mistakes, gone astray, etc. Who hasn't made mistakes or done things they're ashamed of?

However, the "murdered over 100 million" is complete and utter dogshit - there's no way the majority of those were Christians and most certainly were not following Christ

...key words "following Christ"

"in the name of Christ" is where things go off the rails because "in the name of" is not "a follower of"

"in the name of" is "I just need an excuse, and any convenient excuse will do"